My Dearest Eden

I sincerely wish that I could sit here and say that it’s an honor to be finally facing you one on one, that I’m sincerely looking forward to pitting myself against you and seeing how things turn out for me.  Truth is, I’m not really feeling it right now.  I’m not really coveting this meeting between us because although this is our first meeting without those so-called ‘buffers’, this is far from our first meeting.  I’m tired of you, Eden.  I’m tired of your games, I’m tired of your constant bullshit.  I’m better than this, and I’m sure as hell better than you.  You’re a one trick pony, much like the rest of the people that you hang around with.  It’s pitiful.  It’s stupid.   But most of all, it’s pathetic.  You’re pathetic. 

I feel bad for you sometimes.  Honestly.  You just don’t know when to stop.  You don’t know when enough’s enough.  But I can’t really expect someone as narrow minded as you to really give a flying fuck about other people, let alone when you’ve beaten a dead horse until there’s literally nothing left to beat. 

I bet you’ve sat and wondered why I’ve stopped responding to you on Twitter.  Of course you already have the PERFECT reason cooked up in your head.  I’m scared of you right?  I know that poor little Lucy Wylde just can’t match the masterful wit of one Eden Morgan.  You are the UGWC World Heavyweight Champion afterall.  You did ‘retire’ my husband, after all.  You are just an all around better human being than I… Right?  That’s GOT to be the reason that I’ve ignored you, there can’t possibly be another reason.  You are Eden Morgan after all, how dare I not argue with you for the sake of arguing.

It’s like I said before.  I’m sick of it.  I’m sick of your idiotic little attempts to goad me into getting angry at you.  Yeah, you make me angry.  You make me angrier than anyone that I’ve ever met in my life.  But I’m not about to play your ridiculous little game so that the rest of your posse can gang up on me like they’ve done so many fucking times before.  And I don’t really give a shit what you say, Eden.. For someone who says that she isn’t threatened by someone like me… you sure do take the time to put me down a lot. 

And I mean A LOT.


Date June 19th 2017 / Time Unknown / Status Not Recording
Location Chicago, Illinois – Synergy


I scream out as I limp back to my locker room after the latest edition of ‘Attack Lucy Wylde’.   Of course, it was exactly like the last time, because why change it up when you can just keep doing the same old shit that you’ve been doing.  I enter the doorway and slam the door behind me before sliding down to the floor beside the door.

I fell for it.


And that pisses me off more than anything.

I reach out and rub at my knee; the throbbing in the joint getting worse with every beat of my heart.   I squeeze my eyes shut and will the pain away, wanting so badly to go and find that bastard and rip is fucking head off with my bare hands.  What was the point?  To get back at me?  To get back at me for what I did to him at the Melee?  What a crock of shit.  Honestly.  Yeah, I get it, I was asking for it by attacking him.  But what about the two fucking times before tonight that he took those cheap shots at me?

Was I not supposed to answer back?  Was I just supposed to lay down and let him walk on me just like everyone else around here seems to want to do?

Fuck no. 

I slam my head against the wall as a knock comes to my locker room door.

“Go away.”

I say with no intentions of opening it for anyone.  But I hear the doorknob turn anyway and in walks one of the trainers.

“I need to get a look at that knee, Lucy.”

“You don’t need to do shit.  Leave me alone.”

He sighs and crosses his arms over his chest as he stands above me, glaring down into my eyes.  Truth is, I don’t want the help.

“Come on, just let me take a look.”

I shake my head and move to pull myself up from the floor.

“No.  I don’t need your–AH!”

My knee gives out and I fall back to the ground, where I’m met with a pair of hands bracing my knee and pressing his fingertips into the sensitive and painful flesh around my kneecap.

“Ouch! Get the fuck off of me!”

I don’t really make a move to push him away, but the pain is getting nearly unbearable.  It’s not like I need him to tell me that Zane re-injured me.  It’s pretty God damned obvious at this point.   I just want to be alone right now.  I just want to sit here and figure out what I’m still doing here… especially after everything that’s happened.


It’s okay to admit that you’re threatened, Eden.  It’s okay to admit that you sometimes feel inadequate.  Of course, I cannot possibly fathom what would possess you to feel that way.  You’ve got everything going for you.  But there’s just one thing that bothers me.  I don’t understand how you can take credit for retiring my husband, when first off – he’s not retired.  I really don’t know where in the hell you idiots heard that, but if you’d pay attention to more than which selfie you want to post, or which conversation that you’re not involved in that you want to butt into on Tiwtter – you’d of seen that he is in the middle of a class action lawsuit with our employer.

You know, something about some self-righteous bitch making a big stink about his prescription medication and causing the company to monitor his intake of said medication.

Oh, sorry… Said too much, didn’t I?

