You turn and see them in the sand
Your steps behind you and your hands
Are worn
They’re tired and they’re worn

January 22nd 2018 / Time Unknown / Status Not Recording
Location UGWC Synergy – Chicago, Illinois

I had looked forward to my match with Alan Wallace for a long time. Granted I didn’t know about the match tonight until a week ago; I’d always wanted to face the man one on one. I had wanted to test my skill against someone who’s been labeled as one of the very best that the UGWC has to offer, a man who at one point held the UGWC World Heavyweight Championship for over a year. I wanted to know if I could hold my own against someone of that caliber.

It’s not that I haven’t already proven that I can hold my own with the best around here. I’ve gone up against and beaten many if not all of the names that have become synonymous with the UGWC. It’s just… I don’t know. I just wanted it. I wanted a clean match, a good match… Something I could have looked back on in years to come whether I won or lost and have been proud of my effort.

I didn’t get that tonight, did I?

As I walk backstage, dragging my feet along as I take my tired, aching, sweaty body through the halls of this backstage I can’t help but to feel… Hell, I don’t even know what to feel right now. Being beaten is one thing. Losing after a long, hard fought battle – that’s nothing to be ashamed of. But being beaten after what happened tonight? That’s not something I can let go of so easily.

I keep replaying it in my head… hearing the drop of the camera and losing my focus up there on the top turnbuckle just long enough for Vain to grab me and end it. Why’d I lose my focus? I know better than that. I know that once I’m in that ring that I need to forget everything else that’s going on outside of it. I’ve been doing this long enough to not make stupid mistakes like that.

Or so I thought.

I keep replaying that moment inside the ring, sitting in the corner, staring at the cameraman. Trying to maintain my sense of calm as I watched Vain celebrate his victory out of the corner of my eye. I lost. All because of that cameraman. But then he brought his hands up to the owl mask he was wearing on his face, and he pulled it off. There was nothing I could do at that point except stare into his eyes like a dumbfounded child, like a surprised dog with her head cocked to one side as she hears a strange sound.

Yeah, Good luck in whatever you decide to do tonight, Mr. Baal.

Doesn’t seem like he needed much luck, he just needed a woman who can’t help herself. What the hell do I do now? I feel like I could go back to my locker room and cry my eyes out, but the other side of my feels like finding that son of a Bitch and ripping his throat out. A much smaller part of me.. Well she just wishes she could disappear. She wishes the shame would just swallow her up and get her away from this wretched place.

Stupid me, I thought that nothing was going to get in the way of this match tonight. I thought that I was good enough to beat Alan, and I damn well might have been… If not for me letting myself get distracted. I honestly didn’t think Gabriel would sink that low. I thought that kind of shit was below him, besides… I honestly thought that while we’d had our issues towards the end of last year, that we’d gone our separate ways.

Not that we’d ever find a common footing again, or that we’d ever really like one another – but I’d honestly thought that we’d just coexist here, regardless of personal feelings. That was until I saw his face emerge from behind that mask.

Why? What good did it do him to distract me?

I rake my hands through my hair as I creep closer to my locker room. My stomach feels like it’s filled with concrete and my chest feels like it’s going to collapse in on itself any moment. I’m tired. So fucking tired of everything, especially people like him. Especially people who honestly think that doing shit like that to me is going to make me go away… No matter how badly I want to right now… I won’t go away.

I’d think that they would know that about me by now.

Guess not.


I stop in the middle of the hall, and turn around to see Grey Coppi walking towards me, a notepad in his hand and a cameraman in tow. Lovely. This isn’t my idea of how I want this evening to continue.

“Mind if we ask you a few questions?”

My first thought is ‘no’. I’m trying to get back to my locker room, I’m sure I look like hell and I’ve been struggling to keep my composure since the moment I saw Gabriel out at ringside. I don’t think I look like a woman who really wants to be asked questions about something that happened literally five minutes ago. Talk about buzzards around a fresh carcass… my dead body couldn’t be any riper for the taking apparently.

I just lost the Cross-Hemisphere Championship. I just lost something that I held very dear and I lost it because of my own weakness. Or did I lose it because Gabriel Baal is a complete and utter prick? I don’t know. What I do know right now is that I can’t decide whether I want to cry or if I want to decapitate Grey Coppi on camera and tell this cameraman… that is if he’s not Baal playing dress-up again, to take Coppi’s head and give the Court a little message.

Guess doing this interview will have to do for now. I suck in a deep breath and force a smile on my otherwise tired face.

“Sure.. Fine.”

Not like this entire thing is a struggle. Nope. Not at all.

“Tough loss out there tonight, huh?”

He asks as he smooths his hands over his suit jacket and fixes his hair. The camera is already trained on the two of us, so I’m not sure why he’s saving all the primping for this exact moment. I sigh and shrug my shoulders. He honestly has no idea how this feels right now… No idea how much this hurts.

“It’s disappointing, that’s for sure. But it’s nothing I haven’t dealt with before.”

Which isn’t exactly true, I tell myself as I bite my lip and look around the backstage area. If the cameraman recording this interview isn’t Gabriel, then I wonder if any of them are watching his handy work right now.. Or maybe they’re too busy trying to figure out who’s licking who’s taint tonight.

I’m a bit paranoid, for good reason.

Disappointment isn’t really the word I’d use to describe what this feels like though. I don’t really know how to describe it. Maybe it could be described by the stinging in the corners of my eyes, or the pain in my head from trying to hold those tears in. Maybe I can describe it with the scream that I’d love to release from my lungs, or perhaps the tearing feeling in the back of my throat would describe it better.

“Do you feel like you put your best effort out there with Alan Wallace tonight?”

Ripping his head off is looking like a better option, the more he talks. Me? Not put in my best? Well I guess I didn’t, did I? I mean… I did, but then I got distracted.


“Of course I do. You know me, I always put in one hundred and ten percent in everything that I do.”

“But what about that ending?”

I’m not an idiot. I see what he’s trying to do. It’s bad enough that I can’t get the visual of Gabriel’s face out of my mind, or the image of Vain celebrating with my belt. It’s bad enough that I’ve got so much other shit going through my mind that I don’t know which way is up half the time… I don’t need this too.

I don’t wanna lose my cool on camera. I don’t want to lose my marbles over Gabriel and what happened.. Although letting off a little steam would feel good. I wouldn’t feel like a faulty water heater, just building pressure and building pressure until suddenly… BOOM. Suddenly I’m taking out everyone around me… Friend and foe alike…

People like Gabriel, Eden and Jet – They just don’t understand what they’re doing… They don’t get the hell they’re lining up to take. They–


I shake my head and shrug my shoulders.

