Ken Davison is on top of the world. Why wouldn’t he be? Last week was literally the greatest week of his life. In winning the Conquest Championship, he had exercised the losses to the previous Conquest Champions he had faced, Lucy Wilde, Rogan MacLean, and the man he defeated for the Conquest Championship, Travis Pierce. Everything’s coming up Ken.

Right now, he is sitting downstairs in his studio, sitting in between the camera and the plain black curtain that he traditionally uses as a backdrop. Conspicuous by their absence are either the Sin City Wrestling or United Global Wrestling Coalition logos that usually hang there. Today he has elected for an orange long sleeve button up shirt and black tie, eschewing both his usual casual look or ring gear.

“Hey, kid… I don’t know what I’m doing. Maybe I’m being stupid, but by the time you see this, you’ll have figured out how stupid I am anyway.”

Ken takes in a deep breath and lets out a sigh, scratching the back of his neck as he thinks of what to say.

“At this point, we don’t even know if you’ll be a boy or a girl and I mean, I can’t wait to find out. I guess with all the health scares I’ve had, I wanted to make sure you know about me and know how excited I am. Your mom and I, we’re both pro wrestlers. Right now, I’m a champion, which is really cool. When I was getting ready for the match where I won this, I completely forgot that the match was for the championship. I was THAT excited.”

Ken folds his hands over his mouth, the part of his face you can see relays his feeling of disbelief.

“Before you came along, I did a lot, I mean a metric ton, of selfish things. Then your mom came along… when we got together, she and I were both hurting, we both had a lot of baggage, but thank God our baggage matches. It took time, but you know I earned her trust, then I earned her love, then, she allowed me to meet your sister, Adina. Let me tell you now, your sister is a little hellion, and I don’t know if you are going to see this fifteen, twenty, thirty years from now, but I don’t expect that to ever change.”

“I’m just… I don’t know what else to say right now. It’s so fresh and so new. I guess, I just want you to know that you, your mother and your sister are the best things that have ever happened to me.” Ken pauses just long enough to take another deep breath while wiping away a tear. “I have never wanted anything in life more than to be a father. So, thank you. Thank you for giving me that chance. I love you.”

“Awwwwwwwwwww,” Ken hears from behind him. He doesn’t get the chance to turn around as Kyra wraps her arms around him. “I love this.”

Tears silently roll down Kyra’s face. Seeing Kyra be more emotional, it’s something Ken has been adjusting to. Kyra’s been a little more emotional lately and Ken greatly appreciated it.

“Hey, mama,” he says and he leans his head back onto Kyra’s shoulder. “When did you come down here?”

“While you were getting set up. I didn’t know what the hell you were doing all dressed up like this.”

“It was supposed to be a surprise.”

“It is and I think it’s just about the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen.”

Ken turns around and pulls Kyra in, kissing her passionately.

“I know we’ve got one on the way, but you wanna start practicing for next time?”

“One thing,” Kyra says, tilting her head towards the camera. “I don’t think we’re going to want the kid to see this.”

Ken lets Kyra go and she slides away, keeping hand to hand contact with her husband as long as possible. When she finally separates, she steps behind the camera and cuts the power with Ken smiling uncontrollably as the last image it picks up.

“Godly” Ken Davison sits in front of the same black backdrop, now with the UGWC hanging as it should be. His priest robes hug his sides snugly, being held in place by the UGWC Conquest Championship. His tinted glasses and collar are a shade of green that matches the logo hanging behind him.

“I’ve had singles opportunity after singles opportunity after singles opportunity where I came up short. I looked. Three times I’ve had the opportunity to try to capture the UGWC Conquest Championship and each and every time, I fell short. That is until last week. Last week, I was finally able to break through that glass ceiling. It was a ceiling that I had placed there myself by allowing the pressure I was putting on myself to hinder who I am and what I do. I did the same thing when I entered the Global Challenge. It showed in my second match against Dave Rydell. Right now, there’s two ways you can look at this. It is two sides of the same coin. If I can defeat you by submission, Vespertine, I can lock down my block. I can make it so next week doesn’t even matter. Some people can’t handle that kind of pressure. If I’m being honest, if I had realized that last week the Conquest Championship was also on the line, I might not have been able to handle that pressure.”

Ken folds his hands in front of his face. His facial expression softens and his eyes glaze over.

“If I wasn’t so caught up in the moment and actually edited my promo before sending it in last week, then the cat probably wouldn’t be out of the bag yet. Finding out that Kyra is pregnant brought me back to the time two and a half years ago. Two and a half years ago was when I believe Kyra and I first started falling in love. I don’t think either of us realized it at the time. To be honest, I don’t know how many people here know the story. if I’m being honest with you, I don’t care who knows the story. I’m going to tell it anyway. Kyra and I had just come together professionally. We were riding a wave of momentum that two people in Carnage wrestling had never experienced at the same time. She was in the midst of one of the greatest Ultraviolent Championship reigns that the company had ever seen. I had just become Carnage Wrestling World Champion. The Stars aligned in such a way that I was given a match against her ex-fiance. I was given a match against the man who decided that it would be a good idea to abandon her for two months. When it comes to relationships, I’m not the brightest bulb in the bunch. I just happen to look out and find my person. but even I know that abandoning someone for that length of time is not how you maintain a relationship.”

“So here I am at Chaos 100, I think it is one of the most important shows in the history of Carnage Wrestling, certainly one of the most important shows in my career. At that point in my career I had been wrestling for 23 years. That is 23 years that I wrestled with a chip on my shoulder. 23 years that I wrestled for no other reason than my own personal gain. At Chaos 100, against the man who was the longest reigning heavyweight champion in that company, I did things to that man that would have landed me in jail outside of the confines of that match. I did it with a smile on my face. I took a screwdriver and dug it so deep into his arm that when I stabbed him I could feel metal on bone. I made his daughter, who was standing on the outside of the ring, throw in a towel to save his sad, pathetic ass. I did that, and for the first time in 23 years, I did it for someone else. I didn’t know then what I know now about Kyra and I, but I should have. The fact that she meant that much to me that I was willing to attempt murder for all the wrongs committed against her by that man, should have told me.”

The tears in his eyes finally begin to fall.

“Now, I’m reminded of that moment because I’m not doing this for myself. I have a more important reason to try to climb the ladder. I no longer have the burden of pressure weighing me down. I have done what I knew I was capable of doing from day one. “

“I think we can all agree that I’ve talked about myself enough for now. I need to address you, Vespertine. We’ve done this before, although with another dance partner. You were the one who not only won that match, but you pinned me in order to do so. I suppose that might be why I was so confused that Travis Pierce said that many insiders had picked me to win this block. He’s beaten me. You’ve beaten me. Holden has beaten me, Going into this I was writing a pretty lengthy losing streak. I guess he saw something that I didn’t see myself. Because this has been about righting the wrongs of my past, I have to defeat you. I know the competitor that you are, but you are no “Godly” Ken Davison. I am coming into this match more motivated than I have been in a long, long time. Knowing my record prior to this event, I would be a fool to believe that just because of your record that you aren’t a threat. The difference between you and I is that you are a threat, while I am a Kendamned promise.”

Ken finally wipes the tears from his face, giving the camera a genuine smile as the feed cuts out.