It still felt weird to Lucy, being back in the home that she’d fallen in love with so many years ago; back in a time when she was younger and in love. Newly married and wanting to find a place where she and the man she felt (at the time) that she’d be with for the rest of her life.

The house seemed to appear out of nowhere, entrancing her, helping her envision a bright future for herself and one Charles Gary Wylde. A future where they would retire from wrestling and live out the rest of their days in quiet, peaceful… bliss.

But where she once felt at ease.. She now felt like a stranger. Even as she trudged down the stairs, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, even as she passed by the ornate picture frames that lined the staircase – Frames holding pictures from a past that seemed like it was so very long ago, photos that she was in… She still felt like she was simply a guest in someone else’s home.

Part of her hoped that feeling would pass the longer she resided here in a remote part of western Maryland. But part of her hoped it wouldn’t, because deep down inside, she knew this would never be a home to her again.

Not after everything that had happened within these walls.

As she rounded the banister at the bottom of the steps, moving towards the kitchen at the back of the house, she happened to glance up at all of those aforementioned picture frames, her attention falling to one of them in particular. A photo taken on a hot, overcast day in June. A man with brown hair and haunting auburn eyes, dressed in a jet black suit – His arm wrapped around a woman, her long, blonde locks set in loose curls and her bright blue eyes looking up at her new husband as she stood confidently in an equally jet black wedding dress, a matching veil dimming the brightness of her hair only slightly.

It was a happier time.

Lucy pulled her gaze away from the picture, feeling like she’d been punched in the gut, and made her way into the kitchen where she found Gary Morrison fiddling about, undoubtedly making breakfast like he did nearly every morning.

“Good morning.”

Lucy said quietly as she moved around the large island that took up much of the kitchen space, taking a seat at the table on the far side of the room. Morrie turned, startled, and watched her take a seat and immediately moved to pour Lucy a cup of coffee.

“Good morning, Ms. Wylde. I hope that you slept well on such a fine summer evening?”

“Well enough.”

Lucy replied, staring out the window that overlooked the spacious backyard as Morrie brought a steaming cup of coffee over to the table, setting it down in front of her.

“Thank you.”

She quietly replied, taking a sip – enjoying the warmth she felt as the hot liquid moved through her body.

“Of course… it’s not a problem at all.”

He replied as he stretched out.

“Yep, there’s nothing like a good steamin’ cup of coffee to wake you up after listening to all that rain patter on that metal awning outside my window last night. That kind of thing always puts me out cold. Guess that means I should add mowing to my list though.”

She closed her eyes as Morrie took a seat across from her, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched her, curiously. After a few moments, Lucy finally looked up, realizing he was watching her. Morrie sighed and ran his hands over his head.

“You’re not comfortable here.”

Morrie said, finally breaking the silence.

“No, no, it’s not that.”

Lucy replied, shaking her head.

“I’m just having a hard time getting settled.”

“Is there like… anything at all I can do to help with that?”

It was Lucy’s turn to sigh.

“No? I don’t know, honestly. It’s just… weird, seeing everything looking like it did the day I left for the last time, you know? I guess after I left, I hoped that… That CJ would have…”

“Changed the decor a little?”

Lucy nodded her head.

“I wouldn’t have thought he’d want a constant reminder of what was.”

Morrie laid his hands on the table in front of him, palms down.

“CJ was a lot of things, and ya really wouldn’t think sentimental would be one of them, but-”

Morrie replied with a soft chuckle, even though his face told a much different story. The older man’s face was wrought with a combination of sadness and disappointment. He’d been there for CJ Wylde for the last years of his life, and he knew that he did everything he could to give his client… his friend the best quality of life that he could… But the old man would still wonder to this very day if there were anything else he could have done to make his final years less…


“But.. nope. I tried, but he really didn’t want anything moved. He wanted this home to be exactly as it was. Not that he was exactly running around the halls in his condition, but… I’d venture to say it was his memories that were what kept him going… you know, especially after-”


Lucy replied, cutting Morrie off. She knew what he was going to say. After she left. After she abandoned him and the life they’d built together. Lucy knew that Morrie didn’t hold any of that against her, because he knew just as well as she did what kind of person her ex-husband was, but still she worried.

“I didn’t leave because I didn’t love him.”

Morrie nodded.

“I know. It’s much more… complicated than that. It always is… and I’m not here to judge either way.”

Lucy took another sip of coffee and hummed to herself. It was in moments like this, Lucy remembered why she had avoided conversations such as these ever since she moved back into her former home. It made her uncomfortable. It made her want to slip out the front door while Morrie was asleep and leave – Run away like she’s always done and go back to living week to week, hotel to hotel… Anywhere where she didn’t have to come face to face with her past.. And the mistakes she’s made.

“Complicated. That’s a good word for it, actually.”

She finally says, pushing those thoughts from her mind. Morrie was only there to help. He’d lost quite a bit too when CJ died. But most of all, she thinks, he lost someone he’d grown to really care about. Someone he’d even grown to love.

“I’m sorry that this place brings back so many negative memories for you, Lucy. But for what it’s worth, to me it is your place. It’s up to you what you want to do with it really… and I’m more than happy to help you with that in whatever ways I can.”

Morrie states, matter of factly, averting his gaze from Lucy’s, staring outside at the sunrise as it begins to rise above the trees that lined the yard. Lucy could see the pain in Morrie’s eyes, a helplessness that she knew all too well.