“He pinned me, Grey. He did what I couldn’t. He was the better man tonight. I’m happy for him. Congratulations, Alan. I’m sorry I didn’t get the chance to tell you that while we were still out there.”

I bear my teeth and smile. Grey nods. I’m a lot of things, but a sore loser isn’t one of them. I never have been and I never will be.

“So, you don’t think that Gabriel Baal had anything to do with why you’re not standing here as the reigning Cross-Hemisphere Champion?”

I can feel my chest tightening, and I can feel the words pushing at the backs of my lips – trying to be freed but I swallow them, hard. I force them back down into my stomach where I’m sure they’ll condense and become a kidney stone or something else that’ll end up hurting like hell – and I renew my smile, tilting my head slightly as I look into Grey’s eyes.

“Of course, Grey, I’m disappointed that Mr. Baal decided to act as he did. I’ve always treated him as a fair competitor, and I don’t think it’s too far-fetched to expect the same from my peers.”

At least I used to think it wasn’t far-fetched. But Gabriel’s brought it down to a new low for me. Hell, I’ve even left him alone on Twitter – for the most part. I’ve left their musings about me alone, as much as I’ve wanted to do the typical Lucy thing and defend myself; I’ve let them shit all over me because I wanted to play the nice guy.

Look where that got me, huh? Good luck in whatever you decide to do tonight, Mr. Baal. Yeah… Fucking naive is what I am.

I can tell he’s getting tired of all my politically correct answers but I’m not giving ‘The Court’ anymore ammunition. They’re not going to continue being my own ‘Personal Satans’ – As Jet and Eden so aptly put it. If they want to bash me, they’re going to have to make themselves look bad to do it.

“So what are you going to do from here, Lucy?”

“What I always do, Coppi. I’m going to keep going. I’m going to continue forward and look towards the future and the Global Challenge.”

Grey opens his mouth to respond, but his eyes widen and I immediately turn around, thinking that it’s Gabriel or one of the other Court Cocksuckers only to see that it’s Maggie. Shit. I’d forgotten she was here tonight. With everything going on; I’d forgotten that she was out there in the audience watching everything go down, and by the look on her face as she approaches Grey and I, she’s not happy.

Can’t really blame her.

“What an unexpected surprise, Magdalena Lockheart has just walked in. Maggie, tell me what do you think about tonight’s Cross-Hemisphere Championship match?”

Our eyes meet, and for a fleeting moment I feel my chest and my stomach rising… that is until she breaks eye contact and turns her attention to Coppi who’s looking like he’s just won both the Daytona 500 and the Indy 500 in the same day. Maggie crosses her arms over her chest, a distinct scowl taking over where that soft, endearing look once was upon her face.

“You mean besides the fact that I think it was complete bullshit?”

“Oh? How so?”

Maggie’s face says exactly what I want to. How so?

“Seriously? You mean to tell me that you didn’t even see what happened? Fucking Baal happened. Okay? The Court fucking happened… and between you and I, I’m getting rather sick of their shit-”

“Hey, It’s okay.”

Her eyebrows raise as I place my hand on her arm, nodding my head. I don’t need her going off right now either. That’s not going to help either of us heading into the future.

“It’s not okay, Luce. It’s the furthest thing from okay… you got robbed! The least Vain could do is not act like he accomplished something all on his own.”

I shake my head and glance towards Coppi, watching him practically drooling at the story he’s getting right now with both of us here. Just what we need, ‘Lockheart and Wylde fighting over Gabriel Baal’… Dear God. No one needs that.

“I’m sure Vain wasn’t aware of what had happened.”

I try to smile, but Maggie is having none of it.

“Yeah well where is the asshole then? Huh? If he was half of the champion that he thinks he is, he would be the first here, apologizing for what happened… and trying to make it right! I mean come on, aren’t you upset, Luce?”

Her question strikes me the wrong way. Of course I’m upset. I’m livid. I feel like I could break down and cry at any moment now. I feel like I could punch my way through the cinder block wall in front of us. I feel like I could rip Grey Coppi in half and drink his blood and not think twice about it. I feel like… I feel like shit. I feel like a piece of shit. I feel like I should have saw this coming from a mile away – possibly two miles, if not more.

Most of all, I feel hopeless. I feel like a disappointment. I feel like I let her, and myself – not to mention everyone else who believes in me, down. That’s a lot of shit to hold on my shoulders all at once. I’m honestly surprised I’ve held it together this long.

Of course I’m upset.

“That’s not the point.”

“Like hell it isn’t! You don’t have to act like you’re not… they did this to you and they need to be held responsible. Tell them what’s up! …and give that asshole a piece of your mind!”

I shake my head and look down. I know what she’s trying to do.. She’s trying to get me fired up and motivated. She’s trying to do exactly what I don’t think is right. She’s trying to give Baal and his band of merry motherfuckers a heads up as to what’s going to happen to them the next time I see them. I appreciate it, but I just can’t do that right now.

I’m too damn conflicted.

This is my fault too. It’s not just his. It’s my fault for letting him in and letting him have his run over my mind and my emotions.

“I will.”

“Luce come on. Stop letting them walk all over you. You don’t need to play these games anymore. Knock him on his ass.”

I glance up at Coppi and over at the camera as the corners of my eyes begin prickling again. I know she means well, and I really do adore her for her passion about me and my career and my well-being… But it just isn’t the right time.

I smile and extend my hand to Coppi.

“Thank you for your time, Grey but we really do need to go.”

Grey shakes my hand and turns away, but just as I move towards my locker room I feel a hand wrapped around my arm. Not squeezing, just enough to make me stop. I look down into Maggies eyes and I can feel the tears welling up as I do. If I wasn’t sure that I’d disappointed her before… I know I have now.

It’s just too much. Too many expectations.

“Why are you doing this to yourself?”

I shrug my shoulders and begin walking again, heading to the locker room where I’ve wanted to be all along – except this time I have company and I’m not really sure I want it right now. And that thought, it makes me feel even worse… If that were even possible at this point.


Footprints as far as you can see
This is who you are, you’ll always be
The One
The one to fare the storm

January 23rd 2018 / Time 3:48PM / Status Not Recording
Location The Paper Street Tattoo Company – Inwood, New York

I went into this past weekend expecting to spend it alone – but then yesterday someone told me that she was going to come out to Chicago to watch me defend the Cross-Hemisphere Championship… because she wanted to. Because I’m special to her.

