Date April 21st 2020 / TimeUnknown / Status Not Recording
Location Location Unknown – Miami, Florida

(OOC: Take a look at Dustin’s RP to know what happened before this)

Part of me wishes I’d never have made the trip down here.

Sitting here beside Jack, watching him cry.. Watching his heart break because of all the strain that’s been put on his shoulders… I just, I don’t know what to do. I feel like there’s two different people inside me, fighting.

One wants to comfort him, pull him close and tell him everything will be okay. She wants to apologize, wants to atone for all the mean things she’s said without realizing the depth of how her fiance was feeling. She wants to cry right along with him.. Feeling the full weight of the hurt, the conflict and the selfishness… She wants to understand.

But the other one… She doesn’t feel anything. The man she loves is sitting in front of her, his heart breaking… His soul almost shattering right before her eyes and she doesn’t feel a damn thing about it. Nothing except the anger she’s felt on a near constant basis over the last few months… No understanding. No… nothing.

One side pities him. The other is disgusted by him, by the entire situation.

I’ve never felt so conflicted, but I slide closer to him – awkwardly laying an arm on his forearm and my head on his shoulder, listening to him cry.

“I’m so sorry, Kyra. I’m so… Sorry. You don’t deserve this. I don’t deserve you. I don’t… I don’t know what to do anymore.”

Yes you do.”

I reply, feeling my chest tighten.

How doesn’t he see that he’s not the victim in all of this? How can he be so blind? I just… I don’t know if that’s the right way to approach this.. I don’t know what to say. This entire thing sucks, not just for him.. But for everyone involved.

He’s gotta know the answer. He’s gotta know that there’s no changing this.. Not anymore.

“You gotta fight her Jack. You asked for this when you fought for that belt. You had to know that this was always a possibility. And here it is.. You have the belt and she wants it.. Relationships be damned.”

I can’t sugar coat it. Deep down in the back of his mind, he had to know that this exact thing was always a possibility.. Especially after Amber returned. To me, it makes no sense to be so torn up about it when all this time, Jack had wanted to be the top guy, wanted to be the example to everyone else… And here’s what might be his biggest test and he’s… Like this.

I glance over to see him nodding softly, sniffling.

“Will you be able to forgive me when this is all over?”

I don’t answer. I turn my head away from him, laying it back on his shoulder. I don’t even know if I can respond to that question. At least not in a way that wouldn’t be at least a partial lie.

Part of me wants to tell him yes… absolutely yes. That we’ll get through this… Together.

But that other side… She doesn’t want to think about it right now. She’s been hurt and manipulated this entire time… By the man she’s supposed to love and the woman who she called her best friend. They put her in the middle.. And neither of them could look past their own nose to see how fucking wrong that was.

“I… I gotta go.”

I say, pulling away from him and climbing back to my feet. I can feel his eyes following me, and I can sense the utter sadness and disappointment radiating from his body… But I just can’t let that stop me.

He didn’t let it stop him when he left two months ago.


I shake my head, not bothering to look back at him.

“Good luck at Isolation.”

I say it and walk away, back through this decrepit old gym and out the same door I came in. If he tried to respond, I didn’t hear it. I just don’t care. I don’t care how sorry he is… I don’t care how badly he wants to be ‘happy’. Hell, at this point, I don’t even care if he and Amber kill each other in that ring at Isolation.

They’ve both made their bed and I’m tired of lying in it with them.

One used me in order to get to her opponent… Manipulated me week after week, no feelings about what she was doing to her supposed friend. And the other, he abandoned me. He abandoned all his responsibilities because the consequences of HIS choices finally caught up to him.

Fuck ‘em both.

I got my own shit to worry about.


Date April 25th 2020 / Time2:17PM / Status Not Recording
Location The Baltimore Inner Harbor – Baltimore, Maryland

What a weird time to be alive, I’ll say that. Sitting out here, looking out at the Chesapeake Bay… Listening to the silence around me… A place that’s usually so filled with life and sound… It’s weird to be here without all that.

But it’s peaceful, unlike so much else over the last few months.

“Aren’t you supposed to be inside?”

I hear her before I see her.

“How in the hell… Lucy?”

I turn around to see my sister walking up to the bench I’m sitting on – taking a seat on the other side of it… Social Distancing and all… She leans back on the bench, shoving her hands into the pockets of the giant sized hoodie she’s got on and glances over in my direction.

“You look surprised.”

“Just a little. Didn’t really expect to see you anytime soon.”

She nods, turning her head and looking out over the water.

