November 7th, 2067


A door can be heard opening and closing, followed closely by the quick pitter patter of high heels as the person that voice belongs to strides through the house with purpose. The footfalls cease, and into view comes a head full of curly brunette locks cascading down the back of a casual business suit. The young woman leans over the bannister at the bottom of the flight of stairs and screams up them, louder this time.


“What the fuck?!”

Another, equally as loud voice can be heard echoing down the stairs. The young woman still standing at the bottom of the stairs shakes her head and listens for a few minutes, waiting to hear any signs of movement from above. She sighs.

“MA! Are you comin?! I told you I’d be here at nine!”

A loud bang comes from upstairs, and for anyone else – it might have been alarming but for this young woman, she looked like she’d been dealing with this for years. A few extracurricular curse words later, and a whole lot of grunting and panting… A loud beep can be heard at the top of the stairs and the whirring of the stair lift as it begins hauling its rider down to the first floor of the home.

The young woman stands back, her hands on her hips as an older lady with short white hair continues her descent, her arms crossed over her chest, where she holds what can only be described as an urn. The young woman sighs again and points at the urn in the older lady’s arms.

“Where are you taking that?”

The older lady glances down and pats the top of the urn.

“You didn’t think I was going today without him, did ya?”

“Mom. You can’t take your dead husband with you.”

As she gets to the first floor, the chair lift again beeps and the old lady brings herself slowly to her feet, still clutching the urn in her arms as she shuffles past the younger woman, who follows with her own arms crossed over her chest.

“Like hell I can’t! This is MY day and I do what I want! I think I’ve earned that in my 79 years on earth.”

The young woman shakes her head once more as the two of them end up in the kitchen. The older woman rests the urn on the counter before she pitter patters her way over to the fridge and grabs herself a bottle of prune juice. She offers one to the younger woman, but she rolls her eyes.

“You know I hate that shit, Mom.”

She states matter of factly as she grabs the bottle out of her mother’s shaking hands and opens it for her.


The old lady says as she grabs the bottle in a shocking display of quickness. The younger woman shoots her a glare before focusing again on the urn that’s sitting defiantly in between them.

“But really, what are you trying to accomplish by bringing that with you?”

She motions at the urn, and a much older set of eyes follows her finger and lets out an exasperated sigh.

“Adina Claire, you know what Ken meant to this family.. And he should be there, God rest his soul. So he’s gonna be there in the only way I know how.”


KeyHolder Productions Presents:
Ultraviolent MeMaw Rides Again


“Fine, Mom. You’re right. It’s your day and if you want Ken there… Who am I to stop you?”

Kyra nodded her head in agreement as she drank her juice and laid a hand on top of the urn.

Today was a big day in the Davison household. Well not the biggest day ever or anything, but it’s the biggest thing that’s happened in close to a decade and a half. Kyra Davison was being honored at the opening of the BRAND NEW UGWC Arena in Chicago.

But we’ll get into that later.

Adina took a look at her wristwatch and sent another glare in her mother’s direction. Now 54 years old, Adina is just as impatient with her mother as she’s always been.

“We’ve got to go if we’re going to get to Chicago on time.”

Kyra rolled her eyes.

“Chill the fuck out, okay? Good God, you’re always pushing, always pushing.”

“I wonder where I learned that from, hmm?”

Adina shot back. There’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that Adina fully inherited her mothers attitude. Kyra scoffed and grabbed the urn before hobbling towards the door.

“Come on Ken, we don’t have to listen to this shit, do we?”

As if she were on automation, Adina rolled her eyes and followed her mother out of the house, closing the door behind them.


          In Route to Chicago

“Say, where are your brother and sister?”

Kyra asked as she watched the scenery out the window as Adina sped down the highway. It was 2067 and one would think hover cars would FINALLY be a thing, but nope. Forty five years, and the best they got was a few failed prototype solar powered cars and one hover car that exploded the moment them dumbfucks pressed the ‘on’ button.

Adina glanced over at Kyra, and then in the rearview mirror at her dead father – his urn strapped securely into his own seatbelt in the backseat. She sighed.

“Chloe and Samson will be there. I told you this.”

Kyra shrugged her shoulders.

“I’m seventy nine fucking years old, give me a break. What I don’t understand is why you aren’t bringing the kids.”

