(OOC – In order to understand everything that’s going on, you might wanna read JC’s RP ‘Eyeless’ before mine to get the full effect.)

I’m tired. Actually, I think it’s more than that. I’m weary, I’m worried.. But most of all I’m just plain exhausted.

I’m Lucy, by the way.

Sorry I never got the chance to stop by before now and say hello, and, you know let you all know that I’d be the one walking into ‘Golden Intentions’ and winning your little rumble. Life gets in the way sometimes. Actually, let me rephrase that. Life just happens. It doesn’t get in the way. That statement insinuates that my life inconveniences me, when in reality aspects of my life are the only reason I choose to keep going everyday.

If any of you know who I am, then you already know or you could probably figure out that one of those aspects is a man named JC, who’s also coming over to compete in this little rumble. But I’ll get to that later.


I’m not going to mince words here, Joe got hurt a few weeks ago at Chaos and everything including this rumble match went on the back burner. Hell it still would be on the back burner if he weren’t doing better.

But… don’t take my willingness to give no shits about any of you, or your rumble for fear of not being able to win such a match. I’ll give a lot of you the benefit of the doubt because I’m sure you didn’t really take the time to do any research on who is actually going to be fighting you in this match. To be fair, I didn’t either.

Not to sound cliche’ though… I don’t really need to. You see, because I’m me and all of you? Without knowing most of you, I can confidently say that none of you could even lace my boots on your best day. Joe’s another story, but like I said, we’ll get to him later.

I know, you guys are sitting here watching this giggling to yourselves, thinking that I’m yet another stupid bitch with a God complex who’ll come in here with illusions of grandeur just to fail. And yeah, I might fail. I mean my track record in these kinds of matches isn’t the best, but then again I came from UGWC and come on… Go, take a look at some of the battles I fought and lost in UGWC.. I’ll wait.

Oh, you’re not going to, are you?

Christ. ANYWAY. Suffice it to say, compared to some of the people I’ve fought could fuck any and all of you up in their sleep. So I might lose. But I’m not going to lose sleep over it. BUT, I’m not here to talk about my chances of losing. No, I’m here to talk about why I’m going to walk in and win. I’m here to discuss with you why you’re looking at the woman who’s going to waltz her happy ass right into your beloved CWF and TAKE that World Championship for my own.

I’m good at what I do. I’m damn good. But I know saying that isn’t going to make any of you believe it. And that’s why I’m here. I’m here to have fun but most importantly.. I’m here to show each and everyone of you HOW. IT’S. DONE.


Date May 27th 2019 / Time 4:01PM / Status Not Recording
Location The Wylde/Lee Residence – New York City, New York

“You’re fucking stubborn, you know that?”

I say, turning away from Joe and walking towards the kitchen. These last few days have been trying, to say the least and I’m absolutely certain they’ve been even more difficult for him. But Joe’s not the type of person to take charity. He’s not the type of person to just lay around and let someone take care of him.

“You’ve known this for a long time.”

I scoff and continue into the kitchen to do exactly what he didn’t want me to ‘assist’ him with. I’m stubborn too.

“Yeah, yeah.. But you’ve done a lot to really cement that opinion lately.”


I ignore him for a few minutes, grabbing him a drink and bringing it back into the living room where he looks up at me from the couch with his good eye and sighs.


“I said I’d get it myself.”

“And I said it was no big deal, I was going to get myself something anyway.”

He looks down at my now empty hands and then back up into my eyes.

“You don’t look like you got anything for yourself.”

I roll my eyes and sit back down beside him, putting my legs up on the coffee table in front of us.

“I decided that I didn’t want anything.”



I say, turning my body to face him – glancing at the patch over his right eye, and when I do I feel the same feeling I felt the night it happened all over again, that pang of guilt, worry and pain deep down in the pit of my stomach. Seeing something so horrific happen to the person you love is absolutely terrifying. Seeing him covered in blood with shards of glass hanging out of his eye socket as they wheeled him out of the arena and to the ambulance… And now, seeing the aftermath of it all and not knowing whether or not he’ll have vision back in that eye or not.

It fucking hurts.

That’s why I’m so frustrated. I want to help him. I want to make sure he’s taken care of because I love him. Not because he’s some charity case that I feel sorry for. I don’t pity him. I pity the son of a bitch that did this to him because that bastard has no idea what hell is going to be coming for him when either Joe or I get a hold of his ass.

“Joe… Bullshit is you not letting me help you.”

“I’m not crippled Luce.”

“No, but you are hurt. And I love you. I hate seeing you like this and anything I can do to make your life a little God damned easier while you’re healing… I want to do it! Do you understand that? What if it were me? What if I were the one dealing with this?”

I ask, trying not to raise my voice because I don’t really want this to turn into an argument. He sighs and shakes his head, leaning back and closing his eye.

“It’s not you though.”


I reach out and touch his arm.

“You’re dealing with a lot. But I’m here… you’ve supported me at my lowest and you’ve never given up on me or stopped trying to help me no matter how bad some of the shit we’ve dealt with was. That’s what this is about… You and me.. I know you can do shit on your own but you need to focus on getting better so you can go back to doing what you love. Let me help you, god damnit. Give up your bullheaded shit for just a little while and let me do some stuff for you.”

We have been through a lot. Even before he and I became an item.. Back when we were just friends.. I had a lot going on with my family. It’s a long story but to shorten it a bit, my abusive, piece of shit father decided he wanted me dead so he tried to do that.. And Joe saved me. I say saved like he busted into that warehouse like batman or some shit and killed my father himself but it didn’t end up quite that way.

