Synergy #250
May 7th 2018

”And so… Ms. Wylde… I told you earlier tonight that you were foolish to ignore my threat. It appears you, especially, have forgotten who I am and what I am capable of…” Gabriel says as the camera continues to pan down. And suddenly, the crowd begin to murmur… And Lucy Wylde’s eyes open wide and almost pop out on stalks. The chain is revealed to be locked around the ankle of Rogan MacLean.

”You have been weighed, measured… And the author of your demise… The end of your Championship reign… Has been self-appointed… Please allow me…” Gabriel says as he hoists Rogan up to his feet and the weary and beaten MacLean manages to stand, his back facing a drop of eight or nine feet to concrete below. Gabriel turns on the spot and connects with Rogan’s Jaw – an impactful Catatonia. The crowd heave a collective breath, as the initial fear is for that almost nine foot drop – and then the chain snaps into position, and Rogan’s momentum is halted. The chain tightens around the ankle and an horrific pop signals the dislocation of his foot from the ankle.

There’s a momentary scream of agony, but the chain forces Rogan to swing hard, back-first against the concrete wall. The loud thud of his skull connecting with the concrete silences his wails. Gabriel makes his way down the stairs and finds himself with Rogan hanging a couple of feet above the ground, a steady trickle of blood dripping and pooling beneath him.

”… To introduce myself.”

He says, as he smiles standing, and leaving Rogan to hang from his dislocated ankle.


May 2nd 2023

It’s no real secret that Rogan’s ankle had bothered him more and more over the years. The same ankle that Gabriel Baal had dislocated in his pursuit of Lucy’s world championship – and the dismantlement of any and all of Lucy’s allies. Rogan had kept going on it, never trying to show the pain he’d been in, but Lucy saw it. Day in and day out the Dark Man struggled with it and now that he’s not wrestling full time anymore – Lucy could easily see it hadn’t gotten any better.

And while Rogan told her that it wasn’t her fault, Lucy still felt responsible for all of it. She had, in Gabriel’s words, been foolish enough to ignore his threats and Rogan, Jace and Maggie had all fallen victim to that threat before Lucy herself had.

It’s taken her a long time to accept that Gabriel held his own fault for his actions, but each time she saw Jace, or watched Rogan struggle to walk without limping – that guilt punched her in the gut all over again.

Today was no different. Five years removed, and a lot of changes later – Lucy watched Rogan limping around their apartment and that familiar pang of guilt gut punched her all over again.


“Yeah, Lass?” He replied, taking a glance over at her from across the room.

Lucy stole another glance down at his ankle before looking up to meet his eyeline. “I really do think you should go get that checked out.”

The look on Rogan’s face at the suggestion tells the entire story – They’d spoken about this multiple times in the past and each time, the Dark Man dug his heels into the dirt and proved to be even more stubborn than Lucy had ever thought.

He sighed. “Haven’t we been through this before?”

Lucy sighed right back. “Yes we have, and you’re no closer to–”

“You’re right, I’m not.”

He turned away and continued what he was doing in the kitchen.

Lucy rolled her eyes. Why?”

Rogan returns to the room with a drink in his hand and an annoyed expression on his face. He stops for a moment, a flash of discomfort crosses his features before he sits down across from Lucy. “Because, it is what it is now. I don’t need anyone else to tell me that.”

But Lucy wasn’t going to back down. She leaned forward in her seat and crossed her arms over her chest.

“Rogan, you don’t know that! What if there is something they can–”

“So what? So I can return to UGWC? That’s not going to happen.”

Lucy was taken back by his tone of voice. They’ve had disagreements in the past, but he’s never been openly pugnacious towards her before. She shook her head.

“Yeah, I miss having you there… But that’s not why I’m trying to get you to–”

He interrupted her again. “Isn’t it though? Maybe I don’t want to return to wrestling right now.”

“Rogan, seriously?” Lucy replied, raising her voice. “I don’t care if you ever get back into the ring. I’m talking about YOU. It’s been bothering you for…”

“It’s been bothering me since Gabriel knocked me off that ledge, yeah, Lass. I know. And it healed up as best it could, so now I’m stuck with this for the rest of my life.” He spat back, shaking his head in turn.