Adina cackled.

“They’re adults, I can’t really tell them what to do anymore.”

Kyra grimaced.

“Why not? But then again, you ain’t never made sense. The kids didn’t even know about what we done for a living til a few years ago.”

Adina looked over at Kyra like she couldn’t believe what her mother was saying.

“You’re kidding right? See, unlike you… I didn’t want my kids knowing what I do for a living until they were old enough to comprehend it. Bryceson and Madalyn survived just fine without seeing their grandmother or their mother nearly killing herself three hundred thousand times.”

Instead of being offended, a knowing smile crossed the elderly Jawdroppers lips as she recalled some of those moments.

“Yeah, I was pretty crazy back in my day. But the apple didn’t fall too far from the tree, eh?”

“No shit. I had a hard time explaining how I wound up without an eyebrow and all those cuts on my face after that match against Err Bear the Third. That Bastard. Let alone everything else.”

Kyra shook her head.

“And that’s why I told you. You handled it well.”

Adina scoffed.

“I got kicked out of FOUR schools and got arrested three times before I turned 18!”

Kyra simply beamed as she looked over at her pride and joy, who was doing her best to drive without veering off the road with that same crotchety look that Kyra had always been so known for.

“That’s my girl.”

Adina shook her head.

“That isn’t what you said at the time.”

“Of course not, you little shit. But look at how you turned out. Not too bad if I do say so myself.”

Adina rolled her eyes as she changed lanes.

“Yeah, yeah.”

Kyra sat back, satisfied as silence took over the space between the two of them. But after a few moments, Kyra took another look over at her daughter, a sly smirk on her lips.

“But your brother…”

“I knew it!”

Adina exclaimed, letting go of the steering wheel long enough to throw her arms up into the air.

“You two always liked him more! Samson could do no wrong!”

It was Kyra’s turn to roll her eyes.

“Bullshit! What are you fifty four or five? We loved Samson more… Do you hear yourself? We can’t help that Samson wasn’t a heathen like you. But that didn’t mean we loved him more. Remember, Sammy never got to see his Mama wrestle. You did. You got to experience all of it with us.”

Adina didn’t answer right away, opting to focus more on the road instead of admitting that her mother could possibly be right. But finally, she let out a sigh and nodded her head.


“Let’s just.. Let’s just have a nice day, okay? As much fun as it is, I don’t want to spend all day arguing with you. I gotta conserve my strength.”

Adina nodded without a word, but the more she thought about it the more that last statement didn’t make sense to her. Sure, she knew her mother was up in the years, but never had she heard Kyra say something like that.

It made her think something else was going on that Kyra wasn’t telling her.

“Mom, what’s going on?”

Kyra leaned over and patted Adina’s shoulder.

“Oh, nothing. Nothing at all. I just want to enjoy going back as much as I possibly can.”


          THE NEW UGWC ARENA – Chicago, Illinois

The crowd was unbelievable as Kyra and Adina slowly made their way toward the doors that led into the newly constructed UGWC arena. When they noticed Adina, the crowd went absolutely crazy, trying to get closer to her and get whatever they could – be it an autograph or even just to touch her.

Adina wasn’t a fan of it.

“Just MOVE! We’re trying to get through here!”

Kyra, however, was enjoying it. People didn’t really recognize her, and on the advertising for the event, the big brains at the UGWC marketing department used a photo of Kyra from her prime. So no one really thought this little, white haired woman walking along with former UGWC World and Chaos Champion Adina Johnson was anyone special.

“I swear to God himself if another one of you bump into my mom, I’m gonna–”

That was until Adina mentioned her mother.


And once one person heard that name, the frenzy grew tenfold. Luckily for Kyra and Adina, they were already near the front doors and as soon as they approached, the security made sure to get them inside as quickly as possible.

Once inside, Adina turns and glares back out at the crowd.

“Fucking people. I swear.”

Kyra was overjoyed.

“Chill out baby girl. Only you could see a crowd of people, ALL happy to see us as a problem. I’ve been gone for almost forty years now and it’s nice to know my name still means something around here. I thought they just couldn’t get Lucy or Donovan so they settled for me.”

Adina tilted her head to the side, a faint look of concern on her face.

“Mom… You know Aunt Lucy died last year, right?”

Kyra took another glance out at the crowd.