Nothing made me feel more special than knowing that someone was actually sitting in the audience for me… Just for me. Now, I’m not naive enough to think that the fans in the crowd aren’t there for me, but let’s be honest and say that they’re there to see a wrestling show – it just so happens that I’m on it.

But Maggie was there for me.

And we had planned on staying in Chicago for a day or so past Synergy to… Spend time together. To see some sights and have fun without having to worry about an impending wrestling show. But after what happened last night, and seeing my mindset after all of it – we decided to just come back home to New York. I can’t say I wasn’t both glad and extremely sad to do so, but I understood why she wanted to do that.

I’d rather save the traveling for when we’re both mentally ready for it.

And by both, I mean me.

We hadn’t really spoken since I dropped her off here yesterday, and I don’t know, I just wanted to come here and check on her – make sure she’s alright. She was pretty upset and angry when I left her.

“Hey guys, what’s up?”

I say, walking into the front door of the Tattoo shop; Maggie’s pride and joy. It amazes me everytime I walk in here, seeing how she’s converted it from an early 1900’s barber shop into one of the hottest tattoo parlors in New York today. At least in the opinions of everyone within these walls and at least a few other wrestlers on Twitter. I try to hold a smile on my face as I step into the building; but I’m met with four icy stares.

What the hell’s going on?

I wouldn’t say I know the women that work here very well, we’ve only ever spoken in passing when I’ve come here to see Maggie – and honestly, today wasn’t really going to be any different, but the greeting I’m getting isn’t exactly making me feel welcomed. Did Maggie tell them something? Did I do something wrong?

All but one of them turn their respective attentions back to whatever it was that they were doing. Nani, the rainbow haired woman from Hawaii looks like she’s working on a sketch for a client, while Brandie, the short blonde was simply reading a book. The only one still staring at me was Rosalyn, the redhead who Maggie’s told me is just as close to her as Nadette, or myself. Maybe she’ll tell me what’s going on.

“Hi, Rosalyn… Is everything okay?”

The woman shrugs her shoulders and turns her attention back down to the sketch on her table.

“I don’t know, you tell me, hun.”

“What does that even mean? Listen, is Maggie here?”

She shakes her head as I see a strong brunette step out of the far office. I turn my gaze to see Nadette wearing a similar look to the rest of the shop. I really wish I knew what was going on here, but instead I’m more clueless than Dave Rydell well, everyday of his life.

“Hey, Nadette.. Is Maggie in?”

But the brunette just stares at me for a few seconds, making me uneasy before she finally responds.

“Are you here to get tattoo?”

“Uh… No?”

“Then good day.”

I’m left absolutely dumbfounded as she turns and heads back into her office. I look around the shop and again I look into the eyes of four other unhappy women. I just don’t know what in the hell they’re unhappy about but it’s pretty obvious that I have something to do with it. I move towards Nadette’s office and I catch her before she closes the door again.

“What’s going on? Is Maggie okay?”

Nadette scoffs.

“Of course she okay. She is not here.”

Her thick German accent practically slaps me in the face as she spits those words at me. Maggie wasn’t kidding when she said that staying on Nadette’s good side is the best thing because what I used to see as a good natured, good hearted, misunderstood woman.. I now see a beast, someone who I really don’t want to get into a fight with especially when I don’t even understand what the hard feelings are about.

“Oh, well okay. That’s all I wanted to know. I just wanted to make sure she was okay, she was pretty upset when I dropped her off last night.”

“I know that she was.”

I raise my eyebrows.

“You do?”

She nods.

“I was still here when she come in, angry about you losing and trying to find drink. We have small fight and she leave shop early today.”

Maggie and Nadette had a fight over me? Oh dear Jesus, I don’t want to be a problem in their friendship. That was never my intent. I sigh and pull my hair back off of my neck.

“Listen, I’m sorry. I was pretty upset myself – I still am. But I didn’t mean to come in between you two.”

She scoffs again and moves deeper into her office.

“Well it is because of you that she will be here even less now.”


What does that even mean?

“She signed contract with UGWC because of you. Now she be gone even more. So thank you for that.”

And with that she closed the office door, effectively shutting me out. Maggie signed a contract with UGWC… I didn’t even know that she was considering it. I didn’t even know she wanted to… so how could I be the reason?

As I turn around to head back through the hostile crowd of employees whom I now know are mad at me because their friend/employer isn’t going to be around ‘even more’, I realize that I am the reason… My stomach tightens up and suddenly I feel claustrophobic. I didnt know. I didn’t know that that’s what was going to happen – I didn’t ask her to do that. I wouldn’t ask her to do that.

I just wish they understood that.


If it was up to you and you
Knew that you would lose
If it was up to you I know
You’d always choose
To continue

January 25th 2018 / Time 11:55AM / Status Not Recording
Location Little Park Restaurant – New York City, New York

I can’t believe I’m actually doing this. I’m actually going to give them the money that they want. I wiped my entire savings out. I emptied my entire bank account, I did just about everything except sell my condo – but I got it. I got the money they wanted to get the hell out of my life for good.

I know it’s not my smartest or my most logical decision ever… Maggie’s been rallying against this since she found out what happened. Telling me to call the police, telling me to get my own article published… Anything but lay down and let them have what they want. But I can’t. I’m done fighting it. If this is going to get them to go away and never bother me or my good name again, then so be it.

It’s only money.

My hands are still shaking though. I’m still scared as to what the future consequences of this are going to be for me and mine. I wanted to be able to help Maggie with anything I could, and without money – At least for the time being, I won’t be able to do that. I wanted to be able to keep my condo, and that’s looking less and less likely.

I step through the doors of the little restaurant and look around, instantly honing in on them, seated side by side in a corner booth, staring a hole through me. It’s like the bag I have in my hand suddenly weighs three hundred pounds, and I nearly let it slip out of my hands as I make my way around everyone else seated in this establishment, enjoying their lunches totally unbeknown to them that an abuser is about to squeeze the money out of his victim.

Victim. What an ugly word. I hate that word.

“Ah, Lucille. We were starting to wonder if you were even going to show up.”

I’ll never understand how a man capable of such savagery and hatred can keep his voice so damned level and calm. This is the same man who screamed at the top of his lungs into my face, spit flying from his mouth and his eyes bugging out of his head. His face would get so red sometimes that I wondered if his head was going to explode. I couldn’t have gotten that lucky.

“Can we just get this over with, I have better things to do.”

But I most certainly don’t have to sit here and make small talk, especially with Maggie waiting for me in the car. She wanted so badly to come in, but this is just something I can’t bear for her to see… Them, this, me.