Lucy had to stop herself before she escalated things even further. She got up to her feet and began pacing around the room, stopping ever so often to stare out the window. In one of those still moments, she turned back to him, planting her hands firmly on her hips.

“You’re in pain, Rogan. Constantly. I mean look at you right now. You’re snapping at me and I’m trying to fucking help you.”

Rogan lowered his head, and Lucy approached him, lowering herself down to his level – placing her hand beneath his chin and bringing his eyes up to hers.

“I just want you to try. Let’s see if there’s anything they can do, whether it be a corrective surgery or anything else. It doesn’t hurt to see what they say, and if we can do something to help you… I just want you to be happy and able to do whatever you want to do without the struggle.”

He didn’t respond right away, just letting Lucy run her fingertips along his jawline. After a few seconds, Lucy’s expression relaxed and a soft smile played across her lips.

“Besides…. There’s no fate but what we make, right?”

There was a difference in tone that Rogan picked up on immediately. He watched her curiously, watching her get up and move back to where she’d been sitting – picking up a stack of papers that she brought over to him.

He took them and read them, and when he looked back up at her, the surprise on his face was obvious.


Lucy nodded her head. “Absolutely. There’s no telling what the future holds for us, Rogan, but that… That gives us the freedom to do whatever we wanna do, regardless.”

The Dark Man sat and stared at the papers for a few minutes, a thoughtful look on his face while Lucy watched on, nervously. Finally, Rogan looked up at her, nodding his head.

“Let’s see if we can get this ankle fixed up, yeah?”

Lucy smiled and hugged him. “Thank you.”

Rogan wrapped his arms around her and pulled her onto the chair with him.

“Nah, thank you, Lass, for looking out for me.”

Lucy blushed.

“I do my best. But hey… while I have your undivided attention…”

Rogan chuckled.

“You always have that. But what’s going on?”

“Seb needs our help.”

Rogan nodded. “Whatever he needs, let’s do it.”


Undisclosed Date

Everyone else had long since returned to where they’d come from, leaving Rogan and Lucy sat together within the Palaver Waystation; the only sound is the crackling of the fire as it burns in front of them.

The entire evening had truly been fun and as she sat with Rogan’s arm around her, Lucy felt like her life had finally come full circle. She was content in ways that she hadn’t ever believed she’d feel and she was happier than she ever thought she deserved to be.

“Thank you.” Lucy finally broke the silence, stealing a glance over at Rogan as his eyes danced over the fire.

He shrugged his shoulders. “You act as if I got nothing out of this.”

Lucy chuckled.

“Oh no, you got an evening full of stories.. You’re in heaven.”

“You know me too well, Lass.”

He leaned in and kissed her softly on the cheek as silence took over the desert once more. They sat there for a while, taking in the ambiance. After a while, Lucy let out a soft sigh as she leaned forward and added another piece of wood to the fire.

“Earlier, Seb told me that we both needed to go out and win it all.”

“Sounds like a good plan.” Rogan added, leaning forward as well.

“I mean it does. But.. What do you think my chances are, honestly?”

She takes another look over at Rogan, and the thoughtful slash confused look plastered on his face. She laughs at herself and shakes her head knowing that it does sound a little crazy, but also, the question feels legitimate in her mind.

“Your chances are as good as they have always been, Lass.”

“Yeah. You’re right. But.. It just feels different this time around.”

Rogan nods his head. “Perhaps it’s because of what you showed me the other day.”


Lucy laid her head on Rogan’s shoulder and Rogan could sense the uncertainty within the Dark Lady. He pulled her closer and squeezed.

“Listen here, Lass. You know that no matter what happens, you’re going to be able to walk out of there happy. So don’t overthink it.”

She turns her head to look at him from where her head is perched on his shoulder.

“I know. But I feel like… It’s frustrating to be looking at what’s coming knowing why it’s the way it is. It’s just been nagging at me, wondering if I’d have lost to Ken if Montague wouldn’t have done what he did.”

“Don’t let that take your mind off of what you are there to do. That’s exactly what he wants.”

Lucy closed her eyes and nodded. Rogan simply smiled and laid his head on hers.

“I know, you’re wondering why I’m always right about everything. It’s a gift.”

A laugh erupted from Lucy as she sat up and lightly smacked his arm.