“Guess that’s as good a reason as any to not be able to show up.”

She says, holding the urn that houses her dead husband, who has indeed shown up today, with a little bit of help. The irony isn’t lost on her though as she lifts Ken up and looks at the urn.

Adina opened her mouth to retort, but was interrupted by a young lady holding a clipboard.

“Good afternoon ladies! Ms. Johnson, Mrs. Davison.. It’s so nice to see you here today! If you’d follow me.. We’ve got an interview lined up for you before the ceremony.”


          UGWC Live! With Travis Pierce the Second

Kyra sat on the side of an elaborate desk. Behind the desk sat the second child of Travis Pierce, following in his fathers footsteps – Some may say even more brash and arrogant than his father was… and still is.

“So who in the hell are you supposed to be?”

Kyra asks just as they begin taping. Adina lowers her head into her hands as she stands behind the camera while the rest of the staff chuckle under their breaths. Travis the second however simply raises an eyebrow at the camera, flashing a confident smile.

“I know you have been gone a long, long time Mrs. Davison, but you mean to tell me you don’t recognize these devilish good looks?”

Kyra took another moment to examine the man before shaking her head and sighing.

“Can’t say you look anything like any of the good looking men I used to know.”

Pierce II shakes his head.

“I’m Travis Pierce the Second.”

It’s like a lightbulb went off in Kyra’s head, and she nodded.

“Ah, that’s it. But you’re sorely mistaken if you believe you’re even remotely fuckable little buddy.”

She grinned at the camera, meanwhile Travis Dos was sitting there with his eyes as wide as saucers, acting as if Kyra had single handedly murdered his entire family right in front of him. He moves to stand, his hands on his hips.

“I don’t have to take this! Let me tell you something, you washed up has-been… You weren’t attractive even in your prime! You’re barely a three! Like a two point five, honestly. The truth–”

“Hurts? Yes, it’s excruciating.”

Kyra replies, yawning. Pierce II huffs and puffs and storms off of the set, leaving Kyra all by herself while the cameras are still rolling. Finally another person steps out from behind the camera and takes a seat behind the desk. Immediately Kyra smiles and glances behind the camera at Adina, who can’t believe what she’s seeing.

“Good evening folks. The name is Samson Davison, and I’m UGWC’s newest backstage correspondent. While I’m sure Travis the Second could have muddled through this interview and the masses would have been satisfied with the result.. I think my mother deserves better.”

Kyra’s son turns his attention to his mother and smirks.

“Tell me Mom, how does it feel to be back here once again?”

Kyra took a glance at the urn that was sitting in the chair beside her, a somber smile crossing her face before she turned back towards her son, replacing it with a more cheerful one.

“Well, I’ve been gone a long time. But it’s nice. I was more than happy to settle down and retire once we found out we were pregnant with you, but I did miss it. There’s something intoxicating about the atmosphere, and the competition. I guess I’m just grateful for the opportunity to be remembered.”

She finished and shrugged her shoulders as Samson nodded his head.

“There’s no doubt the good people here couldn’t possibly forget you. Let’s not forget that today isn’t just the opening of this brand new, state of the art arena.. But it’s the forty fifth anniversary of the day you won the Keys to the Kingdom match way back in 2022 – Propelling you to your first World Title win in your career. Not only were you and… Dad…”

He stops for a moment, to gather his composure.

“Not only was the Baltimore Elite one of the greatest Cooperative teams in the history of the UGWC, but you.. Kyra Johnson, you became one of the best, most resilient World Champions to have ever graced that championship. And it all came out of a match that happened on this day.”

“Thank you, sweetie.”

Kyra says softly, a bit of pink rising to her alabaster cheeks.

“Your father would have loved to have been here today. He was always my greatest supporter, my biggest cheerleader. Lucky for him, he went out doing what he loved best.”

She couldn’t help but wink at the camera, while her children both closed their eyes at the same time and shook their heads. Kyra didn’t notice as she continued.

“But, regardless.. It’s an honor to be here. But it wasn’t easy to win that match, you know? If I remember correctly… Tony Savage, Montague Cervantes and Tempest… World Champion Tempest were the men I had to beat that night. I remember saying that after Tempest beat your Aunt Lucy, that he just might have been unstoppable. And for a while, he was. But he also let his success go to his head. And that’s something that I’ve always been very, very good at – Capitalizing in those moments where someone feels like they’re unbeatable.”

