“So, Baltimore, Maryland, man.”

“Yeah. Some old warehouse that became known as Carnage Arena.”

“This place just looks old, Dave.”

“It does, it’s like we just stepped back in time. It’s pretty cool.”

The voiceover is being recorded while the TAPS team rolls up to the building.

“TAPS is being called out to the former Carnage Arena which dates back to the Civil War era. After the Union naval base at Norfolk, Virginia, was captured by the South in 1861, Baltimore became a vital base for naval activities in the Chesapeake Bay. Since then, it’s changed both hands and function numerous times. Current owner, Ken Davison, is trying to fix this place up and open it up as an event space, but he’s experiencing a lot of activity.”

We go back to the footage of the team discussing the situation.

“I mean, this is where they caught that weird mist footage, figure that we saw.”


“I mean, he’s feeling threatened, him and his family. They’re scared.”

“Ken said some health issues he thinks could be connected to the building, right?”

“Yeah. That’s one of the key reasons why we’re headed out here.”

“But he’s been experiencing all crazy types of stuff. I mean, people being pushed down the stairs, these crazy apparitions that are showing up.”

“We need to get over there and try to figure out what’s really happening.”


“All right, Dave, this is the place right here.”

The scene changes to later on, where Ken sits with his two adoptive daughters, Chloe Hawkhurst and Adina Johnson. The crew immediately notice Kyra’s absence, as they had expected Mrs. Davison to be there. The group explain pleasantries and collectively sit in the chairs the production crew have set up.

“Well, Ken, where’s your wife? Did she decide to skip this because of something that happened?”

“Well,” Ken hesitates. “Not re…”

“Mommy and Daddy had a big fight. They thought I was sleepin’, but they were so loud I heard it aaaalllll,” Adina interrupts, drawing out the last word to emphasize her point until Chloe reaches down and puts her hand of Adina’s mouth.

“Shit. Sorry.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll edit it out. Why don’t you tell us a little the history of the property in general?”

“So the building was built in 1838…” Ken goes on to tell the history of the building as he knows it, mentioning how Baltimore became the home of Union Navy after the base in Virginia was taken and how Confederate soldiers were supposedly held in the basement when they were capture and the jails were full.

“Why don’t you tell us about some of the experiences here,” Jason inquires.


At this point, Dave decides to interject. “And which are most concerning you think.

“Well, after I made the purchase, I really just wanted to renovate it and bring the building back to the way it should be. This is where I met my wife, so I wanted to make it better for her.”

“But right from the get go, things started to happen. Within the first week, we were here and we were walking things up and down the stairs and we heard voices and we came up and there was nobody there. The ring area we’ve heard walking with heavy boots. We walk into the locker room and I felt an incredible wave of sadness just right over me and I said, “I’m out. I can’t be here anymore.” And then later found out that that had been the morgue during the war.”

“So what’s been going on here that has you the most concerned, really?”

“My brother, he’s a wrestler like me, he’s a pretty healthy dude, drops and has an asthma attack so bad he’s had to be brought to the hospital. Another time, I was literally just cleaning off the ring ropes, it’s like dusting. I mean, out of nowhere, I just could not catch my breath, my chest got all tight. I told my wife “You need to take me right to the hospital right now.” Got to reception and nothing. All my readings were almost dead on. If the EMTs hadn’t verified my vitals here, they never would have believed me. I’m a very lucky person to be having this conversation with you all here now.”

“Do you think that there is something here with the intent to hurt you?”

“I absolutely believe that this warehouse has some sort of connection. And really, that’s the reasonI’m glad you guys are here.”

“We’re going to help you”

“What else has been experienced here?”

Ken, Adina and Chloe run down the things they’ve seen and heard. Adina, to her credit, is really clear about the strange occurrences, though she does tend to ramble on as only she can.

“We’re going to be bringing the public in here. I have staff that have concerns. There’s two things I hope you guys can find out. One, have we lost our minds? Two. is this all coincidence?”

“Next option, yeah, there’s absolutely something here. And oh, by the way, you shouldn’t be here. That would break my heart.”