“It does, but that’s not your fault, Morrie. CJ and I… We just, I don’t even know what I’m trying to say.. But we both made choices that brought us to where we ended up. A lot of them weren’t good. But what can we do about it now? Not a damn thing. He’s gone and I’m…”

Her voice trailed off. What was she? She didn’t even know sometimes.

“We’re both struggling to figure out where we go from here.”

Lucy looks up to find Morrie staring at her once again, a sad smile on his lips. Lucy simply nodded. There wasn’t much more she could add to that.

Silence settled between them as Lucy slowly finished her coffee and Morrie got back up to finish breakfast. She sat there for a while, in deep contemplation. She might not always believe it, but her life was on an upswing. She had a roof over her head that she didn’t have to pay out the ass for. She felt good about what she was doing in her career. She and Rogan had a Cooperative title shot coming up, and for the first time in a while, she actually felt like they had a chance of winning.

What was there to feel bad about?

Yet that feeling still sat in the pit of her stomach, gnawing away at her.

The feeling of not being everything she should be.


The forest that encompassed the southern edge of the Kingdom of Ugadore was a place that many never dared enter. There were tales of creatures within that could do unthinkable things; who had unspeakable powers. For those who were brave enough to enter such a dark place – If they were fortunate enough to find their way back into the relative safety of the Kingdom, they were forever scarred by their experiences within.

Unbeknownst to the people of the Ugadore Kingdom, within that very forest, resting at the western most edge lies a picturesque tower in a clearing filled with varied flowers and tall grass. It was a quiet and peaceful place, one which held something so powerful, something so dark that the people of the Kingdom would stand no chance if it were to be unleashed upon them.

A young woman sat perched in the window, soft blue eyes staring out at the meadow around her as she absentmindedly combed her fingers through her long, goldenrod colored locks of hair.

Oh, Lucianna….

A soft, raspy voice filled the room. The woman turned her head and peered behind her as another woman climbed the stairs, a mess of chestnut curls obscuring her face from view. When she finally ascended the stairs, she pulled her unruly hair out of her face, a pair of bright green eyes honing in on the almost frightened expression of Lucianna as she sat before her.

“Good, you’re awake. Remember, I must go to town today for supplies.”

The brunette stated as she grabbed her cloak off of a nearby chair and draped it over her shoulders. When Lucianna didn’t respond, she stopped and turned her attention back to the window, finding Lucianna’s eyes downturned, staring into her shaking hands.

“What is the matter, dear?”

“I.. I wanted to ask you something, Aunt Jenalee.”

Lucianna said, her voice as soft as a mouse. Instead of relaxing, however, the brunette; Aunt Jenalee, stiffened her posture, those bright, almost unnatural eyes of hers boring a hole into the top of Lucianna’s head.

“I do hope you’re not going to ask what I think you’re going to ask.”

She warned, taking a step forward as Lucianna glanced up.

“I just want so badly to go with you to–”


Jenalee exclaimed, exhaling deeply as she turned her back on Lucianna and began pacing the room.

“How many times have I told you, Lucianna, that it is not safe for you out there!”

Lucianna’s eyes were glassy as she pleaded with her aunt. Deep in her heart of hearts, Lucianna knew her pleas would fall on deaf ears, but she had to try.

“But I–”

“But nothing! Who took you in when your parents tossed you out like a piece of rubbish?”

She stopped, waiting for a response and when one didn’t come she sighed once more.

Who, Lucianna?

You did.”

Lucianna replied, her eyes turning down towards her hands once more. It was true. Aunt Jenalee took her in at her most needy and gave her a place where she was safe. Upsetting the woman who saved her in her most painful moment, was not what she wanted to do.

And yet, the feeling of needing more still coursed through her veins. It betrayed her. It made young Lucianna want to tempt fate – Even though she knew her aunt could and would enact the consequences that she deemed appropriate.

“Exactly, young lady. Now, you stay here and I will be back in a few days.”

Jenalee’s eyes, for a moment, appeared to glow even brighter as she stared at Lucianna for a few seconds more before turning and leaving the room. Lucianna sat and listened to the pitter patter of her aunt’s shoes as they descended the stairs and when she heard the click of the door, she finally rose to her feet and leaned out of the window to watch Jenalee disappear into the dark, forbidden forest.

It would have frightened her to watch such a sight every few weeks when her aunt would leave to get more supplies, but Lucianna knew a secret about her aunt, that made the young woman fear for anyone else who would dare step into the path of a dark witch as powerful as she.

Little did Lucianna know, however, that in the Kingdom of Ugadore, the legend of the Dark Lady was the single most terrifying thing that kept the forest free of anyone who would ever find that lone tower, and Lucianna herself, residing within.

Each time her aunt would leave, Lucianna would move throughout her home – Her eyes resting on the door that led outside, and she’d daydream of opening that door and stepping through. Feeling the grass between her toes, feeling the hot rays of the sun on her alabaster skin. But she never dared get too close to the door, for she didn’t know if Jenalee could sense her betrayal, even from miles upon miles away.

It was that fear that kept Lucianna within the confines of the tower walls.


The waves crashed against the shore down below. It was a sound he was becoming used to. He was often mesmerized by them. There was something mysterious, sometimes curiously ominous about them. He was sitting on his balcony, a glass of amber liquid and chunks of ice sitting on a table next to him. He took a sip and admired the stars above. The sky was so much clearer down here than in Chicago. It was cleansing to come here. And yet…

He gripped the glass with both hands, leaning forward and staring blankly down at the beach.