“Don’t be curt with me.  This arrangement isn’t over yet…”

I place the bag in my lap and fiddle with the handle of it as I listen to his admonishment. It’s amazing how much I can still feel like that young girl, that young girl who did nothing wrong. That young girl who just wanted to be loved and cared for, not beaten and bloodied at every opportunity. The girl who wanted so badly to be somewhere where she was wanted.. But never got that chance until it was almost too late.

As I sit here, those old familiar feelings start to set in. I can’t stay here. I can’t let his negative energy ruin everything. I’m still upset about losing the Cross-Hemisphere belt at Synergy, and this has been on my mind for weeks… the faster I get this over with, the faster I can move on with my life, hopefully with Maggie by my side… and never look back.

“Well can we get it over with?”

“I was hoping we could catch up…”

That’s the last thing I want… to catch the fuck up with the Johnsons. But with him, I know that I can’t catch this particular bee with vinegar, I have to use honey.. As much as it pains me to do so.

“Okay.. What do you want to catch up about?”

“We saw your fight the other night… What a dreadful thing you do. I don’t know why you’d want to go out and fight people as your profession.”

Ain’t that the pot calling the kettle black.

“At least I’m not beating the hell out of my wife and kids…”

I mumble, turning my head and taking in the rest of this little hole in the wall restaurant. It’s really pretty, maybe I should bring Maggie here sometime.

“What did you just say?!”

I turn my head back to my father, who looks like he could spit bullets. I shrug my shoulders and grip the handles of the bag a little tighter, trying to look more indifferent than terrified. I’m sure he can sense my fear though, he always could.

“I just don’t know why you’re judging my choice of career.”

“Because I can. I’m actually glad you lost that… What was it again?”


“Yes. That. I’m glad you lost it. It doesn’t look good for someone like you to be doing things like that. Very uncouth. Now that man who beat you, that’s the kind of man that I think of when I think about your professional wrestling.”

He’d make a good member of the court, apparently. It’s kind of funny to think about him carrying around Eden’s shoe bags and chumming it up with Jet and Gabriel. I’m sure the two of them would love to have him as their ‘daddy’… considering he could boast all he wanted with stories of how he beat me into a bloody pulp for just breathing wrong. They’d get to have a boner comparison, with Eden as the judge of course.

I sigh and shrug my shoulders.


It’s not that Vain isn’t a man’s man. He most certainly is. It’s just, it bugs the fuck out of me that I can stand toe to toe with people like him and people like my father still exist… Fucking sexist bullshit. I hate it.

“Christine was upset to see that other gentleman distract you, but I told her… ‘I taught Lucille that distractions were for the weak minded.’ Didn’t I, Lucille?”

I bite my bottom lip and look away from them. I can’t even feel good that my mother was at least the slightest bit upset that her daughter got cheated… Most children would love it if their mothers were even a fraction as passionate as that, which is saying a lot. My mother is about as passionate as a grapefruit. But no, I can’t feel that way because all I see when I look at her is someone who was too stupid and too afraid to save her kids from a man like him.


“Yeah, sure. I’m weak. Got it.”

He nods his head, I watch him out the corner of my eye as he smiles and reaches for his cup of tea.. Or whatever in the hell he’s got in that cup.

“Of course you are. Just like your sister and your mother.”

I don’t think I can grip this bag any tighter if I tried. I can feel my heart beating inside my chest, feeling like it’s going to rip its way through my ribs at any moment and fly out onto the table in front of us.

“Got it. Can we just get this over with now?”

“Of course, we have things to do today as well. So that’s the three million, correct?”

Did he just say three million?

He couldn’t have. A few weeks ago it was two and a half. Two and a half is what I’ve spent the last few weeks trying to scrounge up.

I shake my head and put my hands up to my ears. They’re ringing like I just got hit in the head by a baseball bat. Maybe that’s why I couldn’t hear him right.

“What did you say?”

“Lucille, don’t be petty. Just give us what we asked for and we’ll be on our way.”

The backs of my eyes feel like they’re going to be pushed from my skull, and the throbbing in my head makes me feel like a pickaxe is mining for gold in there or something. I feel like I could burst into tears or I could break this table in two, I don’t know which one first though.

“T-Three million?”

“Yes, stupid girl. Don’t tell me you don’t have it…”

I can’t even respond, it’s like my vocal chords have been sucked out of my throat. I just shake my head, staring off into the wall behind his head.

“I should have known, Christine. She can’t even do this right.”

My oculars finally move towards my mother, only to see her nodding her head in agreement.

“You upped the price… How was I supposed to know that?”

“You obviously heard me wrong Lucille.  Maybe you should pay better attention next time?”

I didn’t. I know I didn’t. But that doesn’t matter now, does it?

“I-I’ll need more…. I’ll need more time.”

He sighs from across the table. I feel like I’ve disappointed him. Of course I have, but why the hell am I actually feeling upset by that fact? If there’s one person in the world that I should actually enjoy disappointing… It would be him.

“Of course… It’s already been over two weeks – I’m running out of patience.”


I begin speaking; but I look up and see him staring at something behind me with a shit eating grin on his lips. I turn in my chair and the blood in my veins turns to ice as I see my silver haired Maggie standing a few feet away from the table, a look of both fear and anger in her eyes.


I whisper, panic filling my chest. I didn’t want her to be in here. I didn’t want her to see them, or me… Not like this. I can’t suppress the fear that he brings out in me – and her seeing me like this is possibly my worst fear come true.

“Well, well.. What do we have here?”

I hear his voice, and I can feel the amusement coming from across the table. My eyes stay locked on Maggie; but her eyes are locked on him…

“Maggie.. Please, go back out to the–”

“Now why would she want to do that? Come, sit down… Now

Maggie’s eyebrows raise and her eyes widen as I turn to see my father pointing at the chair beside me. I shake my head.

“Excuse me?”

I put my hand up, stopping Maggie from continuing.

“No, she’s not involved in this.”

I plead with him as she moves in closer to me. I feel her presence as she stands behind me, I feel her trepidation and I hate that she’s feeling this way because of me. Because of my fucked up family and my fucked up past.

“I just wanted to have a few words with the new apple of my Lucille’s eye.”

He looks up at Maggie and grins. His Lucille. I’ll never be his. He glances down into my eyes and my body tenses up as his smile grows, showing his teeth to us before he opens his mouth again.

“You do realize that you’re nothing to her, right?”

My eyes widen.

“Are you serious? Maggie.. Please go back out to the car… Please?”