“Jerk.  But hey, I was right about–”

Rogan put a finger up to Lucy’s mouth, shushing her.  “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Lass.”


What is there to say?

At this point, I don’t really know of anything else I can say… Or really, anything I really want to say anymore. Specifically, right here, right now… looking down the barrel at this match… Another match that shouldn’t be.. But because our creative director gets the absolute best blowjobs from some lowbrow, eyeliner spamming dickhead… Here we are.

I’m not bitter though.

Not at all.

Expecting the absolute least has become par for the course around here, especially since the powers that be decided that Daedalus was the best choice for the job. But hey, fair play to you fucks… If you’ve got the power, why not use it to give Montague Cervantes two unearned world title shots within the last five months.

You know what the kicker is though? Montague Cervantes should be able to earn them on his own, yet chooses to live off of charity to achieve anything. Shit like this is why Konrad Raab is such a fucking moron. But since Seb and I are currently in similar situations – I’ve gotta assume that Monty and Daedalus subscribe to the ‘Burned in Idiocy’ newsletter.

Seb has single handedly made that Chaos title mean something. The UGWC world title means something too – And that’s why we pursue it. That’s why most of us are here, doing what we do week in and week out. I know my words fall on deaf ears, but what the fuck is the point if you don’t EARN what you have? What satisfaction is there in being given title shots?

You think you’re entitled to this, Montague. But in reality, you’re desperate. You fought me in my first defense and you reeked of desperation back then too. In the off chance that you would have actually beaten me, you’d have felt like you’d have actually accomplished something. But you didn’t and you proved my point beautifully. But it doesn’t matter.

It really doesn’t.

Just like it doesn’t matter now. You weaseled your way into this match by costing me my world title against Ken. Good work. But don’t think that Ken or myself forget that you cost the both of us a true conclusion to that match. I can’t speak for Ken, but I know that I’m going to cost you, dearly, Montague.

And the joy I’ll feel when I get to watch you fail, yet again… It knows no bounds.
Because, whether you believe it or not.. You’re all alone now, Montague. Where at one point in time, you were securely hidden in the shadow that Tempest casted over you… Now you’ve been thrust into the spotlight, and while you think that’s where you’re going to shine like the star you are… You’re just going to burn out.

But I think that’s enough.


I didn’t forget about you. How could I? You’re standing where I was not too long ago, albeit you’re not there because you beat me. You’re there because Montague helped you. And that’s not saying that you can’t best me on your own. That’s just saying that you’re yet to beat me… On your own.

Does it bother you?

I mean, since you became world champ, I haven’t really heard much from you. Kinda disappointing, really. I don’t envy your position, though. But I’m more than willing to rectify it – That is if we can ensure that we wind up in that one on one that we should have gotten the first time around.

But hey, before I move on.. I’d like to let you in on a little secret. Last time around, you told me that you did something that I couldn’t… That you ran the gauntlet.. You earned your world title shot by successfully defending that Conquest title five times. I know you’ve got a lot going on in your personal life, Ken but how dare you.

Tempest may have chosen me as his Horizons opponent, but God damnit I’m THE bitch that ran that gauntlet before you ever had the fucking chance. I’d of had that shot, regardless. I’d of beaten that motherfuckers ass… REGARDLESS.

I have that belt just as much meaning as you did. And I damn sure plan on giving that world title more meaning than you EVER could. No disrespect intended, but this isn’t your time. This isn’t even your place, and I think you know it. Your place is with Kyra, with your family – And there ain’t a damn thing wrong with that. But don’t stand up and tell me that you respect me in one breath and tell me that I’m riding the coattails of  ‘a delusional Steven King fever dream that Rogan MacLean is having’. That’s not respect Ken, that’s grasping for whatever low-hanging fruit you can reach.

You’re not the first uninspired motherfucker to attack me and my choices and I’m sure you won’t be the last.

I just expected more out of you.

Hell, I still do. Which is why I won’t hold it against you when I step into the ring with you come Monday. But just know, if you thought the last two times we fought were tough… Honey, you have no fucking idea.  

Polish her up, Ken because I’m coming back for her and I’m leaving a four time UGWC World Champion.
And if not?

Well.. We’ll just wait to find out.