Date March 27th 2020 / Time8:48PM / Status Not Recording
Location The Johnson Residence – Baltimore, Maryland


I say, nodding my head while pacing around in front of the window here, looking out at the Inner Harbor. It being so empty, especially on a friday… It’s just weird. This entire situation is a mess, and it’s exactly why I’ve been in Baltimore all week, and Jack’s daughter Amber (Michaels) has been back in Vegas with Adina.

“I hate asking so much of you Amber, but I truly do appreciate it.”

“I know, Kyra and I really don’t mind. This has been a crazy time for everyone.”

I roll my eyes.

“You’re not kidding… Have you heard from your dad?”

I hear Adina scream in the background, followed by laughter.

“Adina! What are you doing?!”

I hear her respond, but I can’t quite make out what Adina’s saying. She is my child after all… And God only knows what she’s gotten herself into. Finally I hear her running up to where Amber is (I’m assuming) and hear her ask if it’s me on the phone.

“Yeah, it’s mommy.. You wanna talk to her?”

I chuckle and think about last night… When her father visited me. I almost wish I’d of called her then, and let him talk to her.. But I’m still unsure.


“Hey baby girl, are you being good?”

A small pause ensues, which only tells me that she’s been a little shit while I’ve been gone.

“Uh..huh. I been good mommy.”

“Something tells me you’re being ornery. You gotta be good for Amber until Mommy can get back home, okay?”

“I have been!”

I sigh and shake my head.

“So if I ask Amber… Will she say you’ve been good?”

Dead silence.

Adina Claire…”

“I gon’ go play now mommy… BYE!!!”

I hear the phone fall and those little footsteps running away.

“Sorry about that…”

Amber says finally, sighing.

“Don’t worry about it. It’s like I said, I appreciate you watching her while I’m stuck out here – and trust me, I know she’s a handful sometimes. I just hope she hasn’t been too bad.”

“No, she’s been fine for the most part. I just think being stuck in the house is making us all a little crazy.”

Bringing myself back towards the couch, I sit down and put my feet up on the table.

“No kidding.”

“To answer your question though, haven’t heard from him today. Talked to him for a few minutes yesterday. You?”

Jack wasn’t very happy to know that JD was going to be visiting me while I’m here in Baltimore, but like I told him, JD is Adina’s father and I really feel like I need to give him the benefit of the doubt, regardless of how he’s been in the past.

It’s not that Jack hasn’t been a wonderful father figure for Adina, and I know he’ll continue to be that for her… but if there’s a chance that JD can get his shit together… I’d like Adina to be able to know him. I feel like that’s important. I didn’t have a real father figure, and neither did JD… I’d love for our daughter to have two…

“Same. Don’t take this the wrong way, but I feel like your father picks the worst times to go missing. And while I understand what he’s doing…”

“I understand, perfectly.”

Silence settles between us for the next few minutes, which gives me time to think about everything that’s going on lately. This virus. Jack and Amber (Ryan) preparing to face off… Jack officially adopting her, JD coming back, this entire thing going on with the Psycho Sisters… Trying to plan a wedding that I’m not even sure will be able to happen on the date I (finally) picked…

It’s a lot.

And Jack disappearing doesn’t exactly help.

“I’m glad you do.. But listen, I’m going to get off of here and try to find something for dinner. Are you two okay? Got everything you need in the house?”

“We’re fine. Don’t worry about us. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, Kyra.”

“Thank you again. Give Baby girl a kiss for me.”

“Will do. See ya.”


I hang up the phone and sigh. I wish I were home.

I wish everything were back to normal. Then again, what’s normal around here?

Truth be told, we all know why I’m in this match to begin with.

Danny Boy, you’re a bastard and even if it’s not me, I know you’re gonna get what’s coming to you for the shit you pulled the other week. But really? Real talk here, Danny… Who are you anyway? Some wayward soul that Ken picked up on the side of the street and tried to give some divine purpose to?

Oh come the fuck on.

You’re a piece of shit.

You think you’ve got purpose, but in reality that purpose isn’t divine, it isn’t great… It’s not even worthwhile. You’re only here with Ken because he wanted someone who could legitimately be his bitch because truth be told, Ken Davison needs to feel like he’s on top and you sweetie… Good Old Danny Kemp fits that bill perfectly.

Right Ken?

You’re not trying to lift Danny up, you’re not trying to help him become your equal. That would hurt your ego more than you can handle. I mean you’re already below the majority of us.. So it makes sense.

Truth hurts doesn’t it?

Sure, I lost to ZQ last week. I know I shouldn’t be standing here talking such a big game after that loss.. but then again, you know how that feels don’t you Ken?

I don’t know.

I wanna stand here and talk you down, and tell you that I’m going to bring holy hell to your doorstep for what you did to Amber… But something tells me Lil Miss Distorted Angel doesn’t need my help and that she’ll be bringing that fury upon you sooner or later.

For now?

I’ll just settle with kicking your ass around the ring a little and making sure Eli doesn’t lose his God Damned mind out there.

You two dumbasses fucked with the wrong group.

You fucked with the wrong people… But hey, you’ll find that out soon enough.. Won’t you?

OOC: CD RP coming soon to explain the whole JD piece of the story! Enjoy! I know it’s not much, but my mind hasn’t been on Rping lately! Hopefully that changes soon!