Immediately after the Massive Melee, the Baltimore Elite are sitting in their private dressing room, one of the things UGWC has given to them by virtue of the two of them being married, but also giving Adina a space to run around without bothering the other talents. Adina is on her way, along with Chloe Hawkhurst, back to their hotel room. Ken is sitting on a leather couch, still drenched in sweat. Kyra is walking around the room, still riding the high of winning the Melee.

“I love you. I’m super proud of you. And I’m sorry I let you down.”

Ken’s words go from ecstatic to saddened quickly with just a couple of syllables.

“Wait a minute. Why did you let me down? This isn’t exactly what I’d imagined coming back here to,” Kyra’s words drip with sincerity. Why would she be upset? She just won the Massive Melee. “Don’t even worry about it. You didn’t let me down Ken. You never could. It’s just a Cooperative title reign. We did fantastic things and even if we didn’t make history… we still kinda made history.”

“Just… I don’t know, I feel like we fell short. It was my idea to have fun and take it easy and that’s what lost it.” Ken lets out a sigh. Even though he knows that Kyra won’t believe that, it’s his truth. “But it’s your time to shine now, and I’m super proud of you.”

“Listen, the idea was mine. You wanted to do something different and I had that idea. So I mean if we wanna toss blame around we can certainly do that. Or…” she gives her husband a smirk. “We can be proud of what we accomplished and hold our heads high because yeah. We should.”

Ken shakes his head. He has dedicated the last two two years to building this team, not the professional team, but the personal team. With how deeply the two things intersect, he feels that he should have made the save. He felt that this was not a failure for the team, but a failure of his own, that he’s failed as a partner and a husband.

“Yeah, I know I’m taking this hard. I think part of it is who and what we lost too.That’s on me for putting that expectation in place I guess. I figured since we’ve beaten Phrixus and I got Orson, we had this in the bag.”

“It’s okay. I understand. Trust me.”

“I took it hard when I lost the World Title back in Carnage. I take a lot of losses hard. I just don’t usually show it. The thing is, I could have lost the Sin City World Title and been OK with it. But, this is different. I feel like I let US down. You’re right though, it was a hell of a run and that we should be proud of it.”

“I’m very proud of us. Is this because of me? Or us? You didn’t let me down!. We couldn’t have gotten this far without you honey.” Kyra sits down on Ken’s lap and holds her hand to his cheek. “You could never let me down.”

“You’re right. You know you are… I know you are.” There is some hesitation in Ken’s voice. “I guess the question is where do we go from here?”

“Good question,” Kyra says as she shrugs. “We’ll figure it out. I’m not entirely sure but we are gold. We are fantastic and you’re a huge part of that. You’re the biggest part of why we had the success we’ve had.”

Ken blushes slightly. It’s absolutely amazing to him that he still feels twitterpated when she compliments him, especially with how long they’ve been together. Ken smacks Kyra playfully on the ass as he responds.

“Like I said, your time to shine now, mama.”

“I appreciate that but I also don’t think that it’s one of us over the other.”

“Now it is. I want you to be the badass bitch of a World Champion you should have been in Carnage. I told you before I got my opportunity that it should have been you. Now, you get to prove me right.”

“Awww. I’ll do my best.” Kyra wraps her arms around Ken’s neck. “Buuttttt I’d rather just keep doing stuff with you.”

Kyra gives a little bit of a giggle, not unless she had something in mind.

“Like I’m going away. I could flat out retire and I’d be there for you every week.”

“That’s ‘cuz you’re the best. But you’re not allowed to retire until I get knocked up.”

Another giggle, but at least this time, Ken was able to put the pieces of the puzzle together.

“I’m not retiring, by the way.”

“Good! Cuz I won’t allow it!” she protests. Leaning in closer to Ken, she lowers her tone to a more serious one. “Of course I’d never stop you, but I’d make a show of it.”

“I’m having too much fun. Besides, I have to make sure you use that key for something other than shoving up people’s asses.”

Kyra lets out a sigh of her own.

“I dunno. I should be happy but I’m kinda not. I’m sorry we lost. And I know you’re taking it hard and I.. I just feel bad and I shouldn’t but I just wish I could make it better.”