“It’s true, isn’t it Lucille? This little whore is just another passing whim and when you’re tired of her it’ll be onto the next, hmmm?”

I shake my head and stand up from the table, bringing the bag from my lap to hanging from the end of my hand. Hurting me is one thing. Beating me and bloodying me is another.. But hurting her? I’m not going to let him hurt her too.

“I’m not doing this.”

I turn to Maggie and grab her hand lightly but she pulls away and backs up, looking from me to him.

“She’s only using you. Sure you’re a pretty little thing, I suppose.. But how useful do you honestly think you are to her?”

Maggie shakes her head and I can see the seeds of doubt being sown in her mind. The tears prickle at the corners of my eyes and I try to reach out for her again.

“Maggie.. Don’t–”

“Yes, Maggie.. Don’t listen to me. Who am I? I’m just her father. But let me ask you this… She was with CJ for how long? She used him for how long? And when he outlived his usefulness.. Poof, divorced.”

“That’s not what–”

“Shut up, Lucille. Surely, Maggie, you know how difficult it is to get to the top… Don’t you? And what it takes to stay there? She’s a user, little girl. Take my advice, get out now before she uses you up and throws you out just like she did the man who’s last name she still wears.. Like she used us for everything we had.”

And now he’s trying to sell her on the lies he told that newspaper. Trying to tell her that I am everything he claimed that I was.. Everything that he truly is. I don’t want him to turn her against me. I reach out again, grabbing her hand and squeezing it, trying to pull her gaze away from his. She turns her head and those turquoise irises turn their attention on me.

“Please… Let’s go.”

She nods her head but before we turn away, she looks back at my father. She examines him, then me and pulls her hand away from me again and moves towards the door. My heart can’t take much more of this. I think about continuing to the door and never looking back… but I can’t. I turn back around and stare him down.

“You’re going to pay for this..”

He laughs and brings his drink back up to his mouth, taking a long pull before setting it back down gently.

“Unfortunately, now I’m going to have to punish you for your insolence – but I will also give you two more weeks to have the rest of what you owe us. Now leave.”


You know this happened all before
You’ve seen what comes and what’s in store
And you know
It will all happen again

February 1st 2018 / Time 2:10PM / Status Not Recording
Location The Wylde Residence – New York City, New York

You can’t run from your past…

The words from the note I just recieved keep running through my head. A note nestled within a box holding another trinket from my former life. The life I led back in Maryland, in a home set far out of the public eye, with the man I once called mine.

That trinket?

The CWA McDonalds World Championship. Another thing that I’d left behind when I left, another thing I didn’t want to quibble over in the divorce. And another thing that for some reason my ex-husband has decided to send me. Is it because I’m moving on? Is it out of spite? Is it because he’s read the article from the paper? Have my parents gotten to him too?

I’m figuring out more and more, that I can’t run from my past. That realization has hit me pretty hard; like a fucking locomotive chugging along at full speed. No amount of running is going to get you away from something that fast… Not a chance. Not when you’re connected to people like Gary and Christine Johnson, or CJ Wylde for that matter.

I don’t know what he wants from me.

I’m guessing he’s playing a little ‘Gabriel Baal’, trying to get into my head. Well it’s too late for that, isn’t it? My fucking mind is shot. My fucking face burns from crying and my fucking chest hurts from that constant feeling of tightness. And now my fucking hands hurt from beating the ever loving piss out of this punching bag for over an hour now.

It used to be that hitting something would get my mind off of my troubles, but then again that could have been the alcohol as well – taking the edge off. There hasn’t been a minute that I haven’t thought of walking across the condo and drowning my sorrows one more time. I can’t run from my past, after all.

The thud my fist makes when it contacts the canvas bag, its satisfying.. Just not satisfying enough to help me forget. When I stop for a few seconds though, I hear a knocking at the door to the condo. Funny, I don’t get visitors very often, and Maggie was busy today… at least she said she was.

I shake my head and move towards the door, spotting the box with that ancient title belt in it. I stare at it as I walk past, wishing that my gaze could set it ablaze; getting it out of my sight completely. No such luck though.


I question as I look through the peephole, seeing the familiar face of JC – and immediately wondering what in the hell possessed him to make the trip over here from Jersey City. Granted it’s only a twenty minute journey, but I know how much he hates this city, especially the parking situation.

He’s holding what looks like a rolled up newspaper in his hands, and a duffel bag over his shoulder. He eyes me up and sets his jaw.

“You look like hell.”

I roll my eyes and move aside so he can come in. I’m sweaty, I’m sure my hair is all over the place and I’m guessing my face is pretty red… Like I said, crying really doesn’t look good on anyone. As he walks past, I bring my arms up, trying to wipe my face off before he turns around again.

“I could probably be better… What’s up? I didn’t expect you here today…”

He turns around, his arms crossed over his chest.

“You invited me down, Luce.”

“Oh my God…”

I move back across the room towards the gym area, my mind working a mile a minute. I can’t believe I forgot.. He’s right. Jesus Christ I need to get my shit together. I move back past the box laying on the floor, except this time I kick it on my way past, sending it careening across the floor until it crashes into the kitchen wall.

“I forgot.. I’m sorry.”

“Do you want me to leave?”

His question catches me off guard as I stand there, still staring at that box. Thinking about that damn note. I shake my head and turn my head towards him.

“No, absolutely not. I’m already doing what we were gonna do anyway, so why not just continue?”

“If you say so..”

He says, glancing over at that box as he moves past me and into the quaint little gym I’ve got in this condo. A punching bag, a couple of workout machines and some free weights.. It’s not much, but it works for what I need it for. If I need cardio, well the streets of New York are plenty good enough, as long as it’s before eight in the morning or after twelve midnight.

His tone is that same damn tone that I hear when he’s not convinced of something and this time I’d assume that he’s not convinced that I actually want him here.

“I do.. Jesus. Stop acting like I don’t want you here. You know that’s bullshit.”

“What’s going on?”

I lay a few soft punches to the punching bag after he asks that question. I don’t even know how to answer him.

Well, Joe.. I can’t run from my past… Did you know that? How about I need to find another half a million dollars to get my shitbag father off of my back? Those problems not enough for you? Well get this.. My ex husband is sending me pieces from my past and telling me I can’t run… STILL not enough? I’m worried as hell that my girlfriend believed all that shit that my father told her about me.. And I desperately don’t want to lose her… As a bonus problem..I’ve got a tournament coming up in which I’m going up against the man who cost me my title belt and, well I want so badly to cost him the world title. How’s that for problems?!