“Yeah well, I probably shouldn’t be here but if we’re gonna be moving down this way – I kinda gotta find a place… That and… I didn’t wanna miss Isolation, you know?”

I sigh, pulling my jacket around me a little tighter.


We sit in silence for a little while. I guess there’s not really much to talk about… I know she’s got a lot on her mind too… But I do wonder…

“Unfinished business, huh?”

“Uh huh.”

I nod my head again. Can’t really blame her. I’d feel the same way if I were out of action for months after someone tried to end my career. I just hope she doesn’t end up getting herself into even deeper water…

“Can’t blame you.”

“I wouldn’t expect you to.”

“I’m just not sure if you’re–”

She puts a hand up, cutting me off.

“I’m fine.”

The tone of her voice tells me everything that I need to know.


She sighs after a few seconds

“Heard anything from Jack?”

Now it’s my turn to sigh.

“Saw him a couple days ago.”

She leans forward and looks at me.


I sigh even louder and cross my arms.

“And.. he doesn’t wanna do this, he ‘never’ wanted to do this and he just wants to be happy.”

I roll my eyes.

“I mean it’s gotta be a tough spot for him. Amber is like a daughter to him. He doesn’t wanna fight her… No matter how much that belt means to her.”

Oh Jesus.. And now she’s taking Jack’s side. I get what she’s trying to do, and I guess any other time I’d appreciate the effort but I’m not entirely sure I want to hear it right now.

“Yeah, well I’ve spent the last two months being the middleman. I’m sorry that he’s conflicted but for fucks sake…”

Lucy sighs.

“Yeah.. It’s a lot. And it’s not easy being in the middle.”

“No shit. Thank you by the way, for giving me the heads up about Amber.”

“I figured you’d wanna know what was going on.”

If Lucy wouldn’t have told me to take a closer look at the last couple of Chaos’… I wouldn’t have realized that Amber was playing me like a fucking fiddle. Because that’s definitely what friends do to one another, especially when championships are involved.

It hurts and it makes me feel justified in the way I feel. Why should I give one fuck about their fight when neither of them have given one shit about how I’ve felt through all this? All of this has only served to remind me of why being alone is better.

It was a lot easier than actually investing in relationships.

“Yeah.. Thanks.”

Lucy nods and silence settles between us again.

I don’t know, it’s nice to actually have someone here to talk to… without all the bullshit. I appreciate her… More than I ever realized. It’s a damn shame I spent so much time hating her for something that neither of us had control over.

Maybe I should actually say this to her…

“Hey, I…”

I start speaking, but when I turn to see her looking at me… The prospect of having a real moment here with my sister, the opportunity to continue closing that gap between us… It scares me.


My chest tightens as all the air leaves my lungs.

“I.. Um..”

God damnit Kyra… Don’t fuck this up. She’s your sister. She’s your fucking sister.. You might not feel like the other people in your life care… but she does. You know she does.

I feel my eyes welling up… I reach up and wipe the tears away and shake my head.

“I just want you to know I appreciate you… I just…”

More tears roll down my cheeks, the light breeze drying the streaks almost instantly – sending a chill down my spine.

“I know you do, Kyra… Thank you for saying it though. Didn’t really realize how much I needed to hear that until just now… But I’m here for you, you know that right?”

I nod my head.

“I don’t know why though.. I don’t deserve that Luce.”

“Oh bullshit. We’ve both made mistakes.. I’d like to think we’ve learned from them and that’s why we’re here right now… You deserve to know people care just as much as anyone else.”

Lucy sighs.

“I get it though… I get what you’re going through. It fucking sucks to feel so betrayed by the people you love. The people you let down your guard around. But everyone makes mistakes… Jack and Amber are gonna have to either own up to it… or they’re gonna have to make excuses and sweep it under the rug. Whatever they do after all this shit is over, that’ll tell you what kind of people they really are.”

The tears flow more freely now as I listen to her.

“That’s what scares me.”

“It’s okay to be scared. You hope they’ll realize how much they’ve hurt you and you hope they’ll try to make it right.. But you don’t know. You don’t know if you can trust them to make that decision… A decision that won’t benefit them.”

I nod again, putting my face down in my hands.

“You’re right…”

I manage to squeak out.

“I’ve been there.”

She says quietly. A few seconds later I feel a hand on my shoulder, rubbing my back. I look up to see her leaning over, her head close to mine and I can see the trouble in her eyes. I can see the truth.. As stupid as that sounds…

“With CJ… He chose to deny it. He chose to run away and that nearly killed me. With Joe.. I was convinced he was gonna do the same thing… But he didn’t. He admitted his mistake and he’s worked every single day to fix it… to fix us. If Jack lets go of you, Kyra.. He’s a moron and he’s not the man I thought he was.”