“And we have full access to pretty much the entire property for the week?

“It’s all yours.”

“So why don’t you show us the secret area where the soldiers were hidden?”

“Happy to,” Ken says while leading the group towards the room. He reaches down and pulls up the trap door, climbing down the ladder to the well room. “So this is the old original well room, Down here in the three feet underneath is where they hid the Confederate soldiers during the Civil War.”

“Yeah. Wow.”

“Would be cool to really check this out.

“All right. I think from here, we’re going to just go talk to the crew and go from there.”

“I’ll stay in here.”

“I’ll leave you to it.”

Steve and Dave head back up the ladder, while Ken looks around at some of the boxes that have been placed down in this forgotten area of the Carnage Arena. He opens up a box to find a bunch of old Carnage Wrestling Championship belts. Ken spies one in particular, flips it over, and begins looking at it in amazement.

“Jesus Christ on a cracker…”

“What did you find, man?”

“Nothing special. Just something that usedto belong to me.”

“Oh, that’s cool.”

“No kidding. I won this with my wife. I should bring it home and show her. Maybe it will help her remember…”

“From what the kiddo was saying… nevermind, not my place.”

Ken grabs the Tag Team Title belts and flings it over his shoulder.

“No, it’s not.” Ken says with a wry smile. “Anyway, I know I said you guys could have the place for a week, but I need to come by sometime Thursday afternoon to film this thing for work. Is that cool with you guys? We only need the ring area.”

“I mean, as long as it’s just the afternoon, I guess.””

“Half hour, forty five minutes, tops.”

“It’s your place.”

“Thanks. Appreciate that.”

Ken readjusts. strapping the old Carnage Wrestling Tag Team Championships around his waist carefully before he climbs up the ladder

“Thursday afternoon,”

“Got it. I’ll let the team know.””

“Great. Thanks,” Ken says before disappearing through the hole in the ceiling, leaving the crew alone as promised.

Four days pass by and as hard as it is to stay away, especially given the tension at home, Ken has kept his word and allowed TAPS to do their research undisturbed. It’s just after three in the afternoon on Thursday and Ken rolls up with Adina and Chloe in the backseat.

“Alright, squirt. You know the drill. Let Ken do his thing and don’t bother the Ghost Hunter guys.”

“Yes, ma’am” Adina says, saluting while she speaks.

“You need to just let me do what I gotta do and we’ll head out.”

“Yes, daddy.”

“And don’t mention what’s going on at home. It’s bad enough these two idiots keep arguing on Twitter.”

The trio walk into the building and are almost instantly met by the TAPS team.

“Hey, man. How’s it going?”

“I’m doing alright, I suppose.”

”Well, you’re good to go. We made sure Jason and the rest of the crew rook their dinner break so we wouldn’t bother you.”

“Cool story, bro.” Chloe smacks Ken on the arm. “I’m gonna go get set up.”<

Ken thanks the crew then makes his way towards the ring, Adina following him while Chloe wanders off to get the camera equipment. Prior to leaving the facility, Ken had the foresight to put all the old Carnage Wrestling decor up, He couldn’t show it in front of Adina, but internally, Ken was a mess. This was where he met Kyra. This is where he fell in love with her. This spot he was standing, this EXACT spot, was where he got down on one knee and proposed to her. Still, his eyes were tearing up. Ken’s fingers tremble has he struggles to button up his vestments. He finally adjusts his collar, this one accented in Carnage orange, tying into the theme of the place.

“Would you stop?” she admonishes. “You and momma are gonna be fine.”

“The kid’s right, you know,” Chloe says reassuringly. “When Dad and Morgan had their first fight she moved out for a month. Kyra’s still there. Something has to be keeping her there.”

“I’m fine. It’s old and musty in here and it’s setting off my allergies,” Ken says, convincing Adina, but not Chloe.

“Whatever you say, chief. Whatever you say.”

“Adina, honey. Can you go wait on the ring steps while I do this?”

“Sure, Daddy.”

The little spitfire decides, for once in her life, not to give Ken any shit. Chloe already had everything covered in the sass department anyway.