Instead, I sigh and run my hands through my sweaty hair. No need to trouble him with all that shit. He’s got things finally going his way. New Carnage Wrestling tag team champion, he’s back on track with Trent… Not to mention daily life with Stacy and the baby girl.. I’m not bringing my bullshit into his life.

“Nothing’s going on, Joe. Just trying to stay focused on this match with Baal coming up.”

He nods his head, looking around the room before opening up the newspaper in his hands and looking down at the front of it. His eyebrows furrow as he turns it around to show me what he’s looking at.

“You sure it’s not something to do with this?”

What I see in front of my face is a picture of me, dressed exactly as I was the first day I met my parents at that small coffee shop, taken from outside the coffee shop. I’m standing in front of two frightened looking elderly people, looking up at my angry face with absolute terror. My fists are clenched and my mouth is opened as if I’m screaming at them. The headline beside the picture reads, ‘At it again! – Lucy Wylde seen publicly abusing her parents, an exclusive interview with her victims!’

I grab the paper from his hand, and read it over and over again… This can’t be real. This has got to be some kind of joke, right?

“I didn’t know…”

“You didn’t know?”

I take a few steps back from Joe, still reading that headline. I know I lost my cool that day, but publicly abusing them?! No one even knows what in the hell really happened that day… And I’m sure Dad didn’t tell them… I slowly crumple the paper up in my hands, letting the disfigured ball fall from my trembling hands.

“Luce, what is all this?”

I shake my head.

“Y-You… You don’t want to know…”

I back into the far wall and my feet come out from under me. I don’t even feel the pain as I hit the floor, my brain is far too frazzled at this point to notice much of anything. I can hear Joe’s footsteps, but I don’t really know whether he’s coming or going. I don’t know much of anything right now.

Could things get any worse?

“Try me.”

I feel him kneel down in front of me, and I look up to see a concerned look on his face. I pull in a deep breath and bring my hands up to my face, only to bring them back down covered in tears. I’m crying and I didn’t even realize it. No wonder he’s concerned.

“It’s nothing, really. Nothing I can’t handle.”

“Bullshit, Lucy.”

It is bullshit. I know it. I bang my head back against the wall and let the tears flow freely from my eyes. I can’t really hide it now.

“It’s my parents…”

I finally spit it out, those words wearing me out more than any match possibly could.

“I figured that. What about them? What is all of this about?”

“None of that… is true. You know that right? Nothing that man says is the truth.”

He kicks his legs out from under him, and now he’s sitting in front of me. I already can’t handle all of this, and I think I’d absolutely lose my mind if he believed that shit. I’m still not sure that Maggie hasn’t taken his words for gospel yet.


I grimace and bring my hands up to my face again.

“I ran away from them when I was seventeen. I had to. He beat the fuck out of us. I got tired of being thrown against the walls, being kicked, punched… I got tired of staring at the blood on my bedsheets and pillow cases. I got tired of the physical and emotional pain.. And then he started on Kyra. He used her as an example of what would happen to me if I got out of line. He made me watch him do the same things to her that he used to do to me… I had to listen to him night after night.. In her room… I had to listen to her pleading, begging… I couldn’t do it anymore. So I left.”

As I say the words, I relive the horror of living in that house. I can’t even call it a home because I never, ever felt like I was wanted there. As I relive the horror, I relive the guilt. The guilt of leaving Kyra there… Something that I’ll never fully get away from. Something that I started all over again when I pushed her away.

I pull my hands down, and he looks over at me – his eyes filled with anger, and his jaw clenched so tight that his teeth might fuse together. Jesus.. He doesn’t even know half of it.

“I left and I hadn’t had any contact with them until a month ago… Until after the first article came out, telling the world that I was the one that abused them and I was the one that abandoned them with failing health. I met with the person who interviewed them, and I just wanted to know why, you know? But I didn’t know that it was all a set up… until they were there… Until he was standing in front of me again and.. And…”

I stop again and cross my arms over my chest as my entire body starts shaking.

“They wanted money.. Well, they still do… I tried to pay them the other day, but he upped the price. Told me he was going to punish me for mouthing off; and I guess that’s my punishment..”

I say, pointing to the crumpled up newspaper on the ground.

“And Maggie.. She met him, the other day. I asked her to stay in the car, but she came in… and he told her that I was just using her. Told her that I’d throw her out when I used her up, just like I did to CJ.”

“She wasn’t stupid enough to believe him, right?”

I shake my head.

“I don’t know… I don’t fucking know…”

I pull my knees up to my chest and I put my head down on them, the tears soaking into my pants almost immediately. I should feel better by getting all of this off of my chest, but I don’t. It just reminds me that everything has turned to shit all over again.

I hear Joe get up from the floor and his heavy footsteps moving away from me. I can feel the anger oozing from his body, it fills the room. It nearly drowns out my own sadness and anger as he paces around, turning it into a whirlpool of rage. Finally I look up just in time to see him lunge for my punching bag, hitting it with such force that it flies off of the hook and sails across the room, knocking all of the weights off of their shelves.

“There’s only one thing people like that understand…”

He says to no one in particular, as he moves in towards the punching bag, acting as if it’s his victim. He leans down over it and begins raining down devastating blow after devastating blow.

I realize pretty quickly that he’s not about to stop anytime soon, so I bring myself back up to my feet and walk towards him, treading lightly.


I say quietly at first, but he can’t hear me for the sound of his fists hitting that bag, and the growls emanating from his mouth.


He stops and turns around, his face suddenly dropping to a more sullen look. The anger is still there, but he’s doing his best to hide it away as he looks into my tear soaked face.

“Listen, I’m sorry I put all that on you.. Just.. Don’t do anything that’s going to–”

“He deserves to die for what he’s done…”

I nod my head. I can’t really deny that, but I don’t want him.. My best friend to be the one to deal that final blow. I don’t want anyone to take care of this for me. It’s not their problem…

“It’s okay…”

“It’s NOT okay!”

I nod again. It’s not okay. None of it is.. But I don’t know what I can do about it. I feel as helpless as that little girl living in that house in Dundalk. I feel as helpless as the woman who watched her marriage fall apart, as helpless as the woman who didn’t stand up for herself when she was wronged… over and over again.

“You’re right.. It’s not okay.  I just.. I just don’t know what to do anymore.”


The fear was only momentary
But your role was never temporary
You know
This was never meant to end

I’ve got a lot of shit to get off my chest, and now seems like the perfect time to do it. So sit back, relax and get ready for some long awaited truth to be dropped on you fuckers.