“This is me being selfish. I wanted this for us because that’s how all this started. But, to see you win… I was so proud., plus I had a good showing, Chloe got revenge on Hastings… a good Melee overall.”

“I totally understand the whole us thing. I feel the same way and, yeah, I was super thrilled for you and Chloe to have good outings. That made me happier than winning it. Although winning it was a shock.. definitely a shock.”

Ken grabs Kyra around the waist and pulls her closer, Leaning up and kissing her.

“Not to me, mama. Not to me. I’m serious, I don’t care what happens. I don’t care if we get a rematch. I don’t care where we go in this company going forward. What I want is to see you succeed. No matter where we go, I will be her beside you… or on top of you… or under you.”

“You know, babe, you’re under me right now.”

“And what happens if I knock you up and you can’t make it to Keeper of the Keys?”

“How about we find out?”

To see what happens next, please subscribe to my premium OnlyKens account.



Another typical morning in the Davison household. Adina hovering around, minding everybody else’s business but her own. To be fair, with how loudly Ken had shouted, the neighbors are probably wondering what’s going on. Sitting at the island in their kitchen, sipping his morning coffee, Ken looked at his phone with an expression somewhere between disbelief and urgency.

“Not now, child. I need to talk to your mother.”

“What did mama do?”


“Then what’s wrong?”

Ken slows down, knowing that this requires a more nuanced handling of the situation.

“I have to talk to your mother about work.”

“Why you’ gotta bug mama?”

“She talked about…” Ken leans down and gets real close to Adina’s ear. “Bruno.”

Adina audibly gasps.

“But you said you was talkin’ ‘bout work.”

“That’s because I didn’t want you to be upset with her.”

“Oh… yeah… that makes sense.”

Adina’s hands suddenly fly to her hips. That’s a sure sign that there’s sass coming in 3… 2… 1…

“But you said we’re not s’pposed to lie.”

“You’re right. This is an honestly an adult conversation and you don’t need to be hearing it. Maybe, if you knew how to take ‘no’ for an answer, I wouldn’t have to lie.”

Ken is very careful with his tone, making certain not to sound accusatory towards the little minion.

“I guess.” the child relents.

“So where is your mother?”

“I think she said she was running to the store to get some dinner.”

“I need to talk to her about Lucy. Shit!”

“You said the brown wor… what about Aunt Lucy?”

“Yeah. I have to wrestle her this week.”

“Just don’t hurt her, like how you didn’t hurt Uncle Mac.”

‘That’s right,’ Ken suddenly remembered having this conversation with Adina before. He still wanted to talk to his wife, but he knew how that conversation would go anyway. Although there might be someone else he could talk to.

“Hey, is Chloe home by chance?”

“Hold on, Imma gonna check for ya.”

“Well, at least the kid was help…’

“CHLOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEE Adina screams at the top of her lungs.

“I could have done that,” Ken says flatly.

“But cha didn’t.”

The heavy steps of an hyperactive 19 year old come pounding down the stairs, a sound familiar to almost any parent who’s ever had children, can be heard from upstairs. It’s still something that Ken is getting used to. It’s like five Adina’s rampaging down the stairs at once.

“What’s up, squirt?”

“Daddy wanted to talk to you.”

“If this is about that trying to chuck you out of the Massive Melee thing, I’m not apologizing. Every man for himself. Right?”

“No. It’s not about that at all. Have a seat. I need your advice on something.”


The hesitancy in Chloe’s voice tells Ken she has absolutely no idea what’s going on.

“So, d’you get Kyra pregnant yet?”

“No. Wait. What? No. That’s not what this is about.” Ken lets out a sigh of exasperation. “What’s with you all focusing on that?”

“Saw the test in the garbage. I wasn’t about to touch that after Kyra pissed on it.”

“Ew,” the small, almost forgotten voice pipes up.

“I know. Kyra’s got baby fever. But, no. That’s not it.”

“Then what is it? I’m not your therapist, so I would really rather not sit here for an hour.”

“I’ve got a match against Kyra’s sister.”

“And? Beat her ass, that’s what you’re supposed to do. Right?”

“Yeah. But it’s, you know, my sister in law.”