“Ready in five… four… three…” Chloe, experienced as a director, counts two… one… silently with her fingers. Ken starts with his back turned to the camera, taking one last opportunity to wipe the tears from his eyes. He keeps time with Chloe’s cadence in his head and turns around a moment after the camera begins to film.

“Ever since Kyra and I lost the Cooperative championships, I have been struggling. That’s not a secret. That’s a statement of fact and not something I can hide. I have no excuses. I let outside forces cause me to lose focus. I allowed my work in one company to affect my work here. I was not and admittedly I am not at the top of my game right now. I would be lying if I said anything otherwise. I know a lot of you pay attention to Twitter, so I’m just going to put this out in the open. I know people like JC will exploit this information. I don’t fucking care. Kyra and I have not spoken face-to-face in over a week. Anything else beyond that is our business and we will handle it as such.”

“Anyway… Last week, I paid the price for not paying attention. I was so distracted and I only looked and saw that my opponent was Chuck Rydell. I didn’t see that it was a Chaos Division match. I did not prepare appropriately and my performance reflected that.”

Ken’s voice is quiet, subdued. There is no bravado. Given the situation, how could there be?

“This week, I am much better prepared. Knowing that I am going into another Chaos division match, especially given my opponents I know that I need to be on the top of my game.I have beaten Phrixus Deimos before. I have beaten JC before. That was another time, another place. I wasn’t as vulnerable as I am now. But that vulnerability is what makes me more dangerous. Right now my stock is trending downward. I know that I need to change that. I need to find the man that I used to be. That is why I am here…”

Ken puts his arms out and the camera pulls back to show exactly when Ken is standing.

“I will never forget the first time that I saw him, Phrixus Deimos. His eyes, they were so cold, so very, very cold..Behind them… nothing but darkness. Then, I faced him in the ring, where he was weighed, he was measured, and he was found wanting. Deimos, what is this our fourth or fifth match against each other? Of those, you know the results. You know your shortcomings. One mere fluke does not nullify my dominance. Credit where credit is due. you’re willing to take three just to give one. And that’s exactly what happened. Isn’t it? I took the first three encounters, but you did take the last one. Bravo! Bravo, indeed!”

Ken claps slowly, making sure to match the sarcasm in his voice.

“At some point, down the line, you will understand the gravity of the situation, but with Kyra poised to get her opportunity at the World Championship by winning at Keeper of the Keys, that vengeance shall have to wait.”

The confidence in Ken’s voice is returning. Like a child getting back in the saddle after falling off the horse, he grits his teeth with determination.

“You know, bad choices don’t seem so bad, when we’re making them. I tell you, look back and wonder why. Well, I stopped wondering, when I was nineteen and I started hurting people. Understand this, I want to care! For crying out loud, I want to care. But, where has caring gotten me? I’ve done and seen so much. I’ve hurt and beat and battered not just opponents, but family, friends, even loved ones. Caring is a luxury I can no longer afford.”

“That is why I want you to understand this. There is no salvation for me! Hell, there is no salvation for JC either, which is why I am certain the two of us will focus on each other. Perhaps you can use that opportunity to surprise one of us. Not that I will allow that to happen. I realize that where I’m going the only way to advance is to cause more pain, inflict more damage and cause more suffering. I know who and what I am. I have tried to be something I’m not, but I live a life without illusions, and unfortunately illusions are the one thing that comfort us all. I’m the most ruthless, unforgiving person on the planet. I am a human cancer. Ask my wife. She’ll tell you. I was a killer and a warrior and a slaughterer of so many souls, that even God, Allah and Buddah working overtime have had a hard time keeping score.””

Ken takes a moment to straighten his collar. With each thought, his is finding himself. His voice no longer wavers. His voice sounds louder. His posture is better. He is back.

“Phrixus, I’m sorry, but some must lose so that others may win. I have a legacy to fulfill and you’re standing in the path of my further immortality. Allow me a moment to comfort you with the words that my evil, abusive drunk of a mother said to me. Her mantra was “this is gonna hurt me a lot worse than it’s gonna hurt you.” But that would be a lie and we both know it.”