She wraps her arm around me.

“JD did.”

“And he fucked up. The point is, you’ll get through this. It hurts now and that’s gonna take a while to heal… But it’ll be okay. Trust me.”

I don’t know. I just don’t know, but maybe she’s right.

I let out a shaky breath and open my mouth to speak, but I stop myself. I don’t think there’s anything else to say… So I just… I turn my body and I hug my sister. I wrap my arms around her and for the first time in weeks, I just relax. At first I feel her tense up, almost as if she’s shocked… I don’t blame her. I’m not much of a hugger… Obviously. But after a few seconds, she relaxes too and she sighs, wrapping her other arm around me.

It’s nice to have my sister back.

“Don’t let this shit break you, Kyra. Use the anger and the pain… Use it, and make something good out of it.”


Let’s just cut right to the chase, okay?

I’m gonna start out by saying that since Act of Defiance… I’ve been the only bitch that’s involved in this match who’s been at each Chaos. Now on the surface, that’s not a big deal. I’ve been booked.. I’ve had to be there, and any other time, I’d let that slide because.. Current state of the world, right?

But you know, some crazy bitch had to open her cocksucker… And now I’ve gotta say some shit.

Yeah, Mia.. I’m talking about you.

So, I’ve been ducking you, huh? I’ve been avoiding you because why, exactly? Why would I be avoiding you? Oh, I get it… you’re trying to tell me that I’m scared of you.

That’s funny because I’m not the one visiting people’s childhood homes, or hiding away each and every week… And yeah, I get it.. You weren’t booked and that’s a real good excuse. But it’s also total and complete fucking bullshit. Since when did you do what anyone recommended you do?

You ain’t fooling no one, sweetie.

What I think? I think that you’re trying desperately to get into my head, trying to convince me that we’re in some alternate universe where all the shit you’ve done and continue to do has ANY effect on me in the slightest… So much so that I’m somehow frightened of stepping into the ring with you.

Fucks sake. You do know who the fuck I am, don’t you?

Wait.. No, you don’t. You don’t have a single, solitary idea of who in the hell I am because every single thing you’ve said to me over the last month or so.. Well not one syllable of it has been to my fucking face, first off.. And trust me Bitch, I’ve been here. You’re insulted that I called you a coward? Well how’s about you stop acting like one and I’ll start treating you like you’ve actually got a fucking back bone.

You’re a lot of talk, Mia. The things you wanna criticize me and Lucy for.. You turn right around and do the same fucking shit. Ataxia for example… you know, good old cue-ball? You sit there up on your high horse telling me that I run to Jack and let him handle all my problems, or that Lucy’s sleeping with Joe to ‘help the healing process’.. But what’s going on with you and cotton ball head, huh?

Seems to me like you need to get laid, sister… You’re just a lil’ bit grumpy lately. Take a little ride on ‘Ataxia’s little Q-tip of fun’ and maybe you’ll chill the fuck out.

But that’s none of my business. Don’t feel good to have people sticking their noses in where it doesn’t belong, does it? You don’t like it when people do that shit to you, but it’s perfectly okay when you visit cemeteries and trespass on properties in order to make your point, huh?

News flash bitch, you could have burnt that fucking house down and I wouldn’t have cared. You can go dig my dads dead body up out of the ground and dance with his bones… I wouldn’t give a shit.

But yeah, you threaten my daughter and my sister… That’s where I draw the line. And I guess you already know that. You and your psychotic fucking sisters.

And before you even say it… I know what I did to Lucy. Somehow you think reminding me of that is going to send me down to my knees in front of you, begging you to end my existence or some shit.. Nope. Like I said, I know what I did. I regret what I did… At least I regret who I did it to… Because if given the opportunity, I’d happily shove your neck under that cage instead and watch your head pop off your fucking body… And I wouldn’t feel a God damned thing about it.

Preach at me about family values, telling me that Lucy and I grew up together.. Asking me how I could do something so heartless and evil to my only sister… You know, because the Almighty Mia Rayne could never be so cruel to her own flesh and blood… Like you fucking know me you crazy cunt.

You and your unbreakable bond with your sisters…. Unbreakable, huh?

News flash, honey… Everything is breakable if you put it under enough pressure.