“Who gives a sh… deuce.” Chloe looks down at Adina before carrying on. “Sorry, small fry. Almost said the brown word.”

Chloe sits up straight and looks back to Ken.

“Anyway, what does it matter if she’s your sister-in-law? She isn’t special. She’s not some beautiful and unique snowflake. We’re all the same decaying organic matter as everything and everyone else is. We’re all part of the same compost heap.”

“Both beautiful and morbid, valid either way.”

“Point is, when the bell rings, she’s just another opponent. If you don’t understand that, you’re in the wrong line of work.”

“And what about Kyra?”

“What about her? Same point applies. She knows that you are not your job. You’re not how much money you have in the bank. You are not the car you drive. You’re not the contents of your wallet. You are not your fucking wrestling tights. You wouldn’t go out on the street and attack Lucy. Kyra won’t forgive because there is no sin to forgive. She understands that.”

“I don’t know all thems words, but Chloe’s right. Aunt Lucy and Mama know why you gotsta do this.”

“I swear, the six year old knows more than you do. How can you be so socially retarded?”

“You can’t call him that!” Adina says with a sense of surprise.

“She’s right, honey. The word retarded means that someone isn’t at the level of development for their age. Because you mother is only my second relationship, I lack a lot of knowledge about this sort of stuff. It’s not okay to call someone that if you are using it as an insult. I’d rather you not use it at all until you are old enough to know when it’s an appropriate word.”

“Oh. Okay.”

“Thank you, baby girl.”

“We good? Can I go now?”

“Hold on,” Ken says, taking another sip of his coffee. “Have you heard Kyra say anything about the Coopera…”

Chloe cuts Ken off.

“Save the woe is me bullcrap. She hasn’t said a damned word about it. I haven’t even heard her talk about winning the Melee. The only things she’s said to me were “Good job,” before she asked me to take Adina back to the hotel and the whole getting knocked up thing. She’s got it bad, bro.”

“You sure?”

“Dude, you’re the one obsessing over it. Besides, you’ve got a Conquest Championship match. It’s not like you’re not being recognized.”

“It’s not about that.”

“You feel like the world is falling down around you because you and Kyra didn’t make history. Boo frickity hoo. If I learned one thing when my dad died, it is that only after a disaster can we be resurrected. It’s only after you’ve lost everything that you’re free to do anything. Nothing is static. Everything is evolving. I don’t want to be that guy, but I lost my father. You lost a title. If I can get on with my life, so can you.”

“She’s right,” Adina whispers. All Ken can do is nod in agreement.

“If you don’t know what you want,” Chloes says, “you end up with a lot you don’t. Maybe you need to remember who you were, the “Godly” Ken Davison that Kyra fell in love with. He knew what he wanted.”

“That’s some Mr. Miyagi shit right there.”

“Mr. Who? Is that a chinese place or something?”

Ken sighs, suddenly feeling really old.

“Nevermind. Thanks for the pep talk.”

“Don’t mention it.”


“I’m serious. If I have to listen to Kyra talk about getting pregnant anymore… ugh! I don’t want to picture the two of you bumping uglies.”

Ken lets out a bit of a chuckle.

“It’s fine. We wait until you go to bed anyway. Mama’s a screamer.”

Chloe audibly groans and heads back up stairs.

“My work here is done,” Ken says with a smile as he looks down to the tiny human. “Want to go to the park for a little bit?”


“Go grab a granola bar to snack on before we go and I’ll grab a couple of bottles of water.”

Adine scampers off and Ken finishes off his coffee, feeling a bit better about his upcoming match.

”Godly” Ken Davison stands against a black backdrop, head turned to the right, seeming to stare at something off screen. There are none robes, no tinted sunglasses, no wife and child causing havoc in the background. The camera pulls back, widening the Ken looking at his reflection. The face in the reflection.

“What’s this all about? Who do you think you are?”

Through the magic of special effects, the reflection moves independently of Ken.

“Who the hell am I? Who the hell do you think you are? You think I owe you an apology? I don’t owe you a Kendamned thing. I am tired of trying to please everybody and the bullshit stops right now.”

The reflection makes a face, somewhere between pleading and anger.