And yet, something was missing. He couldn’t place a finger on it.

He took another sip, feeling the alcohol put its magical spell on him, his cares drifting off with the ocean breeze.

The waves crashed.

He thought about his career to this point. He thought about his first year in the business, followed by his second year, which led to mostly a three and a half year absence from a business that he loved. It seemed ironic that those he still called friends were the ones who drove him out.

The waves crashed. And peace slowly began to seep out of him, replaced by turbulent waves of emotion.

He inhaled deeply and closed his eyes, thinking back to the last several weeks. Through everything that’s happened to him, his friends hadn’t checked on him. He had been left alone… except for Lucy.

At Wrestlestock, when the lights went down, Rogan was alone… except for Lucy.


He said it thoughtfully. Lucy had quickly become his best friend since his return. He knew they were friends, but this was the first time he actually considered the fact that she was his best friend.

The waves crashed, like a lover coming up to kiss the shore, then pulled back. Rogan sloshed his drink around, then gulped it back. Setting the glass down, he stood and stepped closer to the balcony railing. The breeze sent waves through his hair. He curiously stared at the beach.

He had been known for his bizarre behavior in the past, his ominous monikers and even more ominous actions. The height of his magic was behind him, however. At his pinnacle, he could look at a raven and it would fall down dead.

But that faded.

The waves crashed.

His magic was being held within that dark Buick, by the specter ferryman. And, while he was still getting used to the change, he accepted it.

A beetle made its way from the balcony below, crawling close to his bare feet. He looked at it for a long time, and nothing happened.

Sighing, he grabbed his phone from the table next to the empty glass. He called Lucy.

“Hey,” he said quietly. “I know it’s late. Can I see you?”

A brief pause.

“As soon as possible,” he blurted. “I mean… at your earliest convenience.”

Another pause. A smile pulled at the corners of his mouth.

“No, I’m fine. I was just,” he cleared his throat, “watching the waves and thought about you.”

Silence. He smiled again.

“I don’t know, I suppose I could buy you dinner and a drink. I know the perfect place, it’s even within walking distance… No, not that one, this one’s got live music.”

He listened for a few seconds.

“Great! I’ll see you then!”

He hung up and set the phone down on the table. And the waves crashed.


Rogelio Marraco was a traveler.

The strange man with a pair of mesmerizing, deep, crimson eyes had spent years of his life wandering from kingdom to kingdom. He was a drifter, seemingly never satisfied with staying in one place for all too long. That was never a problem, though, as it was never too long before Marraco had worn out his welcome in one way or another – And was thrust onto the next leg of his seemingly never-ending journey.

What was Rogelio looking for? No one knew.

Where was he going next? Even he didn’t know that.

But where he was in this moment, standing in a small village on the outskirts of the dark forest, Rogelio didn’t know of the dangers that lie just a short distance away.

The traveler simply saw it as yet another unknown road to traverse.


It stopped the traveler in his tracks, a familiar, and most unwelcome voice.

“You thought you lost us?”

The man says, sounding like he had gravel in the back of his throat. Rogelio didn’t turn around as he held a few supplies in his arms, he simply closed his eyes. This wasn’t how he imagined this day going. He’d only entered this small town to find himself a bit of food to hold him over for a few days and now, he wasn’t sure he’d make it back out of here.


Rogelio said, turning around to face his adversary, just as a second man stepped out from behind Ichael. He nodded his head.

“And Holm. As a matter of fact, gentlemen, I did believe I’d lost you after our last little escapade.”

That last escapade was about a month before, when these three men managed to steal some ornate jewelry from a dealer in another town. They planned on splitting the profit, but Rogelio slithered away from his accomplices and had been giving them the slip ever since.

To say that Rogelio wasn’t exactly a team player would be an understatement.

“We want what’s owed to us, Rogelio.”

Holm said, crossing his arms over his chest.

“And we might let you live.”

Ichael added. Rogelio nodded his head, his crimson eyes flashing bright red as he took a step forward, trying to keep his demon at bay.

Not in front of all these people.

“I wish I could help you.”

Rogelio said softly, feeling the blood rushing through his body. He wasn’t scared of these men. Rogelio Marraco wasn’t scared of anything. The man simply wanted to be alone. He wanted to travel from land to land, untethered; free. He wasn’t going to let anyone, or anything keep him from his fate.


Ichael shouted as Rogelio grabbed (stole) the rest of his supplies and darted off through the crowd, nearly knocking a few people over. He didn’t bother to look behind him as he ran, he could hear the heavy footfalls of the two men looking for revenge as they chased him through the town.

He could hear his heart beating in his chest, almost in perfect time with his pursuers. He smirked. Rogelio loved little coincidences like that.

Rogelio was quick, far quicker than the two husky men who were trying to nab him. It was a gift. A gift that had kept him safe over the many years that he’d been traveling. And before he realized it, Rogelio Marraco was crossing the threshold into the dark forest.

Under the shroud of the dark shadows cast by the dense woods, he knew he would lose Ichael and Holm rather quickly. But when he stopped behind a large tree, and peeked out, he didn’t hear… or smell their presence anywhere near him.

Odd… he thought to himself as he stepped out from behind the tree and into a small clearing.