I just find it funny that you take credit for running him out of the UGWC, when his last match wasn’t even against you.  It’s so you, Eden to sit here and take credit for something that number one, didn’t even happen  – and number two… you wouldn’t even have been the one who did it.  Gabrielle Montgomery would have been, but you see.. she’s not a stuck up cunt like you, and well.. it’s fairly obvious that she understands the concept of respect between two competitors.  But she’s yet another person that you take it upon yourself to put down, and why?  Because you wanna make sure that she’s aware that you perceive her… and us as lower citizens? 

Fuck you, and fuck your perceptions. 


Date June 21st 2017 / Time 8:19AM / Status Not Recording
Location The Wylde Residence – Western Maryland

After getting home and getting over this latest let down, I find myself at a cross-roads.  I put off calling my sister because I was scared, I was scared of being rejected again.  Which doesn’t really make sense, because this latest stint of my career has been nothing but rejection after rejection, and yet I keep coming back for more… so why not go for another one?  It doesn’t really make any difference.

I’ve got the phone to my ear and I’m sitting on the sofa with my knee propped up as CJ is moving around in the kitchen, fuming and trying to figure out what to fix for breakfast.  The phone rings once, twice… and just before the third ring, I hear the phone pick up.

“WHAT Do you want?”

I grimace as I adjust my leg and respond in kind.

“Listen, I’m not in the fucking mood right now Kyra.  If you don’t want to talk to me than why did you answer the phone?”

There’s a short silence, followed by a pronounced sigh.

“Because if I didn’t, you’d just keep bothering me.”

I laugh.

“Because I’ve been blowing up your phone lately, right?  Quit with the ignorant bullshit and just listen to me.”

“Because I have a lot of shit going on right now, Lucy and I don’t need your problems to compound my own.”

“Well then it’s a good thing that I’m not looking to compound anything.  I’m calling to apologize.”

A long silence and another sigh.  I hear her shifting uncomfortably, and I can only imagine the look on her face right now.  Really, it could be anything.

“You? Apologize?”

“Yeah, Kyra. That’s right.  It’s not really that farfetched is it?  Considering you’ve never once apologized for anything you’ve done wrong.  Nope, I’m always the one begging for your forgiveness.  Well I’m fucking sorry.  I’m sorry that you’re such a fucking cunt and I’m sorry that you can’t see past yourself to understand that a lot of this shit is your fault too.  Your fucking husband came to me wanting drugs and I turned him down because I knew that you would hate me even more if I helped him, but obviously he found them and he fucked you up good, didn’t he?  You fucking deserved it, Kyra.  You fucking–“

“I know that he went to you.  He told me.”

I’m actually stunned at that statement.  JD’s not the type to actually admit things like that.  So to hear that he actually confessed his sins to his wife, well that’s a supreme shock to say the least.

“I’m tired of being the bad guy when all I ever do is try to help you two.”

“I know.”

Again, I’m stunned as she quietly admits that.  What the fuck is going on?

“Well… Wow.  What the hell is going on?”

“Like I said, I’ve got a lot of shit going on too…”

“Like what?”


You can’t put me down any lower than I can put myself, Eden.  People like you think that you make the world go round, but in reality – you’re the reason that there’s so much hatred and so much misery in this world.  You think you’re making the world better, but really you and people like you are the reason why there’s going to be a world war three.  Your narrow mindedness and your holier than thou attitude make the UGWC a miserable place to call home.  People like Zane Scott are just a minor inconvenience – so don’t get too high on your so-called accomplishments and your so called ‘payback’ because you’re just another self proclaimed badass who has an inferiority complex much like your friends. 

Especially you, Eden.

You lost to Gabriel and I last week.  But honestly, I don’t care what comes of this match in a few days.  You did this.  You created this monster and I sincerely hope that you aren’t looking for me to feel the slightest bit motivated or inspired to go out there and fight you on Monday, because I’m not – and I won’t be.  I’m not excited to face you, but I’ll be there because I’m a woman of my word.  I’ll be there because it’s what’s asked of me.  But believe me when I say that this match isn’t going to go the way you want it to.  I’m not giving you my all because you don’t deserve it.  You haven’t earned that from me and you never will.  You are a leech on the ass of this business and this business will be a much better place when people like you and your friends wither away and die. 

But I’m sorry… I’m sure you’re not even reading this little letter right now, because you can’t act like my words mean anything to you, right?  You can’t possibly BE uncaring if you commit to listening and reading my words.  Because I’m just Lucy Wylde, a tiny little blip on your radar Ms. World Champ.  I’m a nothing.  I’m nobody.   You’re focused on Gabriel, and truth be told, you should be.  So dismiss me like you have been doing since I came here because I don’t give a fuck anymore.

With Love,