First off, Gabriel… We need to talk. I know you think I’ve been ducking you these past couple of weeks – But I’d hope that our match at Synergy last week would have proven the exact opposite. I’m not really holding my breath though – you know, on that whole you using common sense thing. It’s not really your strong suit.

Anyway, it really is fitting that you’re my first round opponent for the Global Challenge, don’t you think? I saw that reaction on your face when they announced the matches. You looked like a kid in a candy store. You looked like you’d already stamped your ticket into the second round of this tournament. Like I’m some easy victory or something. You can’t really believe that shit, can you?

Or are you actually starting to believe all the bullshit that comes from your mouth and your fingers?

I used to think that you were a master manipulator, Gabriel. I used to think you were one of the best at insulting and getting into people’s heads. I believed that you were one of the most original, cunning men that I’d ever met. I used to think that you and Eden were one in the same, but oh how wrong I was. You see, there’s Eden Morgan levels of manipulation and cunning… Then there’s you. And no, that’s not a compliment. At least not for you. At least Eden comes up with new ways of being a Bitch… You, well you’re just Eden’s Bitch.

You’re not original Gabriel, you’re just a really bad copy.

You’re a one trick pony.

You’re an old dog, old tricks.

I’ve been watching you on Twitter, Gabe. I’ve been watching you long and hard… and no, it’s not because I can’t fight my own battles, or how did you put it? I’m too weak to do it myself? Contrary to popular belief, sweetie, you’re just not that important. I’ll admit, it was hard to sit there and read all of that nonsense, all those overused and recycled insults.. It was extremely hard to refrain from retaliating. But there’s a method to my madness. There’s an order to my chaos, Gabriel. I thought you’d appreciate that.

What’s the point in giving you and your gang of bullies anymore ammunition to work with? Why not just sit back and let you wrap the noose around your own necks? Why not let you walk yourselves off of that cliff and let your necks snap? There was no need for me to do anything… You did it all yourself. You tried to bait me out, it didn’t work.. So what did you do? You kept repeating yourself, again and again and again…

You’ve put the ball in my court now Gabriel… No pun intended.

And I’m about to hit it out of the motherfucking park.

Now I’m not stupid enough to deny that there was a point; albeit a really low point in my life that I would have done anything for you. I would have bent over backwards for you, if you’d of only just asked. I defended you to the people who you were secretly collaborating with. I stuck my neck out for you in ways that I wouldn’t have done for my own husband. Does that make me stupid? No. It makes me human.

Trusting you wasn’t a mistake. It was necessary.

But back to the point at hand.. I’m not too weak to fight my own battles.. Although, watching my girl go to bat for me was pretty damn sexy in of itself. Yeah, I know you’re jealous. Who wouldn’t be? I mean, when was the last time you got your dick wet, Gabriel?


Oh.. Was that too far?

Too soon, right?

I know you’re not going to admit that I struck a nerve, hell maybe I didn’t. I don’t really care at this point. I might not be as good at the mind games as you are… But then again – You’re not really that good at them either, are you? At least not what I’ve been seeing lately. What has the Court done to you, Gabriel?

They’ve fucking neutered you.

They’ve turned you into a slightly more attractive Killian King.

They’ve removed your balls and they’ve turned them into a new purse for your new mistress, Eden Morgan.

Yes. Another Eden Morgan joke. It’s pretty tired, am I right? Well so the fuck are you, Gabriel. You and your bullshit. I’m beginning to think that all you truly know how to say is that so and so isn’t as important as you, or that so and so isn’t as good as you. Everytime my phone goes off, I wonder who Gabriel Baal is trying to convince this time.. Convince them to bow down to him by repeating himself over and over… You’re not actually trying to convince them though, are you? You’re trying to word them into submission.

How many times do you reckon it’ll take to ‘convince’ me, huh?

I don’t know. I’ve read it enough over these last couple of months and yet.. I’m still here and I’m still standing right where I belong.. Across from you and your buddies inside that ring. I’m still standing on the side of what is right. You want so badly to get rid of me, you’ve said it nearly as much as all that other shit. You want so desperately to have a UGWC where the Court can reign supreme, much like the Engine of Chaos before it.

Let’s tell the truth here though, just for a moment. What you really want is to be relevant again and I feel for you Gabriel, I really do. You want so badly to be feared and revered, yet you’re still trying to use the same old shitty ass lines.

News flash, hun. I don’t fear you. I don’t revere you. But I do want to hurt you.

And hurt you I will.

You’re not the only one walking into Infinity with that World Title on their minds. But really, there’s so much more to it than that, for me. Winning that World Title on Monday would be the pinnacle of my career. Something you’ve already succeeded at. Something you’ve excelled at, if I’m being honest. But costing you your opportunity is going to be the icing on the cake.

An eye for an eye, motherfucker.

After all the amazing shit you’ve accomplished here, you want to sink as low as posing as a cameraman just to cost me my Cross-Hemisphere Championship? You don’t deserve that belt, you don’t even deserve to stand in MY ring, with someone who takes pride in the fact that she doesn’t unnecessarily cost people things that they’ve earned. So yeah, I know you’re probably going to call me a hypocrite for wanting to cost you at Infinity – and trust me, that’s not the first or the last time I’m going to hear that.

Costing you, is different. Costing Eden, is different. Costing Jet, is different. You three have no moral compass. You don’t understand that the rest of us prefer to earn what we have and not take what we didn’t earn.

But you’ve earned the ass whipping that you’re going to get in a few days time, rest assured of that.

It does still amaze me at how a few months ago, I would have watched you pull that cameraman bullshit on someone else and I would have found a reason, any reason as to why doing something like that was so God damned clever. How I was so blinded by you, I’ll never know. I admit my shortcomings though, and I admit that I did a lot of this shit to myself.

But now?

I see right through you, Gabriel. I see you for what you are, and I don’t see anything notable. I see a man who’s main purpose in life is to buy into Eden Morgan’s good graces, and apparently to help her pick out shoes. Are you even a man anymore?

Were you ever really a man?

I guess I’ll never really know.

Have you ever seen a redneck in a really big, loud truck? Have you ever wondered what exactly they’re compensating for with something that obnoxious and big? I’m sure you haven’t, so let me get right to the point. Gabriel, if you were to grow out your hair and wear a little more flannel… well you’d be driving the biggest, loudest piece of shit dodge ram that money could buy. I know you’re a little slow on the uptake. I can’t expect a fucking brit to understand american.