You can’t stay in there forever, Marraco!”

If the creatures don’t get ya, We WILL!!”

He heard their faint yelling, but he didn’t truly understand their words.

He stood still, in the shadows for a few moments more, but all too quickly Rogelio noticed this forest growing darker as a sharp, bitter breeze tore through him – Chilling him to the bone. He shivered and began walking away from the town; deeper into the forest.

There was no choice for him now.

Rogelio was a peaceful man.

He always had been. Sure, he was a thief, but he only stole what he would use. He never stole just to do it. What had happened between him, Ichael and Holm? Just a simple case of needing the money more. But he didn’t dwell on it as another breeze seemingly whipped around him, squeezing all the warmth from his body.

It had become so cold, on what was supposed to be a warm, summer night that Rogelio was considering allowing his demon to arise.

He didn’t want it, but necessity always wound up being the root of all evil.

Rogelio stopped and closed his eyes, relaxing his body, finally allowing that which he held back on a near constant basis to emerge. His mortal body began to change – slowly at first, his legs contorting – his knees crunching backwards until he could no longer stand up straight. As he fell to the ground, his upper body began morphing, almost shrinking into a more canine like shape.

The sounds of his transformation were haunting, even in the dense, otherwise silent forest.

After a few moments, a soft huff of relief came from between his lips as the fur that now adorned his body took some of the chill from his bones. But he knew he wouldn’t last out here for an entire night, so Rogelio kneeled down, sniffing the ground as he continued moving through the woods – now on four legs.

No, he wasn’t sure where he was headed, but he could sense warmth up ahead.

It wasn’t until his paws touched the meadow that he glanced upwards, his eyes gazing upon a grand tower in the middle of the clearing, dim lights shining through the windows. He was mesmerized by the sight.

He had to go in.


It was mid-afternoon in Gulf Shores, and hotter than hell. Rogan had just come upstairs from his new daily routine: sitting under the umbrellas where the earth meets the ocean. He had developed a nice tan since moving down here, as well. Mirrored sunglasses hid his green eyes, and he wore a bright red Hawaiian shirt that he didn’t bother buttoning. Matching Hawaiian swim trunks covered the lower portion of his body. The Walkin’ Dude had become a beach bum, it seemed.

The doorbell rang and he hurried to the door. He opened it quickly to a smiling Lucy Wylde on the other side. He stepped aside and let her in with a smile of his own. She was wearing a black tank top and short shorts.

“You look great!” he said, “but… you may consider sunscreen. You could get fried down there if you’re not careful.”

She rolled her eyes at him and moved past him, making a beeline for the balcony. He watched her, shutting the door and feeling better than he did the night before. He glanced at the clock. Christ, she must have left in the middle of the night to make it down here so quickly. In his mind, Jack Levy winked knowingly. Finally, he followed her out to the balcony. She was leaning out, her eyes closed, taking in the ocean breeze. Her hair flowed out in front of her face. She was smiling, and seemed genuinely happy.

“Care to take a walk with an Irishman along the edge of America’s best kept secret?” he said, nodding his head towards the beach below. Lucy smiled, staring at him behind her own sunglasses.

“I’d love to, lad,” she replied with a giggle.

The beach was hot. And they could feel the sun baking them as soon as they stepped out from the shade, especially Lucy. Instantly they were sweating. Lucy, of course, refused to admit to Rogan that he was right, and went out into the sun fearlessly.

“Wait!” Rogan said, pulling a small bottle of sunscreen from the pocket of his swim trunks.

Lucy glared at him.  Really?”

“What?” he said, squirting some on his hands. “Just give in, Lucy Wylde. Don’t be stubborn with me.”

She sighed and smiled, stepping back into the shade with him. He rubbed the sunscreen onto her arms.

“Here,” he said, holding out the bottle, “you can do your legs.”

She raised her eyebrows with a smirk, but held out her hands anyway. He squirted the sunscreen in her hands and she began rubbing it into her legs. As she finished up, strong hands began rubbing her shoulders unexpectedly. She stopped, and looked over her shoulder. Rogan pushed the lotion in gently, and she tilted her head without defiance.

“Okay,” he said quietly. “All set!”

They stood in the shade of the condo for a few moments, before finally taking off towards the beach. The sand was hot, but cooled when they reached where the waves touched


the shore. They walked west on the beach, away from the pier.

“So where is this place?” Lucy asked, only mildly curious. She was enjoying just being on the shore and feeling relaxed. She knew they’d get there eventually and that was good enough for her.

“Just beyond that pink building there. Which, by the way, has amazing food and drinks that will put you on ya arse.”

“Thanks for the warning.” Lucy replied sarcastically as she smiled. She was gazing out at the never-ending water next to them. The horizon was breathtaking.

When they reached The Hangout, it was packed full of people. Rogan made their reservations, but because it was just the two of them, the wait really wasn’t that bad. Besides that, there was a lot to do, and live music. And bars, of course. Rogan walked straight towards one of them after making their reservations. Lucy watched a young man trying to successfully complete a challenge of hanging from an armbar for two minutes with amusement.

Spoiler alert, he didn’t succeed. But his girlfriend did.

Lucy giggled and congratulated the girl when she came running randomly in her direction celebrating. The girl stopped celebrating abruptly.

“Oh my GOD! You’re Lucy Wylde!”