A few months later, I tried to end my own life and he saved me again. But this time he really did save me. Without him, I wouldn’t be here right now. Without his unwavering love for me, even before I knew he loved me… I wouldn’t be here to help him right now. I wouldn’t know what real happiness or what true love was.

To me, doing a few things for him while he’s recuperating is nothing compared to everything he’s done for me.

“Besides, as much as you’ve done for me…”

I tilt my head and trail off, hoping I don’t have to finish the sentence. He turns his head and just stares at me for a little while. I can see the anger in his eyes and the sadness buried deep down underneath it all. I move in closer and kiss his cheek.

“Everything I’ve done for you?”

He finally asks and I nod my head in response, wrapping my arms around him.

“Yes, Joe. You know what I’m talking about.”

He closes his eye and nods his head again.

“Fine. But I won’t like it.”

I grin and chuckle softly.

“You don’t have to like it. But thank you…”

He grunts and I feel his arm snake around my back, pulling me tightly to him.

“And now… I gotta figure out how I’m gonna get through this rumble.”

I say, snuggling up to him.

“Yeah, we do need to figure out a strategy.”

I nod my head and close my eyes..

Wait a minute.


I pull away from him and shake my head.

“Wait, what do you mean… We?”

“I’m not missing it, Luce.”

My eyes widen and I have to stop myself from smacking him.

What the fuck?

“Uh.. Yeah the fuck you are motherfucker. Have you seen yourself?”

“I’ll be fine.”

My jaw drops and I stare at him for a few moments, trying to figure out what the hell he’s thinking.

“Joe… I swear. You can’t. You have to heal up. We don’t even know if you will be able to see out of that eye yet and you wanna go get in the ring with three hundred other fucks who will see that patch and start circling like vultures?”

“Let em. I can handle it.”

It’s honestly amazing how I can go from relaxed and content to freaking the hell out within the span of a few seconds. I get it, I really do. He’s a fighter. He’s a damn good one at that. But I can’t handle the thought of someone making what that masked person did to him worse. I know deep down he doesn’t want his career to end at the hands of some idiot who can’t even show his true identity.

But he can’t really be thinking this is okay, is he?

I look at him again, and when I see the look on his face, I know he’s serious and that he wants to do this. I sigh and nod my head, knowing that I can’t stop him. I won’t stop him, even if that means that I’m going to spend the entire match making sure nothing else happens to him.

“I know you can… But…”


“You can’t handle me, and I’m going to be the one beating you.”

His eyebrow raises and I let my face relax into a small grin. I love him. Whether I agree with his decisions about his own career or not isn’t what’s important. He’s going to do what he wants anyway. Not because he doesn’t care.. But because he does. So instead of fighting him on this, I’m just going to support him, help him… and when it comes down to it… beat him.

At least I hope.

But there’s a part of me that wants to watch him win it for himself too…


And yeah, I’m gonna have my plate full at Golden Intentions. No doubt about it. I’ve got a man who’s there, and he probably shouldn’t be.

I know what you’re thinking though, why didn’t I just tell him that he couldn’t and that he needed to stay home. Well that’s easy. He’s his own person and I’m not about to stop him from something that he wants to do. I don’t control his life, and I know deep down that if he was as bad off as I honestly thought he was… He wouldn’t risk it. He wouldn’t risk making things worse if he honestly thought he couldn’t handle it.

I support my man.

And while we’re both in that rumble? I’ll be rocking anyone’s world who wants to even try to fuck with his injury. Yeah, I’m protective too. But don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to win this match for him.

Nope. He’ll do that himself. Like I said, he’s a damn good wrestler. Ya’ll will find that out soon enough.

But so the fuck am I.. And I have no intentions of handing anything over to him… or ANYONE.

I’m there to win.

Even if that means tossing my boyfriend over the top rope to do so.

That sounds heartless but if you knew us… you’d know that we don’t expect anything less from each other. I know he’s gonna be gunning for me too and if he happens to get one over on me.. That’s alright. We’ll still go home and we’ll still be just as in love as we were before this entire thing.

The rest of you though?

You ain’t gonna know what hit you.

But I do wanna touch on a few people specifically… The few people I actually know coming into this. The few people I’m most likely going to bee line for. First and foremost… Jack fucking Michaels. Carnage Wrestling World Champ. Leave it to you to toss your hat in the ring at the very last minute, after you see three other people from the federation you CLAIM you love sign up to represent.

It’s like your fucking thing though, isn’t it? Doing shit after you realize that other people might be showing you up and making you look like the shit champion that you already are.

I look forward to knocking your ass out of this match Jack. I really, really do. Please, when you get knocked out and you head back home… Tell your future wife the truth… that you’re just a fucking loser and that her sister was the one that made you realize the cold, hard truth.

Bryan Ford… You little bastard. It’s been months in the making and I know you’ve been making a real big show of acting like you don’t give a fuck about Joe and I.. but we know you care. We know you can’t get your loss to JC out of your head. We know you wanna toss us both out of this match just to show us once and for all that you’re NOT the little bitch that EVERYONE knows you are.

Guess what hun?

You ain’t shit. You never were shit. And beating up your poor daddy? You’re a fucking moron. I wish you had a father like mine, I wish you understood what being truly held back was like. But instead, you’re ungrateful for the good life I’m sure you had. I mean look at you.

You’re a spoiled fucking brat and you’re about to be taught a hard lesson.

Oh, one more thing. Jay Mora? Yeah, we don’t know each other but… Kyra should have picked you.

As for everyone else?

I’ll see you there. You’ll know me because I’ll be the only one left in the ring at the end of it. Sorry not sorry folks. It’s just the way its gotta be.