After a few moments, Ken removes his robe to show one of the Carnage World Tag Team Championship belts hidden underneath. Ken reaches behind him and unsnaps the fasteners on the belt so he can lay the championship at his feet. Ken points down at the championship as he begins speaking again.

“While going through some of the company belongings while I was here taking a trip down memory lane, I found this reminder. This is a reminder of several things. I could tell you about how it was a reminder of the greatest night of my career. That night, I lost this championship. That, however, was the night that I won Kyra’s heart.”

“But finding this championship also reminded me of my other opponent, “The Bogeyman” JC.”

Ken takes some time to pause and think. Though he sounds deflated, his emotions are running high. Thinking of JC, and moreso, their history, lit a proverbial fire under his ass.

“Now, JC, even though it’s going to be the same old generic heel promo bullshit, where you talk about how you’re the Bogeyman, and you’re going to hurt people, and blah blah blahbity blahblahblah. I’m going to listen. I’m sure everyone at home playing the home game is going to change the channel, but I will be listening. Look, I know how good you are. The people at home know how good you are. My problem that I have is you coming out here and repeating the same bullshit you have for years. Everything that I have, I have fought for and I have earned; every Kendamned thing. I have learned that I am learning to adapt and learning to evolve. I have not seen a single person get so far by doing so little since the Avenger.”

“I’ve heard your words, hundreds of times before. You words, they just scream ‘superiority’. However, the sound in your voice, your body language, it screams ‘inferiority’. What are you trying to prove? Are you trying to prove that you’re the best? Are you trying to prove to me that you’re the best? Are you trying to prove to Phrixus that you’re the best? Are you trying to prove to the fans that you’re best? I’d say no because when I first showed up in the Coalition as a spector, you lost your World Championship match against Hide Yamazaki. When you faced me, you lost your World Championship match. I would say that you are trying to prove to yourself that you are the best because you always seemed to fall short. Despite this fact, somehow, you still manage to walk around here acting like a bully.”

Ken bends down, now picking up the Carnage Wrestling Tag Team Championship.

“I remember, when we fought with the Carnage World Championship on the line… I remember you telling me that, “I’ve got something you wanted in a match where you could do whatever you wanted.” Guess what, chucklehead? You’ve got that opportunity again! Of course, last time you wanted to win and we all saw how that went.””

“Do you remember our match, JC? Do you remember how I took away your hopes, your dreams, and your dignity? Do you remember how I beat you so badly that you collapsed? I murdered you on network television for all the world to see. Imagine if you will, my surprise when I found this once sacred object belonging to a living, breathing, chalk outline! This is a reminder of the only true glory I have ever seen you hold. I mean, you might have gotten a medal or a trophy or some shit for Wrestlestock, but I didn’t see it. I was too busy celebrating a week where I won four pay-per-view matches.”

“The fact of the matter is that I know that I can, and will, come out victorious in this match. Out of the three of us, I have to most pressure on my shoulders coming into this match. That is because time and time again, when I have been doubted, and I have had the weight of the world on my shoulders, I have come out as the winner because under pressure I become a God. You bitches really don’t stand a chance.”

Before Chloe can yell cut, Adina comes flying into the frame.

“Daddy! Daddy! We hafta get them ghost guys out.”

“What do you mean, baby girl?”

“Look at dis!”

Adina procures two pages off of a small legal pad. Ken looks at them for a moment before storming out of the ring.

“Hey, man. What’s going on?”

“Get the hell out of here or I’m calling the police.”

“Sorry, you signed the contract.”

“Ask me if I fucking care. You’re frauds and I want you out. NOW!”

Ken hands over the notes that Adina handed him.

“Get the fuck out. Have your lawyers call mine if presenting yourselves as a legitimate service is in there.”

“You gotta go, amigo. ”

“You’ve got an hour and a half. I’ll up in my office and I swear to holy hell…”

“We get it.”

Ken and the girls march their way up to the office. When they get there, Ken pulls out his desk drawer and pulls out a pink Switch Lite.”

“Can I play Animal Crossing.”

“Sure, baby girl.”