Lucy nodded with a smile and obliged to the girl’s request for a picture and an autograph. Rogan came back with two drinks, and the fan gave Lucy a wink. Lucy smiled politely back and took the turquoise colored drink Rogan was handing to her. A plastic shark floated on its surface.

“Take the shark, and–”

“I know what to do, Irishman. This isn’t my first rodeo.”

She winked and flipped the shark upside down in the alcohol, a red liquid splashing out of its mouth, and then stirred it around. She sipped it, staring at Rogan with a grin.

“Am I drinking alone, or what?”

Rogan grinned and stirred in his own Shark Attack, gulping it down in two big drinks.

“Are you ready to party, Ms. Wylde?” he said with a smile. On cue, the live band began playing a song.

They partied.

They even took part in the hourly foam party The Hangout was known for.

They ate dinner.

They partied some more.

Then they went back to the condo.

It was late. How many hours had they been there?

Several. It was past midnight now, Lucy was sure.

They didn’t exactly walk a straight line on the beach back to the condo, either.

They entered the room and laughed together as they closed the door behind them. Sometime between the walk to The Hangout, and the walk back, Rogan had lost his sunglasses, but he didn’t mind. And Lucy took hers off and put them on the kitchen counter on the way to the balcony. Rogan followed.

The waves crashed below.

They sat on the balcony side by side.

And the waves crashed.


Lucianna awoke with a jolt the next morning. Once again, the dreams had ravaged her sleep.

Dreams of destruction. Dreams of suffering. Dreams of death.

Jenalee told her that the dreams were simply that. Dreams. And that she should not fret over them so much. But being alone in this home with only her thoughts to keep her company, it was difficult to keep the anxiety at bay.

Part of her hoped her aunt would be home today, but as her bare feet slowly padded down the stairs – The other part of her wished she had the courage to just take one simple step out of the front door into the crisp morning air. To feel the–

Her thoughts came to a sudden halt as her bright blue eyes settled upon the sleeping form of a… A man sleeping peacefully beside the fireplace. His clothes were torn, his ash brown hair was a mess, but he looked peaceful. Her eyes lingered on him for what felt like hours, wondering what she should do.

She wanted to scream. She wanted to cry. She wanted to run away and hide… but where would she go?

She turned her gaze to the forbidden door.

Would Aunt Jenalee punish her for fleeing from this stranger inside their home?

Lucianna wanted nothing more than to finish descending the stairs and move quietly towards that door and leave. But she was frozen in place, watching his chest rise and fall with each breath he took.

And then suddenly, as if he sensed her presence there, he began to stir. She gasped and took a step back up the steps. She watched in anxious anticipation as a pair of crimson eyes revealed themselves to the world. He looked around for a few seconds, sitting upright in an instant, those very same, eerie eyes boring a hole through her.

“Who are you?!”

Lucianna asked with a false bravado that didn’t impress Rogelio much as he sat there in shock, staring at a creature that was unlike anything he’d ever seen. But unfortunately, that very creature was awaiting a response that he was not giving.

“I said, Who are you?!”

Rogelio shook his head, wiping the sleep from his weary eyes as he shook his head.

“I’m nobody, sweetheart.”

He replied, looking down before pushing himself up to his feet. He grabbed his bag, slung it over his shoulder and turned to walk towards the door – Ready to move on. He stole one last glance at the beauty standing behind him.

The traveler never claimed to be a great judge of character, but something about this woman gave him pause. He wasn’t sure what it was. Maybe it was a pair of kind eyes, even if they were filled with fear.

Rogelio never meant to intrude on anyone, let alone someone like her.

Lucianna watched him move towards the door, her eyes following his every movement. She was in awe at how easily the strange man moved towards the door, opening it and as much as she wanted him to go–


–She wanted to ask him something. Lucianna couldn’t help her curiosity.

Rogelio had one foot out the door when she called out and he was just as surprised as she was that she hadn’t just let him leave.

“I-I… Just wanted to ask you something.”

Rogelio’s eyebrows raised as he turned his head, giving the blonde woman his attention as she finally took the final few steps down off of the steps. She stayed at a distance, her bare feet padding across the floor as quietly as a mouse.

“You have my attention, Miss.”

The truth was, this man was the first person that Lucianna had seen, other than Aunt Jenalee since she was a very small child. She had so many questions. She wasn’t even sure which one to start with.

“W-What’s it like?”

She managed to say as a bit of heat rose to her cheeks. It was the very first thing that fell from her mouth and when Rogelio turned around to face her, his crimson eyes filled with what she could only imagine was complete and utter confusion – Lucianna cowered away, hunching in front of the fireplace.

“I’m sorry, I–”

“What is… What like?”

Rogelio asked as he stood in the open doorway, the lush green grass, the bright blue sky a stark contrast to the dark, tattered clothing he wore. But all Lucianna could see was the world.

“Being… out there…”

Lucianna said in a whisper, her hand shaking as she pointed past Rogelio towards the scenery behind him. His eyes followed her gaze and then fell back on the innocent expression on her face. The traveler found himself bewildered.

“Why don’t you see for yourself?”

As soon as the question left his lips, Lucianna’s eyes widened and she shook her head wildly.

“Oh no, no… I-I’m not allowed to go–”

“You’re not allowed to go outside?”

Lucianna’s cheeks turned a few shades deeper red as she shook her head. Rogelio scoffed.

“I’ve never heard of such a thing. Come on.”