“Now my wife, Kyra, she went out and won that Massive Melee key. She did what she had to do and now it’s time for me to do what I have to do and that begins with doing what I should have done against Rogan and that is capture the Conquest Championship.”

The reflection shakes its head left and right, indicating that it doesn’t agree with actual Ken’s assessment.

“I have spent the last year and a half breaking my back day after day after day trying to build a reputation. I showed up when I was sick. I showed up when my father died. I have shown up here week in and week out, ready to do whatever was needed of me. Nobody, and I mean nobody, is going to force me into the background. My wife, she deserves the spotlight. That does not mean that I can’t have a spotlight of my own. ”

“Yeah, I know what you’re talking about. You’re talking about your sister-in-law, the Conquest Champion, Lucy Wylde.” Is that what this is really all about, Ken? Isn’t this about how you feel that you need a title to feel important?”

Ken points his finger at the reflection accusingly.

“How stupid are you? Do you really think that’s what this is about? You think I give a damn about a strap of leather with a piece of tin attached to it? This is real life.”

“Real life is admitting that your entire career in UGWC has been about chasing and keeping the Cooperative Championships. Isn’t that nothing more than a “strap of leather with a piece of tin attached to it?”

“That was about leaving a legacy. That was about a bond with my wife. This is more than that. This is my life. This is my reputation, my respect, my dignity. I don’t want you to misunderstand me. I am going to tell you exactly what I am going to do and that is to take the Conquest Championship of Lucy Wylde not because I need to be a champion, but because I’m no longer going to squander the opportunities given to me. ”

“Let me tell you,”

“No. You listen to me for a second. You can call me whatever you want. I don’t care if you call me “Godly”. I don’t care if you call me half of the Baltimore Elite. Hell, I don’t care if you call me Mr. Johnson. I don’t give a shit because when I am done, you will recognize me as one of the greatest wrestlers that this company has ever seen.”

“Let me tell you what I’m going to do…”

“Nothing,” Ken says as he punches the mirror, shattering it and bloodying his hand. He looks down at it, but doesn’t bother to take the shards of glass out of his knuckles. He turns to the camera, which moves so that he is the center.

“Lucy, I’m not going to lie, this is not the match I wanted this week. But like the Rolling Stones say,“You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you’ll find you get what you need.” and this match, I need it.”

Ken stops dead in his tracks.

“I need it because I let Kyra down. I’m thankful for all the fans that followed us from Carnage as well as the fans that rallied behind us once we joined the Coalition. I was hoping to reach eight title defenses, something that has never been done in this company. I am proud of what the Baltimore Elite has done, and we aren’t done yet, but it is time that we become more than just a great tag team. That is why I need this match. That is why I have to beat you, Lucy.”

“When your sister and I walked into this company, we were a couple of underdogs. People knew exactly two things about us. One, we came in from the scorched ruins of Carnage Wrestling and two, Incendium beat us when we met at that crossover event. I was good with being the underdog. In fact, I am still good with being an underdog. You know why, Lucy? Because an underdog is a hungry dog. I remember my boy Dorian, God rest his soul, was a huge, I mean HUGE Philadelphia Eagles fan, told me about his quote that they had hanging in their locker room. “Hungry dogs run faster.” You will tell you know, that you can be Kendamned certain that I’m not just hungry. I’m starving.”

Ken looks down at his bloody hand, smiling at the sight of it.

“I didn’t ask for the opportunity, but I am thankful for it. I understand that because of what you’ve done here, Lucy, people are expecting you to win. But the thing about opportunities like this is that great moments are born from them. One match. All I need is to win this one match. If I wrestled you ten times, you might win nine of those… might being the operative word. But not this one, not this match, not this Synergy. This isn’t going to be the night that I hang with greatness. This isn’t going to be the night where I fall short. This is going to be the night that I defeat you. This is the night I shut you down. I was born to do this. Every match I’ve had up to this point has brought me here. It’s over. I’m sick and tired of hearing about what a great wrestler you are. Screw ’em. Screw each and every one of my naysayers. This is my time and I am going to go out there and take it.”

Ken kicks some of the debris from the shattered mirror, creating a loud crunching sound beneath his boot. That is the last thing that is heard before the video cuts out.