New York, NY

(Continued from “Prosperity“)

Rogan MacLean and Lucy Wylde walked hand in hand through the streets of New York. It seemed as if time had escaped them at some point, and the sun was setting as they came to an intersection. Lucy stopped him and he turned to face her as she stopped. He was wearing a knowing smile.

“Okay, Rogan. I think I’ve had about all I can handle in this little surprise. Cough it up.”

His smile spread wider, his green eyes fixating on her with amusement. Lucy wanted to be annoyed. She wanted to be sarcastic and condescending. But, she suddenly felt… different. In the distance she could hear the faint sound of maybe a choir singing. She felt alright. That was the best she could explain it. She just felt alright, like everything was where it was supposed to be. So she just smiled at him, feeling a little loopy.


Her voice seemed to be far away. But she felt alright. And that choir sounded beautiful, wherever it was.

“We’re here.”

She looked confused, glancing up at the white sign behind him.

“We’re just on a street corner,” she said, looking around.

“Are we?”

She stopped and stared at him, wondering if he was being condescending to her.

“Yes… On Second Avenue and Forty-Second Street.”

She pointed at the sign behind him for emphasis. His gaze followed, then he looked back at her with a chuckle.

“It appears that you’re right, Ms. Wylde.”

She rolled her eyes, knowing there was a catch here somewhere. Sighing, she turned on the sidewalk and continued to look around. She halfway expected the Buick to be idling on the street behind her, appearing from whatever portal the Dark Man pulled out of his ass. Just as she was giving up, she looked at the building next to them. It was just an ordinary apartment building it looked like, but somehow she knew that it was the catch. And after a few moments, she found that she was drawn to it. And as she stepped closer, the choir she heard seemed to get slightly louder. She looked back at Rogan and he nodded humbly.

“Years ago, this was a vacant lot. Ownership of this lot has been passed down for generations, sometimes keeping it in a family, and sometimes passing it on to others. Buildings have been constructed, demolished, and reconstructed here… for years.”

The Storyteller leaned against the building, and in fact, almost seemed to lean into the brick itself.

“Those who own this lot are very particular on who they pass it down to. Because of what’s in the middle of this lot, even to this day… a rose.”

“Are you trying to tell me, there’s a rose buried under this building? Still living?”

Rogan chuckled.

“Of course not! That would be ridiculous!”

Lucy looked relieved… briefly.

“The rose is living inside the building.”

Her relief transitioned to suspicion as she squinted her eyes.

“What are you up to?”

Rogan couldn’t help but laugh once more.

“The story is, the rose has always been protected. The owners of this property have always built around the rose. Because it’s special. It’s in the middle of the lobby of this apartment building now, its little piece of earth untouched for centuries… and some believe realities. Many look at it as superstition, passed down from generation to generation. But you can hear it, yes? And you can feel it, I’ve been watching the color rise in your cheeks. Some say the rose even has the power to heal.”

Lucy’s eyes widened at the realization that Rogan had seen her cheeks get hot. She looked through the glass doors of the entrance inside.

Why are you telling me this?”

Rogan smiled, practically bouncing off the side of the building back to the sidewalk. His glee said she had asked the million dollar question.

“Because the rose is protected for a reason. The rose protects the dark tower, in the stories. The center of existence. And you can see it beyond the burning pink petals of the rose… or so they say. I’m standing here telling you this, and I feel like everything is just right where it belongs here. I can hear it sing too, you know? And I haven’t looked yet, but I want to take you in to look at it together… on our way to our new apartment.”

Lucy took a step back, startled.

“Wait, what?”

Rogan looked at her and winked.

“You heard me right, lass. I bought an apartment for us. I never would have pictured myself living in New York. It just never seemed like my atmosphere. But, this… it’s like when you’re doing a jigsaw puzzle, and you just stumble across a piece that you know fits, and you know exactly where it fits. Even if you don’t have the other pieces around it. This is that piece. It just fell into place. Does that make sense?”

She nodded. It made perfect sense to her. Smiling, she held out her hand. Rogan’s eyes met hers, even with strands of her hair floating in front of her face, and he obliged, taking her hand. They turned away from the busy streets of New York and the chaotic traffic on Second Avenue and Forty-Second Street, and stepped inside the lobby.


New York, NY

The rose was there. It seemed to be waiting for them. The singing grew louder, just as it had the first time they walked into the lobby, over a week ago. That day, they only stepped inside and gazed in admiration of the rose itself. Neither of them could bring themselves to get much closer than just inside the entrance, however. And since their apartment wasn’t ready to be moved into yet anyway, they simply left after several minutes of being unsure what to do. And just as they did that day, today they could both feel it. As they approached, they both could feel a strong comfort that pulled them in closer. Everything felt… alright.