He turned to his side and motioned for her to approach the door, but she stood firm, hidden in the shadows of the room.

“I.. I can’t

Her words said she couldn’t, but the fire in her eyes as she contemplated it told Rogelio that she desperately wanted to step through that door. He didn’t know why she couldn’t, but he wasn’t sure he cared. All he knew was that something about her made him want to help her.

“Sure you can. The door’s right here. All you have to do is step through. But if I may ask… You’ve never gone outside… Why?

“My.. My Aunt… She says it’s unsafe out there. She says that everyone else is…”

Lucianna’s eyes widened as she realized that this entire time, the allure of the world outside these walls had kept a person… A stranger inside their home. Aunt Jenalee would be furious!

“…You have to go!”

She reached down to her side and picked up a fire-iron and held it out in front of her.


Rogelio put his arms up in surrender.

“I know we just met, Miss… I don’t even know your name. But I’m not here to hurt you. I just… I needed shelter and–”

He stopped himself and bowed his head.

“But if you wish me to leave, I’ll just be on my way.”

Without another word, Rogelio turned away from Lucianna and stepped through the doorway. What he didn’t see was the conflict on Lucianna’s face as she took a few timid steps towards the door, fire-iron still in hand.

She knew he had to go.

But the temptation… The knowledge this man must have of a world she’s never experienced? It was too much for her to comprehend.

“Lucianna… My.. My name is Lucianna.”

She says abruptly, again stopping Rogelio in his tracks. Once more, the man with the crimson eyes turns around, this time outside the doorway, a soft smile on his lips.

“And I am Rogelio. See? Now we are no longer strangers.”

Lucianna moved a bit closer to the door, the sunlight shining in through the opening just enough to make her eyes shine even brighter. Years of being alone had made Rogelio believe that he didn’t need anyone else. Years of never staying in one place longer than absolutely necessary had confirmed that fact in his own mind.

“How did you end up here, Rogelio?”

Lucianna asks, taking another step towards the open door.

All those years of wandering. All those years of telling himself that he wasn’t lost. All of that time, believing he was better off alone… and now? For some unknown reason, Rogelio Marraco felt that he’d answer any question that this mysterious woman asked of him.

He cleared his throat.

“I’m a… traveler.”

“You don’t have.. A home?”

Rogelio shook his head.

“I guess you could say my home is the open road.”

Lucianna looked at him with wonder in her eyes. To live a life outside these walls? To be free to do whatever she wanted? To go wherever she wanted? She couldn’t–No, she shouldn’t imagine it.

But she was.

And it was a beautiful dream.


She finally said after a long pause.

“But… Isn’t it lonely?”

Rogelio hadn’t anticipated that question. It took him by surprise. He’d never thought about it. Sure, he was alone, but was he lonely?

Finally the traveler shrugged his shoulders once more.

“I’ve never really thought about it. Maybe a little, but I–”

Suddenly Rogelio couldn’t speak. His eyes widened and his hands went immediately to his throat, clawing at it as if something were choking him. Lucianna gasped and rushed towards the doorway, panicking at his sudden struggle.

“Rogelio! Are you–”

But when she got closer to the door, her face dropped as she saw a head full of messy brown hair just over Rogelio’s shoulder.

“That’ll be enough of that!”

Lucianna dropped to her knees in front of Rogelio as he coughed and sputtered for air.

“Aunt Jenalee!”


The Buick sits idle on the side of the road near the outskirts of Atlanta. Rogan and Lucy lean on the hood. Rogan’s hands are stuffed in the pockets of his blue jeans. Lucy smirks at something he says. Behind the camera, Jack can be heard behind it, getting their attention. Rogan nudges Lucy and she clears her throat.

“Let me just start out by saying that I’m not blind to the fact that my own personal track record in Cooperative championship matches hasn’t been the best. I won Wrestlestock last year, won my choice of title matches and I chose to pursue the Cooperative belts. At the time, I thought I had a solid partner and I thought we had a really good chance at taking those belts from Edie and Donovan at Kobayashi Maru last year.”

She sighs, running her hands through her long blonde hair as Rogan looks on from beside her.

Spoiler alert, we didn’t.”

She shrugs her shoulders.

“I won’t lie, it stung a little. Made me wonder if I’d made the right choice, might have even made me doubt myself for a bit. But hey, if Lucy Wylde is good at anything, it’s picking herself up, dusting herself off and moving on with her life. And that’s exactly what I did. And at Ignition, we won ourselves another shot at the Cooperative titles against Eden and Gabriel – But that match never happened because… Well… Shit happens. I don’t really think I need to go into it further, a lot of you have made comments on my personal life enough for all of us.”

Rogan nods his head, a grim expression on his face. Lucy rolls her eyes.

“Suffice it to say, winning the Chaos championship not too long after my engagement fell apart was nice. It was another step towards the goal I’d set for myself when I returned to UGWC at Wrestlestock last year… To become the next Grand-Slam Champion. And granted, Seb beat me to it, but the goal remains the same.”

Lucy’s eyes narrow.

“And those Coop titles you hold around your waists ladies… They’re the final step.”

She says, exhaling deeply. Stealing a glance at her partner, their eyes meet for a moment as she continues, slowly turning her attention back to the audience, whomever may be watching.