Samson nods along, allowing Kyra the floor. He’s a smart enough interviewer to know that no one is here to listen to him speak. They’re here to listen to her, and her alone.

“He bit off more than he could chew on that night. He wanted to win the Key to the Kingdom match because it was another notch to add to his impressive resume. But a smarter man would have kept himself from getting hurt in that match, knowing that the most he could get out of it was a choice in opponent. And what good does that do? It doesn’t do anything, if you ask me. But that’s why he lost. And that’s why he lost to me at Horizons the month after I beat him at Keeper of the Keys. His britches got too big for him, and mine fit just right.”

“And what about the other two men in that match with you? Tempest’s accomplishments are legendary here in the UGWC, but Montague and Tony Savage have both been names that have lasted through the last forty five years, and are still talked about to this day.”

Kyra nodded her head.

“Tony Savage was taking some well earned time off after that match, if I remember correctly. But that didn’t stop him from proving to each and everyone of us why his name was as popular as it was.. Or still is, forgive me. Tony Savage is one tough son of a bitch and whether or not he respected me.. I’ve always respected him because I always thought he and I were incredibly similar. And I knew without a shadow of a doubt that that would make him the hardest hurdle to jump at Keeper of the Keys.”

She laid her hands in her lap.

“And that he was. But he and I had an accord. We knew that Tempest and Montague would try to use their alliance against us, trying to turn the four way into one on one. And they didn’t disappoint. But for as talented as they are, I honestly do believe they underestimated Tony and myself that night. And if I had anything to say about Montague, I’d say that that was his biggest weakness.”


“Uh huh, absolutely. Fucking talented as hell, Montague was. If he weren’t such a bastard, I’d have enjoyed working with him more. But it was never meant to be. And neither was the rest of his career, unfortunately. We all know how that ended, don’t we?”

Samson nodded.

“Tempest turned on him, and ended his career barely a year later.”

Kyra sighed.

“A damn shame, that was. But it’s in the past, and as nice as it is to reminisce about the things I’ve done and accomplished… that’s not entirely why I’m here today.”

That statement caught the attention of both Adina and Samson as they wondered where their mother was going with this. Kyra simply sat back in her chair, smug as a bug as she noticed the reaction of her kids.

“I knew what I was capable of back then and that’s why I walked out the winner. I knew everyone and their brother was going to underestimate me because I was just a member of the Baltimore Elite. I was just Ken Davison’s partner, but I proved them wrong. And everyone here probably thinks that Kyra Davison, at seventy nine years old doesn’t have what it takes to hang with today’s sorry excuse for wrestlers, don’t you?”

She motions to the other backstage workers while Adina is silently panicking behind the camera.

“Even my own shithead daughter doesn’t think I can do it anymore but that’s where you’re wrong. Mama has been ready to get back on the horse one more time and today is that day…”

“Mom, no.”

Samson says, shaking his head.

“Sammy, I’m doing it whether your sisters or you like it or not.”

She reaches over and grabs the urn, setting it on her lap and patting the top of it.

“So who wants some?”

She asks the camera, winking as the feed is cut off suddenly and Adina rushes forward ready to throw down with her mother.

“MOM what the fuck are you doing?!”

Kyra rolled her eyes.

“Adina, this is my choice.”

“You’re gonna get yourself killed!”

She simply scoffed in response to her daughter as she rose to her feet. Samson rushed around the desk and got between Kyra and Adina, trying to play referee.

“Guys, guys… Let’s not do this here, okay?”

“Shut up Samson! You’re willing to let her do this?!”

Adina shouts at her brother, who simply shrugs in response.

“You know that we can’t stop her, sis.”

Kyra nodded her head vehemently.

“See? He gets it. Your dad would be all for this.”

Adina looked at her in disbelief.

“No the fuck he wouldn’t! ALL of your fights have come from him trying to protect you from being a fucking idiot, Mom!”

“Watch it, Adina.”

Kyra growled, her eyes narrowing in on her daughter while her son separated them.

“I will not sit here and watch you do exactly what HE…”

She motions towards the urn.

“…tried to keep you from doing over and over and over! I’m out of here!”