Let me put it to you a different way, you use all your big words and your smarmy insults to compensate for your lack of an actual penis. All you do is wait for a perfect opening to throw around your weight, to try and hammer the rest of us into the ground well below your self erected pedestal. But what you don’t realize is you do the SAME THING every. Single. Time.

Lucy’s desperate.

Lucy’s weak.

Lucy’s alone.

Lucy isn’t important.

Motherfucker, I’ve heard that shit my entire life. I’ve heard that shit for my entire God damned career. That shit is going to be on my gravestone after I die, I’ve heard it so fucking much. Do you really think hearing it from you another eight hundred thousand times, and reading it over social media another eight hundred thousand is really going to push me over the edge?

Here, let me correct you in a few things, okay hun?

Gabriel’s desperate to distract anyone and everyone away from his own faults and shortcomings. He’s desperate to project his own fears onto the rest of us, by hiding behind the petty bullshit that we’ve all been hearing for the last God knows how long.

Gabriels weakness is himself. Gabriel’s too weak to be able to acknowledge that he actually does have failings and he’s definitely too weak to be able to learn and grow like the rest of us. Gabriel is the weakest member of the court, when many would have thought that he’d be the centerpiece – he’s actually just a pawn. That’s a mighty big fall for someone that everyone used to think so highly of… That just goes to show how weak Gabriel really is.

Gabriel’s alone. He always will be. He’s too caught up in his own selfishness to actually form true and real relationships. He’s too caught up in trying to be superior that he’ll never know what it’s like to just be. He’ll never know what it’s like to be cared for and loved. He’ll never know what a true friendship is because no one could possibly be good enough in his fucked up mind to let into his inner circle. Eden and Jet aren’t his friends. They’re means to an end. They’re a good show. They’re a good way of getting everyone off of his trail… because the stink of sadness and loneliness follows him wherever he goes. No matter how many shopping trips and christmas parties he attends with ‘the Court’ – the fact will always remain that Gabriel Baal is and always will be alone.

Gabriel isn’t important. Not in the slightest. He thinks he is. He really believes he is and he’s made it his life mission to convince the rest of us that he isn’t what I know he is. An imposter. A fake. A worthless piece of shit beneath the feet of the entire world. Something that’s overlooked by everyone, until that moment when someone steps into a steaming pile of Gabriel Baal, and then it becomes nothing more than an annoyance – something you clean off your shoe but the smell and the residue never really go away.

That’s all you are Gabriel. You’re that piece of shit that’s stuck in the sole of my shoe. No matter how much I try, no matter how much I scrub it’s still there and it reeks of desperation and fear.

I’ve realized it so much more now in the last couple of months that I’m never going to get rid of you, Gabriel. I’m never going to be free of your stink. And that’s okay. I’ve accepted it, but you see Gabe – that’s a two way street. I may never get rid of you, but that means that you’re not ever going to get rid of my fine ass.

No matter how badly you wish I’d just disappear. No matter how much you try to hurt me, and trust me.. You have hurt me, Gabriel. You’ve hurt me badly. But unlike you, I’ve healed. I’ve grown from the experience and as much as you hate to hear it, to know it… I’m happier because of it. Where you thought your hatred and your insults would break me eventually, they’ve actually done the exact opposite and that’s exactly why I’m going to come into Infinity and I’m going to make you feel EXACTLY the way you wanted me to feel all along.

Hopeless. Worthless. Unimportant. Desperate. Weak. Alone.

Because you’re not capable of anything else, Gabriel. I’m going to put you down. I’m going to use you, abuse you and then I’m going to throw you out like the worthless piece of garbage that you really are. I’m going to pull that mask of cockiness and delusion off of your face and I’m going to expose you to the rest of the world. I’m going to introduce them to the real Gabriel Baal.

Please, allow me to reintroduce you, my dear.

As for the rest of you?

If you think that Gabriel is going to be the only one suffering at my hand, then you all are just as stupid as he is. He is the reason for what I’m going to do to each and every one of you that gets in my way. He is the reason that the Lucy Wylde you’re about to meet at Infinity isn’t the same woman that you’ve all come to know, come to taunt, come to insult and make fun of at some point or another.

Eden, Jet. I hope you enjoy watching Gabriel fall at my hands. I hope you enjoy what little time you have left with one another because I promise you that if either of you make it to the second round, or the finals with me… You’re not walking out of that ring under your own power.

I’m going to rip you limb from limb. I’m going to use every single thing you’ve ever said to me, about me, in reference to me… I’m going to use it all and I’m going to make your world a living hell. I know you three must think that the Courts chances of walking out of Infinity with the World title are better than most, but that was before you made me your enemy.

That was before you gave me motivation to do what no one else has the fucking balls to do.

Make you pay.

You can laugh at my words all you want. Actions are all that truly matter in this business, so please watch my match with your dear friend closely. Please, I want you to notice the look of fear in his eyes and his lips mouthing the words ‘please, no’. I want you to witness his last breath before I send him to the place where he belongs.


Because not long after, you two are going to be joining him.

And when you get there, you can thank him for everything. It’ll be one thing that Gabriel Baal will finally be able to take legitimate credit for. I’m sure you’ll all be so proud of him. Small steps guys.

But let’s not forget the rest of the gang, right?

Dave Rydell. The man who’s delusions rival those of Mr. Baal. You really do think you’ve got a chance, don’t you? In your heart of hearts, you really do think you can walk out of Infinity with that belt. Let’s just play pretend for a minute here… Let’s just pretend that you actually do walk out with the World title. What do you do then?

Do you pull a Mil Vidas and lose it on your first defense?

Do you shit yourself when eight people cash in on you for a world title match because come on, you’re Dave Rydell. You really are easy pickings. I’m sorry Dave, but it’s just the truth. The truth hurts, sweetie.. But lies hurt more.

You’re welcome.

Zane? Rogan? Vain?

Stay the fuck out of my way. I don’t have a problem with any of you, so don’t create any unnecessary problems for yourselves. And if any of us do happen to end up in the ring together? It’ll still be business when I take you down and put you on the bench for the rest of the night. Give me a good fight, don’t you screw me out of earning that ‘W’ against any of you…

But don’t be surprised either when you hear that referees hand slapping the mat right beside your heads…




Because this is my moment. Infinity is my night. It’s about time that the right person becomes the face of the UGWC and that someone is me. Please allow me to reintroduce myself… I am Lucy Wylde and I am the NEW UGWC World Heavyweight Champion.


If it was up to you and you
Knew that you would lose
If it was up to you I know
You’d always choose
To continue…

OOC: Maggie & JC used with permission.