“You both are Grand-Slam champions. You two understand what it means to get down to that final hurdle.. That final match and how it feels to hope you don’t wind up disappointed at the end of the night. I’m not naive enough to believe that my goals, or rather our goals are any of your concern, Roxy, Angie. After all, it’s your job to keep those belts. It’s your job to keep us out of the history books and I know that both of you are talented enough to do just that.”

Lucy relaxes back against the Buick, again brushing her hair out of her face as the breeze whips it around.

“Roxy, I know I’ve given you a hard time over the years. It’s no real shock to anyone to know that I don’t like you much. And I know the feeling is mutual. But at the end of the day, there’s no doubt that you’ve made a name for yourself in this industry and it has nothing to do with who I perceive you as as a person. It has everything to do with who you are as a wrestler, and regardless of my feelings towards you, there isn’t a doubt in my mind that you have earned the spot you find yourself in. You’ve earned everything you’ve fought for in UGWC and anywhere else you’ve hung your hat.”

“The fact of the matter remains that you’ve accomplished more in UGWC than I have, and I can’t lie… It bothers me. Not because I don’t respect you. Not because I don’t think you’ve worked your ass off to be one of the names everyone’s going to remember for many, many years to come. But because it makes me wonder if I’m good enough to do it too.”

Rogan clears his throat, drawing Lucy’s attention.

“You are. After all, you are Lucy fucking Wylde.”

He gives her a wink, and a bit of pink rises to Lucy’s cheeks.

“I’m glad you think so. But there was, and hell, there still are moments when I wonder if I’m going to be able to jump that last hurdle without tripping and knocking it over.”

The two share a smile as Lucy touches Rogan’s arm.

“But the more I work with this guy, the more I realize that life has a funny way of putting you into situations and circumstances that help you grow as a person. Everywhere I’ve been, everything I’ve done has led me to right here. This moment. The right partner, the right opponents.. The right moment to show you, Angie and everyone that Rogan and I aren’t a joke. We’re not just an easy defense to add to your already impressive reign. We can talk all we want though and that’s not going to change a damn thing, so we’ll just have to show you.”

Rogan adjusts his denim jacket, the one he knows drives Eden crazy because it’s such a fashion red flag, and smiles at the thought. The yellow smiling button on it seems to be grinning directly at Roxy and Angelica. He speaks softly, but his voice commands attention.

“Roxy, you said that when we met two weeks ago, it was the first time. But you were mistaken. We met just before Wrestlestock, as well. Lucy and I had Gabriel on our side, and we came out victorious. You may have forgotten that, but I didn’t. You see, I couldn’t, because you ran your crotch in my face at one point in the match. And I can understand as well as the next person why it’s one of your go-to moves in the match. Because, quite frankly, I had trouble getting over the odor that came from it. Listen, I’m a seafood kind of guy. I kind of have to be seeing as I chose a home down in the Gulf of Mexico. But… goddamn. I like my seafood fresh, not decomposed.”

Lucy looks away, clearly a little embarrassed. Rogan smiles behind his beard and shrugs.

“Joking aside, Roxy, the Cool Kids have never been a group that I’ve liked. You’ve never been a group I’ve respected, either. Not even Angelica Vaughn. I suppose I just find your personality to be annoying. Your insistence on paying homage constantly to someone that nobody ever liked, anyway. I’m being rude, I know. But not nearly as rude as I’ll be when I’m dropping you on your head. No… I never have given the Cool Kids any respect.”

He pauses, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

“But things change. To dislike you is relatable. To not have respect for you is stupid. You know, since I’ve come back, I’ve been talking about my legacy, and Lucy’s legacy. But I realize that in order to solidify my legacy, it’s time that I acknowledge the legacies that others have left, and are currently leaving right now, before my eyes. To shrug the two of you off? Well, that would be missing out on an opportunity, wouldn’t it?”

His emerald green eyes are piercing, and narrow in on the camera.

“An opportunity for something that I’ve always longed for, since I stepped foot into the business five years ago. It’s an opportunity for a rivalry. It’s an opportunity to blow the fuckin’ roof off the building. And that’s what the business is all about. To make the customer walk away, thinking… they left it all out there in the ring, and we want to come back and see them do it again. The Cool Kids and Wylde and MacLean can be that opportunity. We can be that portion of the show that rises above the rest and looks around and says, ‘can’t the rest of you keep up with us?’ and then shove it down their throats! I would tell you not to get excited, Roxy, but that would be a mistake on my part, as well, wouldn’t it? Because when it comes down to it, you have the ability to cut the bullshit, and get down to business. And whether I like it or not, I respect that.”

He nods, and briefly the gulf’s waves behind him crash louder than he’s speaking. Lucy takes notice, tilting her head and closing her eyes.

“Don’t think I’ll be taking you lightly, ‘Bb‘.”

He mocks, smiling.

“We’ve met twice in the ring over the last month or two, and the score is one to one. This is the grudge match, but it’s not a Trios match. This is a Co-Op Match. For me? I’d love to hold them for a third time. And for us?”

He puts an arm around Lucy, and for a brief moment, he looks deep into her eyes. For just a moment, their eyes are locked, and they almost seem to move closer, but then Rogan looks back into the camera.

“This is going to be the first part of a legacy that Lucy and I build together. So Roxy, Angie, I know that you don’t get the credit that you’re owed often, but from Rogan MacLean? The Dark Man? You get it from me. I respect you, as competitors.”