“I imagine this is how it feels when all of the stars in our universe align. Those perfect moments in life where… nothing can stop you from reaching your goal, even if it seems to be an impossible goal. It’s like… stepping up to the plate and knowing you’re going to hit a home run. Before the pitch is even thrown. Before the at bat even begins. You step into the batter’s box and you can just feel it. And when the pitch is thrown, you swing–and you could even swing with your eyes shut, because the stars are aligned–and you can feel the ball connect with the sweet spot of the bat. And you just know. Even if it’s the first home run you’ve ever hit in your life.”

Rogan watched her as Lucy knelt near the rose, gazing at it almost in a daze. He smiled at her baseball analogy. He preferred football of the American sports, but baseball was growing on him, too.

“Aye. And when I think of our championship defense this week, it feels the same. We could go into that match with our eyes closed and we would know everything Rydell and Ezra were about to throw at us. Because the fates are aligned.”

Lucy glanced at him and smiled, holding up a cautious finger.

“Well, we can’t bring the rose to Chicago with us. But right now, you’re right. It does feel that way.”

She giggled at a thought that came to her suddenly.

“The way you describe how we’d handle Dave and Ezra reminds me of Neo from the Matrix. Just after he downloads his skills and things begin to click with him.”

“I know which part you’re talking about.”

Rogan nodded and grinned in agreement.

“That’s what I meant by it, too. And, you know, we’ll be doing Dave a favor this week.”

Lucy tilted her head inquisitively.

“Oh? And how would we be doing that?”

“Dave Rydell has once again wandered off the path of his self-fulfilling prophecy. The World Championship. You see… this is why he never succeeds. He’s like a dog chasing cars. Easily distracted. And he claims to be focused on his personal set goals. But his actions… well, they tell a completely different story, altogether. And the car he’s chasing now? It’s chasing him. A shiny black Buick 8-cylinder bearing down on him. And by the time he realizes he’s in its path, it’ll be too late.”

Lucy smirked, letting her eyes get lost in the rose. Rogan was right, the petals seemed to glow, or burn, or something supernatural that she couldn’t quite explain.

“Ezra Wolf is no different. He’s the protege of another, trying to find his own way in UGWC. He’s starting to come around, but Ezra is just another dog chasing cars. He hasn’t yet solidified his place in this company, or this industry. Undoubtedly, Ezra will find his own path, and he’ll cut the strings from Zeke just as you cut yours from Sid Griffith. I’ll be damned if he begins forging his own path at our expense, however. It looks to me that Ezra’s emergence will just have to be on hold until twenty twenty-three. Because, while Dave and Ezra are both very capable of putting the pieces together for success, it’s going to take a lot more than that to get the better of you and me.”

“Aye, so you’re right. There isn’t a foundation in UGWC as solid as Lucy Wylde and Rogan MacLean. Whether it’s noticed or not–and I’m certain that it is–when our creative director looks for consistency, it’s you and I who are that constant this year. There are a few others who could qualify, as well. Seb… Kyra and Ken have broken through, as well, and I would consider them to be consistent. But, as far as being the faces of the company? You and I are in the center of that banner.”

Finally able to pull her gaze away from the rose, she turned her head and glanced back at Rogan, winking.

“As it should be. But we both know that regardless of what we think about them, this just might be the magic pairing that they’ve always been dreaming of. This may just be the thing that changes them from dogs chasing cars to… Well, what they both have always believed they are. ‘Top Dogs’.”

She stands and tilts her head at Rogan.

“…I mean, you and I both know what it’s like to finally find that missing puzzle piece, hmmm?”

Rogan nodded.

“You make a fine point, Dark Lady. But, as you said, I’ll be damned if I let them find that missing piece at our expense. You and I, we’ve held the Cooperative Championships three times now. And it’s this reign that we really solidify ourselves and our legacies in this division. And you, whilst solidifying yourself as the rightful World Champion. I can’t think of a better Christmas, can you?”

His eyebrows raised with rare arrogance, narrowing his gaze on Lucy – sending a shiver down her spine.

“As a matter of fact, I don’t think I can.”

“Well, then…”

Rogan held out a hand and Lucy took it.

“As much as I don’t want to pull either of us away from the rose, would you like to come with me and see our new home?”

She smirked, stepping away from the rose and towards the elevator.

“Thought you’d never ask, Dark Man.”