And without another thought, Adina turned and stormed out of the studio. Samson lowered his shoulders and sighed while Kyra simply stood there and looked just as pissed off and grumpy as her daughter did.

“I have to go get ready.”

Kyra said, turning away and leaving as well.

Samson wasn’t sure who to follow, but after a few moments of contemplation, he followed Kyra – Not wanting her to be alone.


          UGWC Presents: CHILL from the New UGWC Arena!

Covert Jay’s Progeny: What a night this has been!

Dead Seb: ….

Apple Cider Vinegar: Wait, why is he still here?

Covert Jay’s Progeny: He’s our coworker, Apple.

Apple Cider Vinegar: He’s a corpse that Tempest had stuffed forty three years ago. He’s also half rotted and for some reason our creative director decided to hire him… And let me say, he’s YET to cash a paycheck! This is preposterous!

Dead Seb: …..

Covert Jay’s Progeny: I think Dead Seb makes a fantastic point.

Apple Cider Vinegar: I think you’re losing your fucking mind!

Covert Jay’s Progeny: Nice transition into our main event match where former UGWC World Champion and Cooperative Champion, Kyra Davison is here to fight in what will definitely be her final match… In a move that proves old ladies be crazier than Dead Seb at a frat party.

Dead Seb: ….

Apple Cider Vinegar: Says the man whose father named him after himself… but instead of ‘junior’ he just added progeny onto the end of his name and called it a day!

Covert Jay’s Progeny: YOU’RE NAMED APPLE CIDER!

Dead Seb: *Thunk*

Covert Jay’s Progeny: Oh shit, he fell…. Pick him up!

Apple Cider Vinegar: I am NOT touching him!

Covert Jay’s Progeny: Oh, well… Here comes Kyra anyway. She’s looking… Wait, how did she look in her prime?

Apple Cider Vinegar: A lot better than what we’re currently looking at. But who took her up on her challenge?

Covert Jay’s Progeny: Oh, you mean who is crazy enough to take on an old lady in a Chaos match?

Dead Seb: ….

Apple Cider Vinegar: Oh no… You’ve got to be kidding.

Covert Jay’s Progeny: This isn’t a joke! Look at him, he’s right there!

Apple Cider Vinegar: I can’t believe this… this…

Covert Jay’s Progeny: Genius?

Apple Cider Vinegar: This BAD and INSULTING Imitation of The Drunken Buzzsaw, Chaos! Who does this fellow think he is?!

Dead Seb: ….

Covert Jay’s Progeny: It’s clever! The Inebriated Circular Saw is just paying homage to someone he respects! And tonight he gets to put his skill on display against one of the… Well she was one of the toughest competitors that the UGWC had ever seen. Who knows what she is now…

Apple Cider Vinegar: Well the bell’s rung and they’re circling each other. I’d like to also note that Kyra’s son is at ringside, cheering his mom on.

Covert Jay’s Progeny: You’re upset about Creative Director Brayndon Somers hiring Dead Seb here, but NOT about hiring Kyra’s son? What kind of shit is that?

Dead Seb: ….

Apple Cider Vinegar: One of them is competent and the other is a CORPSE! Anyway, It looks like Circular Saw is tired of waiting for the mayhem to begin and he’s slid out of the ring to look for something to use.

Covert Jay’s Progeny: Looks like Grandmaw is doing the same thing, albeit quite a bit slower.

Apple Cider Vinegar: She might be up in years, but Kyra Johnson knows how these matches go. I mean she wanted this match after all.

Covert Jay’s Progeny: Looks like Saw has got himself a brick, while Granny Hardcore has found herself a sledgehammer. Both of them are getting back into the ring, but obviously Saw is much, much faster and he catches Kyra in the back with that brick – Breaking it over her back!

Apple Cider Vinegar: And now he’s taking the sledgehammer from her and he’s swinging it downwards!

Dead Seb: …!

Covert Jay’s Progeny: She somehow rolled out of the way! How in the hell!?

Apple Cider Vinegar: She’s getting up!

Covert Jay’s Progeny: She punched him right in the face and he dropped the hammer!

Apple Cider Vinegar: Looks like you were wrong! Kyra does still have some left in the tank!

Covert Jay’s Progeny: She’s running… How is she running?! Holy shit she just hit him with a drop kick! And now she’s looking at the sledgehammer!

Dead Seb: ….