He glares into the camera, his intensity beginning to loosen up as Lucy puts a hand on his shoulder. She glances up into his eyes once more, as brief as the time before, and takes her turn.

“..And Angie? I didn’t forget about you hun. Your track record is just as impressive as your partner. You’ve done just as much to cement your name and your legacy here in UGWC. I don’t think anyone could look at you and what you’ve accomplished and think that you’re anything less than a first ballot hall of famer. I, myself have had the privilege of teaming with you quite a few times over the last year or so and I’ve been across the ring with you just as much. I’ve never taken you lightly, and I never will. “

Rogan chuckles.

“You know, the funny thing about you, Angie. You seem so sweet and innocent, and it’s obviously something you do on purpose. It’s something you do that keeps your opponents’ off balance. You’re perceived as being relatively harmless. Then you get into the ring, and suddenly you’re not so polite anymore. In fact, you’re goddamn vicious if the situation calls for it. And dare I say… rude? When it comes to winning and competing, you certainly can be. There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s just… the mask that you wear that bores me. Don’t mistake that for me underestimating you. Your accolades speak for themselves.”

Lucy nods her head, narrowing her eyes at the camera.

“I’ve seen first hand how truly talented you are, hell we both have and it’s not lost on us how difficult it’s going to be to take those cooperative straps off of you and Roxy.”

Lucy smiles.

“But that’s the fun of it, isn’t it?”

Rogan says, shooting Lucy a mischievous look. Lucy chuckles.

“That’s absolutely the fun of it. Whether you guys wanna admit it or not, there’s a lot of uncertainty for both teams heading into ‘And then the Dragons Came’. Both teams hope they’ve got what it takes to walk out with the straps, but neither knows if they really and honestly do. You two have proven how hungry you are, time and time again. You both have shown each and every member of the UGWC universe that you’re willing to elevate this brand and any championship that you’ve held by being the very best fighters that you can be.”

Rogan shrugs his shoulders.

“We’re just going to have to prove that we’re better. And that quest begins now.”


Jenalee’s eyes were glowing the brightest green that Lucianna had ever seen. It frightened her more than she’d ever been frightened in her life. And when she tore her eyes away from the woman she’s known as a guardian for as long as she could remember, and focused on the face of a man she’d only just met this very day… Something inside her broke.

She desperately wanted Rogelio to be okay.

She didn’t understand why. This man had broken into their home.. And for all intents and purposes, he could be one of the horrible people Aunt Jenalee had told her tales about.. But he wasn’t.

Lucianna just knew that the man with the crimson eyes was just like her.

“Aunt Jenalee! Stop!”

But Jenalee was a woman possessed. Instead of releasing the dark magic she’d wrapped around the intruder to her home, instead she clenched her fist and Rogelio’s legs began kicking as she lifted him off the ground.

“Do you see why you must stay here, Lucianna?! People like this! Were you here to take her from me!?”

Jenalee shouts, squeezing harder as she raises Rogelio further off of the ground. Even if he wanted to answer, all he could do was gasp for air.

“That’s not it, Aunt Jenalee! He… He–”

“What lies did he tell you, Lucianna?! Tell me!”

Lucianna’s eyes went glassy, her eyes staring into Rogelio’s as his eyes slowly began to lose their color.



Lucianna screamed, as if a tornado passed between them, Rogelio was released and he fell to the ground in a heap, coughing and wheezing as Lucianna stepped forward, those blue eyes of hers no longer blue. Now they flashed green, bright enough to rival Jenalee’s.

Jenalee gasped and fell backwards at Lucianna’s outburst. But before Lucianna did anything else, she kneeled before Rogelio, her eyes slowly fading back to the soft blue.

Are you okay?”

Rogelio nodded his head as Jenalee climbed back to her feet and let out a guttural scream of her own.

“Don’t you see?! He’s trying to take you! He can’t! He can’t! Without you, I’m nothing!”

That last statement took Lucianna by surprise.

“I don’t understand…”

Lucianna didn’t have time to even realize what had just happened. She was unaware of the power that she had, nor the manipulation she’d been subject to for much of her life. It was a manipulation built from fear, from grief… from anger… And it wasn’t something Jenalee had the ability to control.


Jenalee sighed.

You give me my powers… You are the reason that I am able to do the things that I do and be the… monster that I am.”

Lucianna glanced briefly down at Rogelio as he pulled himself up to his knees, and then back at Jenalee – Her face wrought with confusion.

“But.. you’re not a monster… you’re–”

Jenalee closed her eyes.

“I am your Dark Harbinger… Lucianna. I am born from your pain…. I am you.”

Lucianna gasped as Rogelio suddenly understood why he saw something within Lucianna from the moment he laid eyes on her. They were cut from the same cloth.

No fate but what we make.

The thought came to Rogelio out of nowhere and he brought himself to his feet, his eyes darting from left to right between the light and the darkness. Between peace.. And chaos.

Come with me.”

Rogelio said softly, his eyes resting on Lucianna’s face.

“Be free.”

Lucianna was in shock, but those were the sweetest words to her ears that she’d ever heard. She nodded her head without another thought as Jenalee cried out in agony. Rogelio and Lucianna turned to see Jenalee on the ground, dark tears streaming from her eyes… the once bright green hue slowly dimming.

“Please… Don’t leave me…”

Lucianna shook her head, while Rogelio simply smirked as his own demon howled with delight.

“Why don’t you both come with me… There’s something I must show you…”