The way I see it, that facade of a happy sisterly reunion is already starting to crack. ZQ losing that Baltimore City Championship because of her weak ass partner? Doesn’t it eat at you, Mia.. What if you were there? Maybe Mac wouldn’t have manhandled your sisters the way he did if you were there to stop it. But no, you couldn’t be there.. You were ‘quarantining’ yourself, right? Like a good girl… and leaving your beloved sisters high and dry didn’t make it into that equation I suppose. How do they feel, being abandoned when they needed you the most? I’m sure they loved that… almost as much as I’m sure they loved watching you get all wet out there the other week when your piece of fuckmeat decided to make an appearance.

Ignoring your flesh and blood for some dick?

Damn, I’m not even that cold.

But hey, you keep preaching… sister. Maybe I’m completely off base here, or maybe I’m the only one that’s seeing things for what they really are… Three out of touch, psycho fucking bitches who think it wise to judge what family is and what it means.

I ain’t perfect. Never claimed to be but bitch, at least I ain’t youDollar store Freddy Kruger. Great value Hannibal Lecter.  Costco brand Jason Voorhees.  You get the picture, right?


You really do think you’re so high and mighty, don’t you? Ain’t gonna feel so god damned high and mighty when you’re bleeding out at my feet… your real face matching that idiotic fucking mask you wear.

I’m gonna do what everyone’s been too scared to do. I’m gonna put you down. I’m gonna make your sisters watch, make them smell your blood before I put them down too.

You think I won’t?

That I ain’t got it in me?

Like you keep saying.. I did something terrible to my own flesh and blood like it’s something I should be ashamed of. I was.

But I realize now that I shouldn’t be. I just did it to the wrong person.

You’re next… and this time… I won’t have any problems watching the life slowly leave your body… watching poor sweet Sloane realize exactly what she got herself into… tearing into poor little Su and ZQ too because I know they’ll be there like good sisters… and I’ll happily send them down to hell too.

Oh, and Sloane… I’m sorry sweetie for what you’re about to witness.

But lets be real here, neither of us really understand what the fuck you’re doing in this match. Not because you’re not talented… Because it’s pretty obvious that you are. Wrestlestock winner. Tag Team Champion. UV title number one contender… It’s obvious, you’re good. I just don’t know if this is where you belong.

Tell me, what would you actually do if you, by some miracle, won the Ultraviolent Championship at Isolation?

You don’t know?

Hell, that makes two of us.

I don’t hate you, Sloane. I really don’t. But that’s not gonna stop me from hurting you. That’s not going to stop me from making sure you don’t shit on the good name of the Ultraviolent division of Carnage Wrestling with your sweet as candy, cavity inducing bullshit.

I mean you’re the very person who went around on Twitter, asking anyone who would entertain your stupid ass… What you should do in an UItraviolent match. And honestly, some of the answers were great. They were informed and they’re definitely advice I’d recommend you listen to…

But my advice?

You scratch, you claw… you fight your God damned heart out and you bleed… You bleed a lot. You survive… And you lose. Because you might be able to hold your own in there for a little while, but don’t let it get into your head. Don’t let a few good licks make you feel like you’re on top of the world because as quickly as euphoria hits… The pain and devastation will hit you harder, and faster.

Don’t be shocked at the sight of your own blood, or the sight of other people’s blood on your hands.

But most importantly… Don’t get your hopes up.

While I might hate Mia, and it wouldn’t hurt my feelings to beat her within an inch of her life… Don’t think for a God damned second that I’ve forgotten that this is a triple threat match… And I ain’t gonna turn my back on you for a second.  I know how this shit works, I know that it’s every woman for herself and I don’t expect nothing less.  I might think you’re out of your element, Sloane.  I might even think you’ve bitten off WAY more than you can chew.. But that doesn’t change the fact that we’re all in it to win this title belt and there’s no way I’m gonna give you the chance to feel overlooked or underestimated.  I don’t have the luxury of underestimating you, Sloane.  I don’t have the luxury of underestimating anyone in this match.  

So don’t think that all my focus will be on destroying Mia because the truth is, I won’t hesitate to do the same exact shit to you because you’re there.. And by stepping into the ring with us at Isolation… You’re asking for it.

But you already know that, don’t you?

I just hope you know the fight you’re in for because Carnage isn’t UGWC.

Carnage is a whole different beast, and so am I.

And at the end of the night, by the grace of the Gods of Ultraviolence.. I will be the new Carnage Ultraviolent Champion, and I’ll have accomplished something that I’ve wanted since I stepped foot in Carnage all those years ago…

I’m not scared of a fight, I never have been.

So fuck me up, fam… Fuck me up good and when I get back up, because I will get back up…

I’ll show you how the fuck it’s done.

OOC: Word Count – 3886. Good Luck Britt & Mia! <3