Covert Jay’s Progeny: That’s not the point Seb!

Apple Cider Vinegar: She just brought the hammer down on Saw’s back!

Covert Jay’s Progeny: Saw is rolling out of the ring and he looks PISSED. Can’t say I blame him, someone’s grandmaw just hit him with a sledgehammer. Looks like he’s heading for ringside… Wait a minute.. That’s Kyra’s daughter!

Apple Cider Vinegar: I thought she wasn’t here! That’s Adina Johnson, another former world champion… And look, her mother just noticed she was there!

Covert Jay’s Progeny: Adina can more than handle herself but that’s not stopping Kyra from slowly pulling herself up onto the top turnbuckle… and oh my GOD she jumped! Both competitors are down!

Apple Cider Vinegar: Holy shit! I can’t believe what I just saw… And she’s getting under the ring again… She’s got a bag of thumbtacks!

Covert Jay’s Progeny: Oh how quaint.

Dead Seb: ….

Apple Cider Vinegar: She’s dumping them out at ringside and now she’s grabbing Circular Saw by his head and she’s GRINDING HIS FACE INTO THE TACKS!!!

Covert Jay’s Progeny: NO! He just grabbed Hardcore Granny and he’s bringing her up to her feet… and drives her face first into the tacks with a double underhook facebuster!

Apple Cider Vinegar: Jesus Christ! That’s got to be it!

Covert Jay’s Progeny: He’s rolling her back into the ring and covering her.

Apple Cider Vinegar: She kicked out! How did she kick out?!

Dead Seb: …..?

Covert Jay’s Progeny: Maybe she’s already dead and she just doesn’t know it yet! He can’t believe she’s actually getting up… and she’s crawling towards the corner…

Apple Cider Vinegar: He’s following her.. But I think he’s just as curious as we are at this point as to how this seventy nine year old woman that’s bleeding profusely from her face just kicked out of that. But he shouldn’t let her get up, if he wants to just end this.

Covert Jay’s Progeny: Are you serious? Is there any chance that she’ll actually win? He’s just toying with her at this point.

Apple Cider Vinegar: She’s reaching for something in the corner of the ring… Holy SHIT she just threw it at him as he grabbed her and now there’s… IS THAT ASHES?!

Covert Jay’s Progeny: Holy shit she just used the ashes of her dead husband to knock Circular Saw the fuck out!

Apple Cider Vinegar: The Baltimore Elite has reunited!

Dead Seb: ….

Covert Jay’s Progeny: That’s dark, even for you.

Apple Cider Vinegar: She just collapsed on top of him..

Covert Jay’s Progeny: HOLY SHIT she got the three! She got the three!

Apple Cider Vinegar: And you said she couldn’t do it!

Covert Jay’s Progeny: ….

Dead Seb: ….

Apple Cider Vinegar: She looks like she can’t believe it either! Her kids are getting into the ring and helping her up to her feet! What a moment!

Covert Jay’s Progeny: What even is this shit anymore…

Apple Cider Vinegar: I for one am thrilled to see Kyra Johnson get her moment, nearly forty years removed from her last match in the ring. Thank you for joining us tonight on this edition of Chill, from the new UGWC Arena! Tune in next week when The Living Journal: Phrixus Deimos takes on Severus Diggorydore for the UnCooperative Championship!

Covert Jay’s Progeny: I still can’t believe Phrixus figured out how to transfer his soul into that journal.

Apple Cider Vinegar: All the shit happening around here and THAT’S what you can’t believe! Anyway, we’re out of time folks. Goodnight!



Adina and Samson help their mother get backstage, where all the current UGWC wrestlers are applauding her efforts. But Kyra doesn’t have the chance to enjoy it as she fades in and out of consciousness.

“Mom… Mom?”

Adina says, but Kyra doesn’t respond.

“We gotta get her to the hospital.”


Kyra wakes up inside her Baltimore home. She sits up and looks around, wondering how long she’d been out. But when she gets up, she immediately notices the ease at which she does so. And when she looks out the window, she doesn’t see anything but a blinding white light.

“What the fuck…”

She turns around to go downstairs, wondering if anyone else is home but when she does, she’s completely and utterly shocked to see…


All he does is nod his head, and in that moment, she knows what happened.

“Hey Mama… About time you got home.”